A bash script with the purpose to manage students that are from Erasmus. It will save all stored data in files, with the following format:
- University: saved in the main folder of the application;
- Students/Professors/Classes are saved in a folder with the University's Initials;
- Universities;
- Responsible Professors;
- Erasmus Students;
- Classes;
- Classes that students have when are in Erasmus;
- Saving all the current data to a compressed BZ2 file, in a backup folder;
- Remove a certain backup that are stored in the backup folder;
- Restore a previous backup, to ovewrite the old data;
You can simply save a backup of all data that are saved in that specific time.
This was made to the Operative System Class at Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal at a group of 3 people;
- 1.0 - Release;
- 1.1:
- Added an option to Change all the data from a certain Professor;
- Fixed a bug when it didn't check if the Student's Country is the same as the University's Country;
- Added an option to Restore a certain backup, which will overwrite the current data;
- Fixed some comments (in the future, will be in English);
- 1.2:
- If you don't have the backup folder, it will create instantly;
- Now it deletes the backup folder if it removes the last saved backup;