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WIP relax state_interp_transient
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JuneRousseau committed Jun 7, 2024
1 parent aae2acb commit 18b4605
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Showing 3 changed files with 182 additions and 164 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions theories/logical_mapsto.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2279,6 +2279,7 @@ Proof.
by apply update_version_region_vmap_notin_preserves_cur.

(* TODO generalize to update with glm instead of lm *)
Lemma update_version_region_preserves_mem_corresponds
(phm : Mem) (lm lm': LMem) (vmap vmap' : VMap) (la : list Addr) v:
vmap' = update_version_region_vmap la v vmap ->
Expand Down
268 changes: 137 additions & 131 deletions theories/rules/rules_IsUnique.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
state_interp_transient σ σt lreg lrt lmem lmt ⊢
⌜ unique_in_registersL lreg src lwsrc ⌝.
iIntros (Hsweep Hsrc) "(Hσ & Hregs & Hmem & _ & Hcommit)".
iIntros (Hsweep Hsrc) "(((Hσ & Hregs & Hmem) & Hcommit) & _)".
iDestruct "Hσ" as (lr lm vmap) "(Hr & Hm & %HLinv)"; simpl in HLinv.
iDestruct (gen_heap_valid_inclSepM with "Hr Hregs") as "%Hregs_incl".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,6 +278,51 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
by iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "[Hi Hmem]") as "Hmem"; try iFrame.

(* TODO move *)
Lemma update_version_addr_next
(glmem llmem : LMem) (a : Addr) (v : Version) (lw : LWord) :
glmem !! (a, v) = Some lw ->
glmem !! (a, v + 1) = None ->
update_version_addr glmem a v llmem !! (a, v+1) = Some lw.
intros Hlw Hlw_max.
by rewrite /update_version_addr Hlw ; simplify_map_eq.

(* TODO move *)
Lemma is_valid_updated_lmemory_update_version_region
(glmem llmem : LMem) (la : list Addr) (v : Version) :
llmem ⊆ glmem ->
NoDup la ->
Forall (λ a : Addr, glmem !! (a, v + 1) = None) la ->
Forall (λ a' : Addr, is_Some (glmem !! (a', v))) la ->
is_valid_updated_lmemory glmem llmem la v
(update_version_region glmem la v llmem).
induction la as [|a la] ; intros Hincl HnoDup Hmax Hsome ; destruct_cons ; cbn
; rewrite /is_valid_updated_lmemory //=.
destruct IHla as (_ & Hla_max & Hla_upd) ; try by destruct_cons.
split; [|split] ; cbn.
- done.
- apply Forall_cons; split; auto. eapply lookup_weaken_None; eauto.
- rewrite -/(update_version_region glmem la v llmem).
apply Forall_cons; split; auto.
+ destruct Hsome_a as [lw Hlw].
exists lw.
erewrite update_version_addr_next
; eauto
; rewrite update_version_region_notin_preserves_lmem; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_impl ; try eapply Hla_upd; cbn.
intros a' [lw' Hlw'].
destruct (decide (a = a')); subst.
* rewrite update_version_region_notin_preserves_lmem in Hlw'; eauto.
eapply lookup_weaken in Hlw' ; eauto.
by rewrite Hlw' in Hmax_a.
* exists lw'; rewrite update_version_addr_lookup_neq; eauto.

(* TODO lemma à la update_state_interp_from_mem_mod ,
i.e. that updates the actual state *)
Lemma update_state_interp_next_version
Expand All @@ -293,6 +338,7 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
⊢ |={Ep}=>
∃ glm, ⌜ lmem ⊆ glm ⌝ ∗
let lmem' := update_version_region glm (finz.seq_between b e) v lmem in
⌜ is_valid_updated_lmemory glm lmem (finz.seq_between b e) v lmem'⌝ ∗
state_interp_logical σ
∗ ([∗ map] k↦y ∈ (<[src:=next_version_lword lwsrc]> lregs), k ↦ᵣ y)
∗ ([∗ map] la↦dw ∈ (full_own_mem lmem'), la ↦ₐ{dw.1} dw.2).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,6 +370,8 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
iExists lm.
iSplitR; first done.
{ iPureIntro. apply is_valid_updated_lmemory_update_version_region; eauto. }
iSplitR "Hmem".
rewrite /state_interp_logical.
iExists (<[src:=next_version_lword lwsrc]> lr),lm',vmap'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -351,122 +399,78 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
now iApply map_full_own.

