NChainlink a library made for Nethereum to help work with chainlink smart contract
using System;
using Nethereum.Web3;
using NChainlink;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
//Ethereum endpoint URL.
var web3 = new Web3("<key>");
//Pass web3 to chainlink to access Ethereum
var chainlink = new Chainlink(web3);
//Address of price feed oracle.
var pricefeed = chainlink.Pricefeed("0xDC530D9457755926550b59e8ECcdaE7624181557");
//Description, this address contract will return Token pair name.
var description = await pricefeed.GetDescriptionAsync();
//get all information about the last data.
var lastRoundData = await pricefeed.GetLatestRoundDataAsync();
//Show the last price.
Console.WriteLine($"Latest Price { lastRoundData.Answer} of { description }");
using System;
using Nethereum.Web3;
using Nethereum.ENS;
using NChainlink;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
//Ethereum endpoint URL.
var web3 = new Web3("");
//Create a Ens service;
var ensService = new ENSService(web3);
//Turn an Ens URL into contract address.
var address = await ensService.ResolveAddressAsync("");
//Pass web3 to chainlink to access Ethereum
var chainlink = new Chainlink(web3);
//Address of price feed oracle.
var pricefeed = chainlink.Pricefeed(address);
//Description, this address contract will return Token pair name.
var description = await pricefeed.GetDescriptionAsync();
//get all information about the last data.
var lastRoundData = await pricefeed.GetLatestRoundDataAsync();
//Convert last price in wai to eth
var LastPriceInEth = Web3.Convert.FromWei(lastRoundData.Answer);
//Convert unix time to datetime
var LastUpdateDateTime = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds((long)lastRoundData.UpdatedAt);
//Show latest name,price and time
Console.WriteLine($"Description: { description }\nPrice: {LastPriceInEth}\nTime: { LastUpdateDateTime}");
- Read pricefeed contract
- build a website for the documentation
- Add support to chainlink market
- Read VRF contract