In order to run the game simply clone or download the repo and run the .exe file
The user can play through 8 levels, 3 of which are bosses. The player has access to 6 abilities and 1 life in order to clear the eight levels
Player movement is controlled by WASD. There are 5 abilities that the user can trigger by pressing q, e, r, lmb, rmb, and spacebar. The abilities each have a unique mechanic or trait, you'll notice them while playing.
The player's healthbar is the red in the bottom left, which decreases as the user takes damage and the players dies when the bar is empty. The player's manabar is below the healthbar and decreases as you use abilities while passively increasing every frame. Abilities take up mana and they can't be cast if the user doesn't have enough mana.
Have fun!