(* TODO move *)
Lemma update_version_addr_next
(glmem llmem : LMem) (a : Addr) (v : Version) (lw : LWord) :
glmem !! (a, v) = Some lw ->
glmem !! (a, v + 1) = None ->
update_version_addr glmem a v llmem !! (a, v+1) = Some lw.
intros Hlw Hlw_max.
by rewrite /update_version_addr Hlw ; simplify_map_eq.

(* TODO move *)
Lemma is_valid_updated_lmemory_update_version_region
(glmem llmem : LMem) (la : list Addr) (v : Version) :
llmem ⊆ glmem ->
NoDup la ->
Forall (λ a : Addr, glmem !! (a, v + 1) = None) la ->
Forall (λ a' : Addr, is_Some (glmem !! (a', v))) la ->
is_valid_updated_lmemory glmem llmem la v
(update_version_region glmem la v llmem).
induction la as [|a la] ; intros Hincl HnoDup Hmax Hsome ; destruct_cons ; cbn
; rewrite /is_valid_updated_lmemory //=.
destruct IHla as (_ & Hla_max & Hla_upd) ; try by destruct_cons.
split; [|split] ; cbn.
- done.
- apply Forall_cons; split; auto. eapply lookup_weaken_None; eauto.
- rewrite -/(update_version_region glmem la v llmem).
apply Forall_cons; split; auto.
+ destruct Hsome_a as [lw Hlw].
exists lw.
erewrite update_version_addr_next
; eauto
; rewrite update_version_region_notin_preserves_lmem; eauto.
+ eapply Forall_impl ; try eapply Hla_upd; cbn.
intros a' [lw' Hlw'].
destruct (decide (a = a')); subst.
* rewrite update_version_region_notin_preserves_lmem in Hlw'; eauto.
eapply lookup_weaken in Hlw' ; eauto.
by rewrite Hlw' in Hmax_a.
* exists lw'; rewrite update_version_addr_lookup_neq; eauto.

