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Nicolas Nardino committed Dec 14, 2023
2 parents 93e6dc9 + 1c5a26e commit 2cc1911
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Showing 5 changed files with 290 additions and 127 deletions.
38 changes: 37 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ This is the Coq formalization of guarded interaction trees, associated examples
## Installation instructions

To install the formalization you will need the Iris, std++, and Equations packages.
The dependencies can be easily installed with the following commands:
The dependencies can be easily installed using [Opam]( with the following commands:

opam repo add coq-released
opam repo add iris-dev
opam update
opam install . --deps-only
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ to the code structure.
in `gitree/weakestpre.v`
+ The additional weakest precondition rules are in `program_logic.v`
and `examples/store.v`
+ The `iter` example is in `examples/iter.v`
- **Section 7**
+ The logical relation and the adequacy proof are in `input_lang/logrel.v`
- **Section 8**
Expand All @@ -68,7 +70,41 @@ to the code structure.

## Notes

### Representations of binders
For the representation of languages with binders, we follow the
approach of (Benton, Hur, Kennedy, McBride, JAR 2012) with well-scoped
terms and substitutions/renamings.

### Disjunction property
Some results in the formalization make use of the disjunction property
of Iris: if (P ∨ Q) is provable, then either P or Q are provable on
their own. This propery is used to show safety of the weakest
precondition, and it is related to the difference between internal and
external reductions.

The internal reductions of GITrees is the relation `istep`, as defined
in the paper, and it has type `iProp` as it is an internal relatin.
There is also a similar *external* reduction relation `sstep` which
lives in Coq's `Prop`. We use the `istep` relation in our definitions
(since it is an internal relation), but we want to state the safety
result w.r.t. the external relation `sstep`, which we take to be the
'proper definition' of the reductions for GITrees.

Showing that `istep`-safety implies `sstep`-safety (i.e. that if a
GITree can do an `istep` then it can also do a `sstep`) requires the
disjunction propety. The disjunction property for Iris can be shown
assuming classical axioms (e.g. LEM) on the `Prop`-level.

In order not to introduce classical axioms into the whole
formalization, we added the disjunction propety as an assumption to
the safety theorem (`wp_safety`) and all of its instances (e.g. in
logical relations).

### Ground type of errors

One other difference with the paper worth mentioning, is that in the
formalization we "hardcode" the type `Err` of errors, whereas in the
paper we leave it parameterized. That is why in the `affine_lang` case
study we use `OtherError` to represent linearity violations, instead
of `Err(Lin)`.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _CoqProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,3 +46,4 @@ theories/examples/store.v
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions theories/examples/iter.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
From gitrees Require Import prelude gitree.

Section iter.
Context {E : opsInterp}.
Context {R} `{!Cofe R}.
Context `{!SubOfe natO R}.
Notation IT := (IT E R).
Notation ITV := (ITV E R).

Program Definition pre_iter_1 (itr : IT) : IT -n> IT -n> IT :=
λne f α, λit β, IF α (f ⊙ (itr ⊙ f ⊙ (NATOP Nat.sub α (Ret 1)) ⊙ β)) β.
Solve All Obligations with solve_proper_please.
Program Definition pre_iter_2 (itr : IT) : IT -n> IT :=
λne f, λit α, pre_iter_1 itr f α.
Solve All Obligations with solve_proper_please.
Program Definition pre_iter (itr : IT) : IT :=
λit f, pre_iter_2 itr f.
(* λit f α β, IF α (f ⊙ (itr ⊙ f ⊙ (NATOP Nat.sub α (Ret 1)) ⊙ β)) β. *)
Solve All Obligations with solve_proper_please.

#[local] Instance pre_iter_contractive : Contractive pre_iter.
intro n.
repeat intro. unfold pre_iter.
repeat f_equiv. intro. simpl.
repeat f_equiv. intro. simpl.
f_equiv. apply Next_contractive.
destruct n.
{ apply dist_later_0. }
apply dist_later_S.
apply dist_later_S in H. intro.
simpl. solve_proper.
Definition ITER : IT := fixpoint pre_iter.

