Releases: lsst-camera-dh/EO-utilities
Releases · lsst-camera-dh/EO-utilities
Version 0.0.7, collected chagnes since 9 raft testing.
Includes changes made since 9 raft testing, include definitions needed for full focal plane, and catching errors caused by missing data when some modules are off.
Include updates to the template file used to define the static run reports.
v0.6: Eac dev (#20)
Changes for running bot data in parallel at NCSA
Fixes for running at NCSA.
Eac dev (#15) * Added data_source to called to get data * account for different indexing in superbias image v. bulterized ccd image * Fixed notebooks for ncsa * Updated NCSA ts8 butler repo location * delinting * Skip glob based tests when not at slac * Don't run file linking tests when not at SLAC * Skip tests that require non-bulter data when not at SLAC * Changes for NCSA unit tests * whitespace cleanup
Added notebooks and generalized data access tools
- Added example notebooks and eo_setup_nb_dir
- Added bin/ and fixed up class docstrings
- Generalized data access methods
- Fixed unit tests to include getting butler data
- Updated code templates and specialization
Includes tools to generate static HTML reports
Eac dev (#7) * Added run reports * delinting * Minor fixes to reports, added test for reports * Silenced broad-except warning in pylint * clean up reports * clean up reports
Includes interface for slurm batch system at NCSA.
Eac dev (#5) * Get metadata for butlerized exposures * Clean up template code * Allow for getting templates for super* files for butler * Get first item off Butler.get('raw_filename') to use as template * added get_filename_from_id to butler_utils * fix typos in and * Added stuff from slurm batch submission * Fix typo in superflat * Fix up slurm stuff * typo in slurm stuff * Fix up slurm stuff * Switched to using isinstance to determine image object type * Fix up use of batch system * Fix up calls to extract_raft... and plot_ccd
Initial relase
Initial tagged release of code.