Lemma update_state_interp_transient_next_version {σ σt lreg lregt lmem lmemt src lwsrc p b e a v}:
sweep (mem σt) (reg σt) src = true ->
lregt !! src = Some lwsrc ->
get_lcap lwsrc = Some (LSCap p b e a v) ->
σ σt lreg lregt
(full_own_mem lmem) (full_own_mem lmemt) ⊢
∃ glm, ⌜ lmemt ⊆ glm ⌝ ∗
let lmemt' : LMem := update_version_region glm (finz.seq_between b e) v lmemt in
(* remove the following pure fact and move into separate lemma *)
⌜ is_valid_updated_lmemory glm lmemt (finz.seq_between b e) v lmemt'⌝ ∗
σ σt (* the physical state does not change *)
lreg (<[ src := next_version_lword lwsrc ]> lregt) (* the version of the word is updated *)
(full_own_mem lmem) (full_own_mem lmemt'). (* the version of the memory region is updated *)
(state_interp_logical σ
∗ ([∗ map] k↦y ∈ lreg, k ↦ᵣ y)
∗ ([∗ map] k↦y ∈ (full_own_mem lmem), k ↦ₐ{y.1} y.2))
(∃ glm,
⌜ lmemt ⊆ glm ⌝ ∗
let lmemt' : LMem := update_version_region glm (finz.seq_between b e) v lmemt in
let lregt' : LReg := <[src:=next_version_lword lwsrc]> lregt in
⌜ is_valid_updated_lmemory glm lmemt (finz.seq_between b e) v lmemt'⌝ ∗
(* remove the following pure fact and move into separate lemma *)
∃ lreg_t lmem_t cur_map,
⌜ lregt' ⊆ lreg_t ⌝
∗ ⌜ snd <$> (full_own_mem lmemt') ⊆ lmem_t ⌝ ∗
⌜state_phys_log_corresponds σt.(reg) σt.(mem) lreg_t lmem_t cur_map⌝ ∗
state_interp_logical σt
∗ ([∗ map] k↦y ∈ lregt', k ↦ᵣ y)
∗ ([∗ map] k↦y ∈ (full_own_mem lmemt'), k ↦ₐ{y.1} y.2)).
iIntros (Hsweep Hsrc Hcap_lwsrc) "(Hσ & Hregs & Hmem & %Hcor & Hcommit)".
iIntros (Hsweep Hsrc Hcap_lwsrc) "(((Hσ & Hregs & Hmem) & Hcommit) & %Hcor)".
cbn in *.
destruct Hcor as (lrt & lmt & vmap & Hlregt_incl & Hlmemt_incl & HLinv).
rewrite snd_fmap_pair_inv in Hlmemt_incl.
assert (HNoDup : NoDup (finz.seq_between b e)) by (apply finz_seq_between_NoDup).
assert (lrt !! src = Some lwsrc) as Hsrc' by (eapply lookup_weaken in Hsrc ; eauto).
opose proof
(state_corresponds_cap_all_current _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HLinv _ Hsrc')
as HcurMap ; first (by cbn).
opose proof
(state_corresponds_last_version_lword_region _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HLinv _ Hsrc')
as HmemMap_maxv; first (by cbn).
opose proof
(state_corresponds_access_lword_region _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HLinv _ Hsrc')
as HmemMap; first (by cbn).
iFrame "Hσ Hregs Hmem".
opose proof (sweep_true_specL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hsweep) as Hsweep'; eauto.
set (lmemt' := update_version_region lmt (finz.seq_between b e) v lmemt).
set (lmt' := update_version_region lmt (finz.seq_between b e) v lmt).
iIntros (Ep) "H".
iMod ("Hcommit" with "H") as "(Hσ & Hregs & Hmem)".
iDestruct (update_state_interp_next_version with "[$Hσ $Hregs $Hmem]") as "H"
; eauto.
iMod "H".
iDestruct "H" as (glm) "(%Hincl & %Hvalid & Hσ & Hlr & Hlm)".

set (lmemt' := update_version_region glm (finz.seq_between b e) v lmemt).
set (lmt' := update_version_region glm (finz.seq_between b e) v lmt).
set (vmap' := update_version_region_vmap (finz.seq_between b e) v vmap).
iExists lmt.
iSplitR; first done.
iSplit ; [iPureIntro|].
{ apply is_valid_updated_lmemory_update_version_region; eauto. }
- iPureIntro; cbn.
exists (<[src:=next_version_lword lwsrc]> lrt).
exists (snd <$> (full_own_mem lmt')).
exists vmap'.
destruct (id HLinv) as ((Hregcorr & Hregcur) & Hmem).
split; [|split; [|split] ]; auto.
{ by apply insert_mono. }
{ do 2 (eapply map_fmap_mono).
now eapply update_version_region_mono.
eapply update_version_region_lreg_corresponds_src'; eauto.
eapply update_version_word_region_update_lword; eauto.
eapply update_version_region_preserves_mem_corresponds; eauto.
unfold full_own_mem.
now rewrite <-map_fmap_compose, map_fmap_id.
eapply unique_in_machine_no_accessL; eauto.
- iIntros (Ep) "H".
iMod ("Hcommit" with "H") as "(Hσ & Hregs & Hmem)".
iDestruct (update_state_interp_next_version with "[$Hσ $Hregs $Hmem]") as "H"
; eauto.
iMod "H".
iDestruct "H" as (glm) "(%Hincl & Hσ & Hlr & Hlm)".
(* TODO PROBLEM HERE -> we don't know the link between glm and lmt *)

iExists glm.
iSplit ; first done.
iSplit ; first done.

iPureIntro; cbn.
exists (<[src:=next_version_lword lwsrc]> lrt), lmemt', vmap'.
split; [|split; [|split] ]; auto.

