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…e only the finished part of ftlr (store + storeU), simplified the model, updated all state modification files, and added some lemmas for manipulating static to uninitialized states
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Aina Linn Georges authored and Aina Linn Georges committed Mar 11, 2021
1 parent fde1433 commit d266c74
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Showing 10 changed files with 254 additions and 1,379 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
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22 changes: 7 additions & 15 deletions _CoqProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,8 @@ theories/multiple_updates.v
Expand All @@ -42,21 +41,9 @@ theories/rules/rules.v
Expand All @@ -66,5 +53,10 @@ theories/examples/stack_macros_helpers.v
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/examples/disjoint_regions_tactics.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Proof.
intros a ?%elem_of_region_addrs. solve_addr.
Hint Resolve AddrRegionRange_region_addrs : disj_regions.

Definition AddrRegionsRange (ll: list (list Addr)) (b e: Addr) :=
∀ l a, l ∈ ll → a ∈ l → (b <= a)%a ∧ (a < e)%a.

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/examples/downwards_lse.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Section lse.
{ destruct (decide (p = E)).
- subst. iClear "Hwstk_valid Hwret_valid". rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq. iSimpl in "Hwret_valid'".
rewrite /enter_cond. iApply "Hwret_valid'". destruct g;iPureIntro.
apply related_sts_priv_refl_world. apply related_sts_pub_plus_refl_world. apply related_sts_a_refl_world.
apply related_sts_priv_refl_world. apply related_sts_priv_refl_world. apply related_sts_a_refl_world.
- iDestruct (fundamental_from_interp (<[PC:=inl 0%Z]> (<[r_t0:=inr (p,g,b,e,a')]> rmap')) with "Hwret_valid'") as "Hcont". iNext.
rewrite updatePcPerm_cap_non_E//. }