Lemma ITER_eq f α β `{!AsVal f, !AsVal α, !AsVal β}:
ITER ⊙ f ⊙ α ⊙ β ≡ Tick_n 3 $ IF α (f ⊙ (ITER ⊙ f ⊙ (NATOP Nat.sub α (Ret 1)) ⊙ β)) β.
trans (pre_iter ITER ⊙ f ⊙ α ⊙ β).
- repeat f_equiv. apply (fixpoint_unfold pre_iter).
- trans (Tick (pre_iter_2 ITER f ⊙ α ⊙ β)).
{ unfold pre_iter.
rewrite -APP'_Tick_l. do 2 f_equiv.
rewrite -APP'_Tick_l. do 2 f_equiv.
rewrite APP'_Fun_l. cbn-[pre_iter_2].
by rewrite Tick_eq. }
rewrite Tick_n_S. f_equiv.
trans (Tick (pre_iter_1 ITER f α ⊙ β)).
{ unfold pre_iter_2.
rewrite -APP'_Tick_l. do 2 f_equiv.
rewrite APP'_Fun_l. cbn-[pre_iter_2].
by rewrite Tick_eq. }
rewrite Tick_n_S. f_equiv.
rewrite APP'_Fun_l. cbn.
by rewrite Tick_eq.

End iter.

Section iter_wp.
Context {sz : nat}.
Variable (rs : gReifiers sz).
Context {R} `{!Cofe R}.
Context `{!SubOfe natO R}.
Notation F := (gReifiers_ops rs).
Notation IT := (IT F R).
Notation ITV := (ITV F R).
Context `{!invGS Σ, !stateG rs R Σ}.
Notation iProp := (iProp Σ).
Context {HCI : ∀ o : opid (sReifier_ops (gReifiers_sReifier rs)),
CtxIndep (gReifiers_sReifier rs)
(ITF_solution.IT (sReifier_ops (gReifiers_sReifier rs)) R) o}.

Lemma wp_iter f (m : nat) β Ψ `{!AsVal f} `{!NonExpansive Ψ} :
⊢ WP@{rs} β {{ Ψ }} -∗
□ (∀ βv, Ψ βv -∗ WP@{rs} (f ⊙ (IT_of_V βv)) {{ Ψ }}) -∗
WP@{rs} (ITER ⊙ f ⊙ (Ret m) ⊙ β) {{ Ψ }}.
Proof using HCI.
iIntros "Hb #H".
iApply (wp_bind _ (AppRSCtx (ITER ⊙ f ⊙ (Ret m)))).
iApply (wp_wand with "Hb").
iIntros (βv) "Hb". iModIntro.
iLöb as "IH" forall (m βv).
unfold AppRSCtx. simpl.
rewrite ITER_eq. iApply wp_tick. iNext.
iApply wp_tick. iNext. iApply wp_tick. iNext.
destruct m as [|m].
{ rewrite IF_False; last lia.
by iApply wp_val. }
rewrite IF_True; last lia.
iApply (wp_bind _ (AppRSCtx f)).
iAssert ((NATOP Nat.sub (Ret (S m)) (Ret 1)) ≡ (Ret m : IT))%I as "Heq".
{ iPureIntro. rewrite (NATOP_Ret (S m) 1 Nat.sub). f_equiv.
rewrite Nat.sub_1_r. done. }
iRewrite "Heq".
iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hb").
iApply (wp_wand with "IH").
iIntros (β'v) "Hb". iModIntro.
unfold AppRSCtx.
by iApply "H".

End iter_wp.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions theories/input_lang_callcc/hom.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From gitrees Require Import gitree.
From gitrees.input_lang_callcc Require Import lang interp.
Require Import gitrees.lang_generic_sem.
Require Import Binding.Lib Binding.Set Binding.Env.

