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Dual Supervised Autoencoder Based Trajectory Classification Using Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Information

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Framework Overview


Highlights of The Code ✨

  • Complete code support from preprocessing to results visualization. In particular, the preprocessing code is easy to migrate to other dataset.
  • Most of the code is commented with detail explanation.
  • The preprocessing support multi-process to speed up running time.
  • The large data such as recurrence plots are generated in hard disk using Pytables, rather than RAM, which saves a lot of memory.
  • The training support single GPU, multi-GPUs, multi-Nodes, and CPU.
  • All the experiments in tha paper can be run using the shell scripts we wrote.


Project File Structure

  • Extracted trajectories and labels from raw dataset & Generated handcrafted features and recurrence plots (RPs) are under ./data
  • Our main Dual-CSA network is under network_torch/.
  • network_variant/ includes the variants of our Dual-CSA.
  • ML_comparison/ includes the classical machine learning methods we used to compare.
  • network_comparison/ includes other competitive deep learning based methods, note that they are implemented using keras.
  • exp_scripts/ includes all shell scripts we used to conduct experiments.
  • keras_support_old/ is the implementations of our model using keras, note we will not maintain keras version of our model any more.
  • results/ all training and predict results will be saved at this place.
  • visualization_and_analysis/ includes python code to draw some charts of experimental results in the paper.

Detail Usage for Each File

  • Before running the code, please set the environment variable of results path in the terminal, for example:
$ results_path=./results/exp1
$ export RES_PATH=${results_path}
  • Please first run and to generate train & test trajectory and label .npy file under ./data/*_extracted.
  • is used to segment the trajectory and extract movement features (MFs) and auxiliary features (AFs) for train or test set. For example:
python ./ --trjs_path ./data/geolife_extracted/trjs_train.npy --labels_path ./data/geolife_extracted/labels_train.npy --seg_size 200 --data_type train --save_dir ./data/geolife_features

where seg_size is max number of points in a segment.

  • is used to generate RPs for feature segments generated above. For example:
python ./ --dim 3 --tau 8 --multi_feature_segs_path ./data/geolife_features/multi_feature_segs_train.npy --save_path ./data/geolife_features/multi_channel_RP_mats_train.h5

where dim is embedding dimension & tau is the time delay in phase space reconstruction.

  • is used to generate the predefined evenly-distributed class centroids using the code of paper A Classification Supervised Auto-Encoder Based on Predefined Evenly-Distributed Class Centroids. For example:
python ./ --save_dir ./data/geolife_features --dim 304

where dim is embedding dimension in latent space.

