This repository consists of robotframework automation scripts for demoqawebsite.
The Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It is a keyword-driven testing framework that uses tabular test data syntax. The Robot Framework is written in Python.
We will use it to design the test automation framework.
All relevant test scripts and resources files are located at /BrowserTests and /Resources folders.
/Resources folders
- BrowserResources.robot : all web elements (css/xpath)
- BrowserParameters.robot : configurable variables / test data , e.g. hostname/IP/username/password
- BrowserFunctions.robot : custom keywords which form a set of repetitive actions/steps to be called in the main test cases.
Read below guide to setup test environment at Ubuntu laptop, and steps to run tests.
demoqa Website is up and running. (
To run robot scripts at your local machine, perform below steps:
NPM is an open-source test automation tool.
We will use npm often to install package at command line, so install nodejs which npm is bundled with it together.
This is the IDE which we will use to design and execute test cases.
(Install jar from Pycharm - File - Settings - Plugin - Settings - install plugin from disk - add jar file - restart)
Clone this project to your local machine.
Once project repo is cloned, run Pycharm and open this project.
At Pycharm terminal:
Pip install robotframework
Robot Framework is successfully installed. You can check it using the version command.
robot –-version
For the website UI testing, Browser Library is used. install it:
pip install robotframework-browser
Install the node dependencies:
rfbrowser init
if rfbrowser is not found, try
python -m Browser.entry init
- At Pycharm - Terminal (located at bottom of IDE)
Navigate to path \BrowserTests Run:
robot test1.robot
To run a subset case (example, 001-corpus-sorting-corpus-name in 005-Corpus-Sorting.robot) within a test case: Run:
robot -t "001*" test1.robot
Navigate to report.html > Open in Browser