This code shall run on VMS NI cRIOs. It loads a FPGA bitcode to read accelerometers channels. Accelerometers are read and their values are available at dedicated SAL channels.
Raw signal is read from accelerometers attached at various telescope locations. Multiple units are distributed through the telescope, with associated cRIO reading them. Raw data are send over SAL/DDS to consumers, which either further process them (create DDS spectra,..) and/or store raw/processed data.
VMS build depends on libraries from ts_cRIOcpp. Once ts_cRIOcpp is compiled and LSST SAL/DDS infrastructure is setup, with libsacpp_MTVMS.a available, build is trivial call to make:
if you would like to build a software simulator (runs without hardware), just do:
make clean && make SIMULATOR=1
make deploy target would install the binaries and Bitfiles on summit cRIOs.