  • is the training code of our model, our network can be trained on GPU, CPU, multi-GPU and multi-Nodes, its detail usage are:
usage: [-h] --dataset DATASET [--network NETWORK]
                           [--results-path RESULTS_PATH]
                           [--RP-emb-dim RP_EMB_DIM] [--FS-emb-dim FS_EMB_DIM]
                           [--patience PATIENCE]
                           [--training-strategy TRAINING_STRATEGY]
                           [--no-save-model] [--visualize-emb VISUALIZE_EMB]
                           [--n-features N_FEATURES] [-j N]
                           [--pretrain-epochs N] [--joint-train-epochs N]
                           [-b N] [--wd W] [-p N] [--resume PATH] [-e]
                           [--pretrained] [--world-size WORLD_SIZE]
                           [--rank RANK] [--dist-url DIST_URL]
                           [--dist-backend DIST_BACKEND] [--seed SEED]
                           [--gpu GPU] [--multiprocessing-distributed]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset DATASET     geolife or SHL
  --network NETWORK     default is Dual_CSA, can be the variants: CSA-RP, CSA-
                        FS, and Dual-CA-Softmax
  --results-path RESULTS_PATH
                        path to save the training and predict results
  --RP-emb-dim RP_EMB_DIM
                        embedding dimension of RP autoencoder in latent space
  --FS-emb-dim FS_EMB_DIM
                        embedding dimension of FS autoencoder in latent space
  --patience PATIENCE   patience of early stop in joint training
  --training-strategy TRAINING_STRATEGY
                        can be: normal_training, normal_only_pretraining,
                        no_pre_joint_training, and only_joint_training
  --no-save-model       this flag will not save model
  --visualize-emb VISUALIZE_EMB
                        this flag will turn on save latent visualization
                        images every visualize_emb epochs
  --n-features N_FEATURES
                        number of MFs and AFs used, default 5
  -j N, --workers N     number of data loading workers (default: 4)
  --pretrain-epochs N   number of pretraining epochs to run
  --joint-train-epochs N
                        number of joint training epochs to run
  -b N, --batch-size N  mini-batch size (default: 256), this is the total
                        batch size of all GPUs on the current node when using
                        Data Parallel or Distributed Data Parallel
  --wd W, --weight-decay W
                        weight decay (default: 1e-4)
  -p N, --print-freq N  print frequency (default: 4)
  --resume PATH         path to latest checkpoint (default: none)
  -e, --evaluate        evaluate model on testation set
  --pretrained          use pre-trained model
  --world-size WORLD_SIZE
                        number of nodes for distributed training
  --rank RANK           node rank for distributed training
  --dist-url DIST_URL   url used to set up distributed training
  --dist-backend DIST_BACKEND
                        distributed backend
  --seed SEED           seed for initializing training.
  --gpu GPU             GPU id to use.
                        Use multi-processing distributed training to launch N
                        processes per node, which has N GPUs. This is the
                        fastest way to use PyTorch for either single node or
                        multi node data parallel training

Example usage for single nodes, one or multiple GPUs:

python --dataset SHL --results-path ./results/exp1  --RP-emb-dim 152 --FS-emb-dim 152 --patience 20 --dist-url tcp:// --dist-backend nccl --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 -b 230 

Example usage for multiple nodes:

  • Node 0:
python --dataset SHL --results-path ./results/exp1  --RP-emb-dim 152 --FS-emb-dim 152 --patience 20 --dist-url tcp:// --dist-backend nccl --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 2 --rank 0 -b 230
  • Node 1:
python --dataset SHL --results-path ./results/exp1  --RP-emb-dim 152 --FS-emb-dim 152 --patience 20 --dist-url tcp:// --dist-backend nccl --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 2 --rank 0 -b 230 

Example usage for CPU (Slow):

python --dataset SHL --results-path ./results/exp1  --RP-emb-dim 152 --FS-emb-dim 152 --patience 20 -b 230 

Use as a Pipeline Script

This is a shell script run under exp_scripts

cd ..
export RES_PATH=${results_path}
python ./ --trjs_path ./data/SHL_extracted/trjs_train.npy --labels_path ./data/SHL_extracted/labels_train.npy --seg_size 200 --data_type train --save_dir ./data/SHL_features
python ./ --trjs_path ./data/SHL_extracted/trjs_test.npy --labels_path ./data/SHL_extracted/labels_test.npy --seg_size 200 --data_type test --save_dir ./data/SHL_features
python ./ --dim 3 --tau 8 --multi_feature_segs_path ./data/SHL_features/multi_feature_segs_train.npy --save_path ./data/SHL_features/multi_channel_RP_mats_train.h5
python ./ --dim 3 --tau 8 --multi_feature_segs_path ./data/SHL_features/multi_feature_segs_test.npy --save_path ./data/SHL_features/multi_channel_RP_mats_test.h5
python ./ --save_dir ./data/SHL_features --dim 304
python --dataset ${dataset} --results-path ${results_path}  --RP-emb-dim 152 --FS-emb-dim 152 --patience 20 --dist-url tcp:// --dist-backend nccl --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 -b 230

Feel free to post issues if you have any questions. (English and Chinese 中文)


Dual Supervised Autoencoder Based Trajectory Classification Using Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Information






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