Own notes:
- Elmish handling of effects
- Current Solution * executes the updates for the child component manually * close to elm in forward to and initial action * requires an update entry in the top level reducer to handle effects. Can reuse child component's update, but still requires manually calling update and proper scoping
- Pass full update to Effects.map * could work to handle effect update * might be difficult to reason about proper scope/address
- Make forwardTo a merge operation * actions will have to be streams * update will be address aware and effect will need to be a dispatch to the local address stream
- Reduxian solution
- Compose all update functions into a single, top level reducer * requires no conflict in action types * this no conflict necessitates redux architecture and thus non-nested component logic or careful modularization
- Cyclic solution
- Couple updates to the components themselves * need more investigation * seems like tight coupling is a disadvantage * removes need for dispatch etc. * more declarative prop mapping?