This is the repo for BDD Cucumber test cases to test the todomvc website.
git clone this repo
The project has build scripts for both Maven and Gradle, and follows the standard directory structure used in most Serenity projects:
+ main
+ test
+ java Test runners and supporting code
+ resources
+ features Feature files
+ webdriver Bundled webdriver binaries
+ windows
chromedriver.exe OS-specific Webdriver binaries
We will be testing web based todo app. You can find it on the TodoMVC website.
Place the driver at "src/test/resources/webdriver/windows/"
Make sure the "" path and driver name is correct in this file : serenity.conf
You can run the tests by right click on feature file at IntelliJ editor.
Take note the glue in configuration should be "todos.stepdefinitions net.serenitybdd.cucumber.actors"
Jean Gan