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decrn committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent d643e2b commit 49d1675
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 18 deletions.
39 changes: 21 additions & 18 deletions theories/rules/rules_Store.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -172,15 +172,17 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
iIntros (wa) "(%Hppc & %Hpmema & %Hcorrpc & %Hdinstr) Hcred".

iApply (wp_wp2 (φ1 := exec_optL_Store lregs lmem r1 r2)).
iApply (wp_wp2 (φ1 := exec_optL_Store lregs lmem r1 r2) (φ2 := _)).
(* unsolved existential, see bottom of proof... :( *)

iApply wp_opt2_bind. iApply wp_opt2_eqn_both.
iMod (state_interp_transient_intro_nodfracs (lm := lmem) with "[$Hregs $Hσ Hmem Hpca]") as "Hσ".
{ iCombine "Hpca Hmem" as "Hmem".
rewrite -(big_sepM_insert (fun x y => mapsto x (DfracOwn (pos_to_Qp 1)) y)). Set Printing Notations. iFrame. rewrite insert_delete. iFrame. auto. Search (delete ?x ?y !! ?x = None). rewrite lookup_delete. done. }
iApply (wp2_word_of_argument with "[Hφ Hcred $Hσ]"). { set_solver. }
iIntros (r2v) "Hσ %Hlr2v %Hr2v".
rewrite -(big_sepM_insert (fun x y => mapsto x (DfracOwn (pos_to_Qp 1)) y)).
rewrite insert_delete. iFrame. auto. by rewrite lookup_delete. }
iApply (wp2_word_of_argument (lrt := lregs) (lw := lw) with "[Hφ Hcred $Hσ]"). { set_solver. }

iIntros (r2v) "Hσ %Hlr2v %Hr2v".
iApply wp_opt2_bind. iApply wp_opt2_eqn_both.
iApply (wp2_reg_lookup with "[$Hσ Hφ Hcred]") ; first by set_solver.
iIntros (r1v) "Hσ %Hlr1v %Hr1v".
Expand All @@ -196,31 +198,31 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
constructor 2 with (lmem' := lmem); try easy. now constructor 1 with (lw := r1v). }

iIntros (p b e a v) "%Heqlwr1v %Heqgwr1v".

destruct r1v; try destruct sb; unfold reg_allows_store;
auto; inversion Heqlwr1v; inversion Heqgwr1v; subst.
destruct (writeAllowed p && withinBounds b e a) eqn:?; cbn. all: revgoals.
{ (* failure case: no valid capability for writing to memory *)
iDestruct (state_interp_transient_elim_abort with "Hσ") as "($ & Hregs & Hmem)".
iModIntro. rewrite big_sepM_fmap. iApply ("Hφ" with "[$Hregs $Hmem]").
iPureIntro. constructor 2 with (lmem' := lmem); try easy.
constructor 2 with (p := p) (b := b) (e := e) (a := a) (v := v).
- destruct r1v; cbn in *; try destruct sb; cbn; inversion Heqgwr1v; inversion Heqlwr1v; subst. apply Hlr1v.
- rewrite andb_false_iff in Heqb0. destruct Heqb0; auto. }
constructor 2 with (p := p) (b := b) (e := e) (a := a) (v := v); auto.
by rewrite andb_false_iff in Heqb0. }

(* valid capability for writing to memory *)

destruct HaStore as [p' [b' [e' [a' [v' [Hreadreg Hlmem]]]]]].
rewrite decide_True in Hlmem. destruct Hlmem as [oldlw Hlmem].
2: { unfold read_reg_inr in *. rewrite Hlr1v in Hreadreg.
destruct r1v; try destruct sb; unfold reg_allows_store;
auto; inversion Heqlwr1v; inversion Heqgwr1v; subst.
rewrite andb_true_iff in Heqb0. destruct Heqb0 as [Hwrite Hinbounds].
inversion Hreadreg. subst. auto. }
inversion Hreadreg; subst. unfold reg_allows_store; auto. }
rewrite updatePC_incrementPC. cbn.

iApply wp_opt2_bind. iApply wp_opt2_eqn_both.

unfold read_reg_inr in *. rewrite Hlr1v in Hreadreg.
destruct r1v; try destruct sb; inversion Heqlwr1v;
inversion Hreadreg; subst.
inversion Heqlwr1v; inversion Hreadreg; subst.

(* update the transient logical memory to have a' point to the value in r2 *)
rewrite (update_state_interp_transient_from_mem_mod _ (a', v') r2v _).
2: { intros cur_map Hcurr. apply (word_of_argumentL_cur Hlr2v Hcurr). }
2: { rewrite lookup_fmap. unfold LMem, LAddr in *. rewrite option_fmap_compose.
Expand All @@ -243,13 +245,14 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
rewrite -fmap_insert big_sepM_fmap; cbn.
iApply ("Hφ" with "[$Hmem $Hregs]").
rewrite andb_true_iff in Heqb0; destruct Heqb0 as [Hwrite Hinbounds].

apply (Store_spec_success _ _ _ _ _ _ p' b' e' a' v' r2v oldlw); auto.
unfold reg_allows_store.
rewrite andb_true_iff in Heqb0; destruct Heqb0 as [Hwrite Hinbounds].

unfold reg_allows_store. auto.

Unshelve. exact lregs'. (* awkward... *)

Lemma wp_store_success_z_PC E pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v pc_a' lw z :
decodeInstrWL lw = Store PC (inl z) →
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,7 +350,7 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
Instr Executable @ E
{{{ RET NextIV;
PC ↦ᵣ LCap pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a' pc_v
Alexandre Moine ∗ (pc_a, pc_v) ↦ₐ LCap pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v }}}.
∗ (pc_a, pc_v) ↦ₐ LCap pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v }}}.
(* iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc Hpca' Hwa φ) *)
(* "(>HPC & >Hi) Hφ". *)
Expand Down

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