Java 8
Redis db:
see Redis Installation:
For simple check start Redis with $ redis-server. The server will listen on port 6379.
I used "Installing Redis more properly" section
config /etc/redis/6379.conf
sudo /etc/init.d/redis_6379 start
some redis-cli commands:
redis-cli save
redis-cli shutdown
redis-cli KEYS*
INFO keyspace
$ mvn clean package
edit or with local parameters
After loading the redis db start lookup service:
There are two different endpoints: http://localhost:8899/haw/{url} Takes a URL as parameter If URL contains special characters, they need to be encoded http://localhost:8899/haw/norm/{normurl} Takes a URL as parameter Accepts already normalized URLs, as contained in CDX files
Both endpoints return either a HTTP 200 or a HTTP 404 response code, depending on whether the URI is found in the BF or not.
LANL C22036