How To Install Apache Tomcat 8 on Ubuntu 16.04
Download Geoserver from this page:
Click on Web archive the Packages section.
Copy the file geoserver.war to the directory that contains your container application’s webapps located in Tomcat folder.
Start Tomcat.
sudo systemctl start tomcat
Your container application should unpack the web archive and automatically set up and run GeoServer.
Go to:
cd /opt/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF
Open with VIM the following file:
sudo vim web.xml
Uncomment the following lines:
Save by pressing 'ESC' and write:
Restart Tomcat.
sudo systemctl restart tomcat
Italian provinces
Make sure you have a Postgis extension on your DB, if you don't, please run the following commands using pgAdmin:
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
Use the workspace called 'yourname'
Create a new Store (PostGIS Database type) called 'wdpa_db' with the folloing parameters:
dbtype: postgis
port: 5432
database: yourname
schema: public
user: yourname
password: yourname
and publish the protected_areas layer.
Set up two styles:
Provinces population 2015 (Gradient based on the population 2015)
Provinces population 2015 Selection (Yellow Line)
Layer Name: province
Layer Title: province
Native SRS: EPSG:32632 UTM zone 32N
Declared SRS: EPSG:32632 UTM zone 32N
Apply the style Provinces population 2015 Selection