{ by apply insert_mono. }
{ rewrite snd_fmap_pair_inv. subst lmt' lmemt'.
now eapply update_version_region_mono.
eapply update_version_region_lreg_corresponds_src'; eauto.
eapply update_version_word_region_update_lword; eauto.
eapply lreg_corresponds_read_iscur; eauto.
by destruct HLinv.
subst lmt' vmap' lmemt'.
(* eapply update_version_region_preserves_mem_corresponds; eauto. *)

(* TODO the proof uses wp_opt,
but requires some early destructs,
which therefore require some proof duplication
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -568,42 +572,44 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
all: eapply IsUnique_success_true_is_sealed; eauto.

+ iDestruct (update_state_interp_transient_next_version with "Hσ")
as "(%lmt & %Hlmem_incl & %Hisvalid &Hσ)"; eauto.
+ iDestruct (update_state_interp_transient_next_version with "Hσ") as "Hσ" ; eauto.
(* TODO and now, how do I convert transiently into transient_state again ? *)
rewrite (update_state_interp_transient_int (dst := dst) (z := 1%Z))
; last by set_solver.
iApply (wp2_opt_incrementPC with "[$Hσ Hφ]").
{ rewrite elem_of_dom.
destruct (decide (PC = dst)); try by simplify_map_eq.
destruct (decide (PC = src)); by simplify_map_eq.
{ (* failure case: incrementing the pc failed *)
iIntros (ec lregs') "Hσ %Hlincr %Hincr".
iDestruct (state_interp_transient_elim_abort with "Hσ") as "($ & Hregs & Hmem)".
rewrite big_sepM_fmap.
iApply ("Hφ" with "[$Hregs $Hmem]").
constructor 4; auto.
destruct srcv as [ | [|] | ? [|] ]
; cbn in *
; try done
; by econstructor 2.
(* iApply (wp2_opt_incrementPC with "[$Hσ Hφ]"). *)
(* { rewrite elem_of_dom. *)
(* destruct (decide (PC = dst)); try by simplify_map_eq. *)
(* destruct (decide (PC = src)); by simplify_map_eq. *)
(* } *)
(* iSplit. *)
(* { (* failure case: incrementing the pc failed *) *)
(* iIntros (ec lregs') "Hσ %Hlincr %Hincr". *)
(* iDestruct (state_interp_transient_elim_abort with "Hσ") as "($ & Hregs & Hmem)". *)
(* rewrite big_sepM_fmap. *)
(* iApply ("Hφ" with "[$Hregs $Hmem]"). *)
(* iPureIntro. *)
(* constructor 4; auto. *)
(* destruct srcv as [ | [|] | ? [|] ] *)
(* ; cbn in * *)
(* ; try done *)
(* ; by econstructor 2. *)
(* } *)

(* pc incr success *)
iIntros (lregs' regs') "Hσ %Hlincr %Hincr".
iApply wp2_val. cbn.
iMod (state_interp_transient_elim_commit with "Hσ") as "($ & Hregs & Hmem)".
rewrite big_sepM_fmap; cbn.
iApply ("Hφ" with "[$Hmem $Hregs]").
destruct srcv as [ | [|] | ? [|] ] ; cbn in *
; auto
; try done
; inversion Hget_lsrcv; subst.
eapply IsUnique_success_true_cap; eauto.
{ by intro ; subst. }
(* iIntros (lregs' regs') "Hσ %Hlincr %Hincr". *)
(* iApply wp2_val. cbn. *)
(* iMod (state_interp_transient_elim_commit with "Hσ") as "($ & Hregs & Hmem)". *)
(* rewrite big_sepM_fmap; cbn. *)
(* iApply ("Hφ" with "[$Hmem $Hregs]"). *)
(* iPureIntro. *)
(* destruct srcv as [ | [|] | ? [|] ] ; cbn in * *)
(* ; auto *)
(* ; try done *)
(* ; inversion Hget_lsrcv; subst. *)
(* eapply IsUnique_success_true_cap; eauto. *)
(* { by intro ; subst. } *)

- iMod (state_interp_transient_intro_nodfracs (lm := lmem) with "[$Hregs $Hσ Hmem Hpca]") as "Hσ".
{ iCombine "Hpca Hmem" as "Hmem".
rewrite -(big_sepM_insert (fun x y => mapsto x (DfracOwn (pos_to_Qp 1)) y)).
Expand Down

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