Open Scope stdpp_scope.

Section hom.
Context {sz : nat}.
Context {rs : gReifiers sz}.
Context {subR : subReifier reify_io rs}.
Notation F := (gReifiers_ops rs).
Notation IT := (IT F natO).
Notation ITV := (ITV F natO).

Definition HOM : ofe := @sigO (IT -n> IT) IT_hom.

Global Instance HOM_hom (κ : HOM) : IT_hom (`κ).
apply (proj2_sig κ).

Program Definition HOM_id : HOM := exist _ idfun _.
Next Obligation.
apply _.

Lemma HOM_ccompose (f g : HOM) :
∀ α, `f (`g α) = (`f ◎ `g) α.
intro; reflexivity.

Program Definition HOM_compose (f g : HOM) : HOM := exist _ (`f ◎ `g) _.
Next Obligation.
intros f g; simpl.
apply _.

Lemma HOM_compose_ccompose (f g h : HOM) :
h = HOM_compose f g ->
`f ◎ `g = `h.
Proof. intros ->. done. Qed.

Program Definition IFSCtx_HOM α β : HOM := exist _ (λne x, IFSCtx α β x) _.
Next Obligation.
intros; simpl.
apply _.

Program Definition NatOpRSCtx_HOM {S : Set} (op : nat_op)
(α : @interp_scope F natO _ S -n> IT) (env : @interp_scope F natO _ S)
: HOM := exist _ (interp_natoprk rs op α (λne env, idfun) env) _.
Next Obligation.
intros; simpl.
apply _.

Program Definition NatOpLSCtx_HOM {S : Set} (op : nat_op)
(α : IT) (env : @interp_scope F natO _ S)
(Hv : AsVal α)
: HOM := exist _ (interp_natoplk rs op (λne env, idfun) (constO α) env) _.
Next Obligation.
intros; simpl.
apply _.

Program Definition ThrowLSCtx_HOM {S : Set}
(α : @interp_scope F natO _ S -n> IT)
(env : @interp_scope F natO _ S)
: HOM := exist _ ((interp_throwlk rs (λne env, idfun) α env)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros; simpl.
apply _.

Program Definition ThrowRSCtx_HOM {S : Set}
(β : IT) (env : @interp_scope F natO _ S)
(Hv : AsVal β)
: HOM := exist _ (interp_throwrk rs (constO β) (λne env, idfun) env) _.
Next Obligation.
intros; simpl.
simple refine (IT_HOM _ _ _ _ _); intros; simpl.
- solve_proper_please.
- destruct Hv as [? <-].
rewrite ->2 get_val_ITV.
simpl. by rewrite get_fun_tick.
- destruct Hv as [x Hv].
rewrite <- Hv.
rewrite -> get_val_ITV.
rewrite get_fun_vis.
repeat f_equiv.
intro; simpl.
rewrite <- Hv.
by rewrite -> get_val_ITV.
- destruct Hv as [? <-].
rewrite get_val_ITV.
by rewrite get_fun_err.

Program Definition OutputSCtx_HOM {S : Set}
(env : @interp_scope F natO _ S)
: HOM := exist _ ((interp_outputk rs (λne env, idfun) env)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros; simpl.
apply _.

Program Definition AppRSCtx_HOM {S : Set}
(α : @interp_scope F natO _ S -n> IT)
(env : @interp_scope F natO _ S)
: HOM := exist _ (interp_apprk rs α (λne env, idfun) env) _.
Next Obligation.
intros; simpl.
apply _.

Program Definition AppLSCtx_HOM {S : Set}
(β : IT) (env : @interp_scope F natO _ S)
(Hv : AsVal β)
: HOM := exist _ (interp_applk rs (λne env, idfun) (constO β) env) _.
Next Obligation.
intros; simpl.
apply _.

End hom.

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