Expand Down
19 changes: 5 additions & 14 deletions theories/examples/macros/malloc.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
From iris.algebra Require Import frac.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From cap_machine Require Import rules logrel addr_reg_sample fundamental multiple_updates.
From cap_machine Require Import rules logrel addr_reg_sample fundamental multiple_updates region_invariants_static.
From cap_machine.examples Require Import contiguous stack_macros_helpers.
From iris.base_logic Require Export na_invariants.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -577,8 +577,8 @@ Section SimpleMalloc.
iDestruct ("Hmono" $! _ _ Hrelated' with "Hφ") as "Hφ'".
assert (is_Some (M !! l)) as [x Hsome].
{ apply elem_of_gmap_dom. rewrite -Hdom. apply elem_of_gmap_dom. eauto. }
iDestruct (region_map_delete_nonstatic with "Hr") as "Hr"; [intros m;split;intros Hcontr;congruence|].
iDestruct (region_map_insert_nonstatic Permanent with "Hr") as "Hr";auto.
iDestruct (region_map_delete_nonstatic with "Hr") as "Hr"; [intros m;intros Hcontr;congruence|].
iDestruct (region_map_insert_nonmonostatic Permanent with "Hr") as "Hr";auto.
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ l _ Hsome with "[Hl Hstate $Hr]") as "Hr".
{ iExists Permanent. iFrame. iSplitR;[iPureIntro;apply lookup_insert|].
iExists γ, p, φ. rewrite HMeq lookup_insert in Hsome.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,19 +682,11 @@ Section SimpleMalloc.
iDestruct (big_sepL2_extract_l with "Hbe") as "[_ Hb]";[eauto|].
iDestruct "Hb" as (w') "Hw'".
destruct ρ;auto. (* all the following will lead to duplicate resources for x *)
- iDestruct (region_open_temp_nwl with "[$Hrel $Hr $Hsts]") as (v) "(_ & _ & _ & Hw & _)";[eauto|auto|..].
iDestruct (cap_duplicate_false with "[$Hw' $Hw]") as "?";auto.
- iDestruct (region_open_monotemp_nwl with "[$Hrel $Hr $Hsts]") as (v) "(_ & _ & _ & Hw & _)";[eauto|auto|..].
iDestruct (cap_duplicate_false with "[$Hw' $Hw]") as "?";auto.
- iDestruct (region_open_perm with "[$Hrel $Hr $Hsts]") as (v) "(_ & _ & _ & Hw & _)";[eauto|auto|..].
iDestruct (cap_duplicate_false with "[$Hw' $Hw]") as "?";auto.
- iMod (region_invariants_static.region_open_static with "[$Hr $Hsts]") as "(_ & _ & ? & H & %)";[apply Hρ|..].
rewrite /region_invariants_static.static_resources.
apply elem_of_gmap_dom in H2 as [? Hx].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete with "H") as "[H ?]";[apply Hx|].
iDestruct "H" as (? ?) "[HH Hw]". iDestruct (rel_agree _ H2 with "[$Hrel $HH]") as "(% & _)";subst.
iDestruct (cap_duplicate_false with "[$Hw' $Hw]") as "?";auto.
- iMod (region_invariants_static.region_open_monostatic with "[$Hr $Hsts]") as "(_ & _ & ? & H & %)";[apply Hρ|..].
- iMod (region_open_monostatic with "[$Hr $Hsts]") as "(_ & _ & ? & H & %)";[apply Hρ|..].
rewrite /region_invariants_static.static_resources.
apply elem_of_gmap_dom in H2 as [? Hx].
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete with "H") as "[H ?]";[apply Hx|].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -728,8 +720,7 @@ Section SimpleMalloc.
set regs := <[PC:=updatePcPerm (inr (p, g, b', e', a))]>
(<[r_t0:=inr (p, g, b', e', a)]> (<[r_t1:=inr (RWX, Global, ba, ea, ba)]> (<[r_t2:=inl 0%Z]> (<[r_t3:=inl 0%Z]> (<[r_t4:=inl 0%Z]> r))))).
iDestruct ("Hcont'" $! regs with "[] [$Hown Hregs $Hr $Hsts]") as "[_ Hcont'']".
{ destruct g; iPureIntro;[apply related_sts_pub_priv_world|
apply related_sts_pub_pub_plus_world|
{ destruct g; iPureIntro;[apply related_sts_pub_priv_world..|
apply related_sts_pub_a_world]; try apply related_sts_pub_update_multiple_perm;auto. }
{ rewrite /regs. iSplitR "Hregs".
- iSplit.
Expand Down
223 changes: 111 additions & 112 deletions theories/examples/region_macros.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ From iris.algebra Require Import frac.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
Require Import Eqdep_dec List.
From cap_machine Require Import rules logrel.
From cap_machine Require Export addr_reg_sample region_invariants_revocation
region_invariants_allocation multiple_updates.
From cap_machine Require Export addr_reg_sample region_invariants_revocation multiple_updates.
From cap_machine Require Export iris_extra.

Section region_macros.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,116 +30,116 @@ Section region_macros.

(* -------------------- ALLOCATING A NEW REGION OF ZEROES ------------------ *)

Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_alloc_aux E a W p (n : nat) :
p ≠ O → is_Some (a + (Z.of_nat n))%a →
Forall (λ a, a ∉ dom (gset Addr) (std W)) (region_addrs_aux a n) →
([∗ list] a0 ∈ region_addrs_aux a n, a0 ↦ₐ[p] inl 0%Z)
-∗ region W
-∗ sts_full_world W
={E}=∗ ([∗ list] x ∈ region_addrs_aux a n, read_write_cond x p interp)
∗ region (std_update_temp_multiple W (region_addrs_aux a n))
∗ sts_full_world (std_update_temp_multiple W (region_addrs_aux a n)).
iInduction (n) as [| n] "IHn" forall (a W).
- simpl. iIntros (_ _ _) "_ Hr Hsts". iFrame. done.
- iIntros (Hne Hnext Hforall) "Hlist Hr Hsts".
iDestruct "Hlist" as "[Ha Hlist]".
simpl in Hforall.
apply list.Forall_cons in Hforall as [ Hasta Hforall].
destruct (pwl p) eqn:Hpwl.
+ iAssert (∀ W, interp W (inl 0%Z))%I as "#Hav".
{ iIntros (W'). rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq. eauto. }
(* if n is 0 we do not need to use IH *)
destruct n.
{ simpl. iFrame.
iMod (extend_region_temp_pwl E _ a p (inl 0%Z) (λ Wv, interp Wv.1 Wv.2)
with "[] Hsts Hr Ha Hav") as "(Hr & Ha & Hsts)"; auto.
{ iModIntro. iIntros (W1 W2 Hrelated) "Hv /=". do 2 (rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq /=). done. }
iFrame. done.
iMod ("IHn" with "[] [] [] Hlist Hr Hsts") as "(Hlist & Hr & Hsts)"; auto.
{ iPureIntro. destruct Hnext as [? ?]. zify_addr; solve [ eauto | lia ]. }
iFrame. destruct Hnext as [e He]. assert (a ≠ by (intros ->; solve_addr).
iMod (extend_region_temp_pwl E _ a p (inl 0%Z) (λ Wv, interp Wv.1 Wv.2)
with "[] Hsts Hr Ha Hav") as "(Hr & Ha & Hsts)"; auto.
{ apply (std_update_multiple_dom_sta_i _ (S n) _ _ 1); auto; lia. }
{ iModIntro. iIntros (W1 W2 Hrelated) "Hv /=". do 2 (rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq /=). done. }
iFrame. done.
+ iAssert (∀ W, interp W (inl 0%Z))%I as "#Hav".
{ iIntros (W'). rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq. eauto. }
(* if n is 0 we do not need to use IH *)
destruct n.
{ simpl. iFrame.
iMod (extend_region_temp_nwl E _ a p (inl 0%Z) (λ Wv, interp Wv.1 Wv.2)
with "[] Hsts Hr Ha Hav") as "(Hr & Ha & Hsts)"; auto.
{ iModIntro. iIntros (W1 W2 Hrelated) "Hv /=". do 2 (rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq /=). done. }
iFrame. done.
iMod ("IHn" with "[] [] [] Hlist Hr Hsts") as "(Hlist & Hr & Hsts)"; auto.
{ iPureIntro. destruct Hnext as [? ?]. zify_addr; solve [ eauto | lia ]. }
iFrame. destruct Hnext as [e He]. assert (a ≠ by (intros ->; solve_addr).
iMod (extend_region_temp_nwl E _ a p (inl 0%Z) (λ Wv, interp Wv.1 Wv.2)
with "[] Hsts Hr Ha Hav") as "(Hr & Ha & Hsts)"; auto.
{ apply (std_update_multiple_dom_sta_i _ (S n) _ _ 1); auto; lia. }
{ iModIntro. iIntros (W1 W2 Hrelated) "Hv /=". do 2 (rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq /=). done. }
iFrame. done.

Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_valid_aux n W :
⊢ ([∗ list] y ∈ replicate n (inl 0%Z), ▷ (fixpoint interp1) W y).
iInduction (n) as [| n] "IHn".
- done.
- simpl. iSplit; last iFrame "#".
rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq. iNext.

Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_valid (a b : Addr) W :
⊢ ([∗ list] _;y2 ∈ region_addrs a b; region_addrs_zeroes a b,
▷ (fixpoint interp1) W y2).
rewrite /region_addrs /region_addrs_zeroes.
iApply (big_sepL2_to_big_sepL_r _ _ (region_addrs_zeroes a b)).
- rewrite region_addrs_aux_length replicate_length //.
- iApply region_addrs_zeroes_valid_aux.

Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_trans_aux (a b : Addr) p n :
([∗ list] y1;y2 ∈ region_addrs_aux a n;replicate n (inl 0%Z), y1 ↦ₐ[p] y2)
-∗ [∗ list] y1 ∈ region_addrs_aux a n, y1 ↦ₐ[p] inl 0%Z.
iInduction (n) as [| n] "IHn" forall (a); first auto.
iIntros "Hlist".
iDestruct "Hlist" as "[Ha Hlist]".
iApply "IHn". iFrame.

Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_trans (a b : Addr) p :
([∗ list] y1;y2 ∈ region_addrs a b;region_addrs_zeroes a b, y1 ↦ₐ[p] y2)
-∗ [∗ list] a0 ∈ region_addrs a b, a0 ↦ₐ[p] (inl 0%Z).
iIntros "Hlist".
rewrite /region_addrs /region_addrs_zeroes.
iApply region_addrs_zeroes_trans_aux; auto.

Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_alloc E W (a b : Addr) p :
p ≠ O →
Forall (λ a0 : Addr, (a0 ∉ dom (gset Addr) (std W))) (region_addrs a b) →
([∗ list] y1;y2 ∈ region_addrs a b;region_addrs_zeroes a b, y1 ↦ₐ[p] y2)
∗ region W ∗ sts_full_world W
={E}=∗ ([∗ list] a0 ∈ region_addrs a b, read_write_cond a0 p interp)
∗ region (std_update_temp_multiple W (region_addrs a b))
∗ sts_full_world (std_update_temp_multiple W (region_addrs a b)).
iIntros (Hne Hforall) "[Hlist [Hr Hsts] ]".
iDestruct (region_addrs_zeroes_trans with "Hlist") as "Hlist".
rewrite /region_addrs. rewrite /region_addrs in Hforall.
iMod (region_addrs_zeroes_alloc_aux with "[$Hlist] [$Hr] [$Hsts]") as "H"; auto.
rewrite /region_size. zify_addr; eauto; lia.
(* Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_alloc_aux E a W p (n : nat) : *)
(* p ≠ O → is_Some (a + (Z.of_nat n))%a → *)
(* Forall (λ a, a ∉ dom (gset Addr) (std W)) (region_addrs_aux a n) → *)
(* ([∗ list] a0 ∈ region_addrs_aux a n, a0 ↦ₐ[p] inl 0%Z) *)
(* -∗ region W *)
(* -∗ sts_full_world W *)
(* ={E}=∗ ([∗ list] x ∈ region_addrs_aux a n, read_write_cond x p interp) *)
(* ∗ region (std_update_temp_multiple W (region_addrs_aux a n)) *)
(* ∗ sts_full_world (std_update_temp_multiple W (region_addrs_aux a n)). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iInduction (n) as [| n] "IHn" forall (a W). *)
(* - simpl. iIntros (_ _ _) "_ Hr Hsts". iFrame. done. *)
(* - iIntros (Hne Hnext Hforall) "Hlist Hr Hsts". *)
(* iDestruct "Hlist" as "[Ha Hlist]". *)
(* simpl in Hforall. *)
(* apply list.Forall_cons in Hforall as [ Hasta Hforall]. *)
(* destruct (pwl p) eqn:Hpwl. *)
(* + iAssert (∀ W, interp W (inl 0%Z))%I as "#Hav". *)
(* { iIntros (W'). rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq. eauto. } *)
(* (* if n is 0 we do not need to use IH *) *)
(* destruct n. *)
(* { simpl. iFrame. *)
(* iMod (extend_region_temp_pwl E _ a p (inl 0%Z) (λ Wv, interp Wv.1 Wv.2) *)
(* with "[] Hsts Hr Ha Hav") as "(Hr & Ha & Hsts)"; auto. *)
(* { iModIntro. iIntros (W1 W2 Hrelated) "Hv /=". do 2 (rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq /=). done. } *)
(* iFrame. done. *)
(* } *)
(* iMod ("IHn" with "[] [] [] Hlist Hr Hsts") as "(Hlist & Hr & Hsts)"; auto. *)
(* { iPureIntro. destruct Hnext as [? ?]. zify_addr; solve [ eauto | lia ]. } *)
(* iFrame. destruct Hnext as [e He]. assert (a ≠ by (intros ->; solve_addr). *)
(* iMod (extend_region_temp_pwl E _ a p (inl 0%Z) (λ Wv, interp Wv.1 Wv.2) *)
(* with "[] Hsts Hr Ha Hav") as "(Hr & Ha & Hsts)"; auto. *)
(* { apply (std_update_multiple_dom_sta_i _ (S n) _ _ 1); auto; lia. } *)
(* { iModIntro. iIntros (W1 W2 Hrelated) "Hv /=". do 2 (rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq /=). done. } *)
(* iFrame. done. *)
(* + iAssert (∀ W, interp W (inl 0%Z))%I as "#Hav". *)
(* { iIntros (W'). rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq. eauto. } *)
(* (* if n is 0 we do not need to use IH *) *)
(* destruct n. *)
(* { simpl. iFrame. *)
(* iMod (extend_region_temp_nwl E _ a p (inl 0%Z) (λ Wv, interp Wv.1 Wv.2) *)
(* with "[] Hsts Hr Ha Hav") as "(Hr & Ha & Hsts)"; auto. *)
(* { iModIntro. iIntros (W1 W2 Hrelated) "Hv /=". do 2 (rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq /=). done. } *)
(* iFrame. done. *)
(* } *)
(* iMod ("IHn" with "[] [] [] Hlist Hr Hsts") as "(Hlist & Hr & Hsts)"; auto. *)
(* { iPureIntro. destruct Hnext as [? ?]. zify_addr; solve [ eauto | lia ]. } *)
(* iFrame. destruct Hnext as [e He]. assert (a ≠ by (intros ->; solve_addr). *)
(* iMod (extend_region_temp_nwl E _ a p (inl 0%Z) (λ Wv, interp Wv.1 Wv.2) *)
(* with "[] Hsts Hr Ha Hav") as "(Hr & Ha & Hsts)"; auto. *)
(* { apply (std_update_multiple_dom_sta_i _ (S n) _ _ 1); auto; lia. } *)
(* { iModIntro. iIntros (W1 W2 Hrelated) "Hv /=". do 2 (rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq /=). done. } *)
(* iFrame. done. *)
(* Qed. *)

(* Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_valid_aux n W : *)
(* ⊢ ([∗ list] y ∈ replicate n (inl 0%Z), ▷ (fixpoint interp1) W y). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iInduction (n) as [| n] "IHn". *)
(* - done. *)
(* - simpl. iSplit; last iFrame "#". *)
(* rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq. iNext. *)
(* eauto. *)
(* Qed. *)

(* Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_valid (a b : Addr) W : *)
(* ⊢ ([∗ list] _;y2 ∈ region_addrs a b; region_addrs_zeroes a b, *)
(* ▷ (fixpoint interp1) W y2). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* rewrite /region_addrs /region_addrs_zeroes. *)
(* iApply (big_sepL2_to_big_sepL_r _ _ (region_addrs_zeroes a b)). *)
(* - rewrite region_addrs_aux_length replicate_length //. *)
(* - iApply region_addrs_zeroes_valid_aux. *)
(* Qed. *)

(* Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_trans_aux (a b : Addr) p n : *)
(* ([∗ list] y1;y2 ∈ region_addrs_aux a n;replicate n (inl 0%Z), y1 ↦ₐ[p] y2) *)
(* -∗ [∗ list] y1 ∈ region_addrs_aux a n, y1 ↦ₐ[p] inl 0%Z. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iInduction (n) as [| n] "IHn" forall (a); first auto. *)
(* iIntros "Hlist". *)
(* iDestruct "Hlist" as "[Ha Hlist]". *)
(* iFrame. *)
(* iApply "IHn". iFrame. *)
(* Qed. *)

(* Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_trans (a b : Addr) p : *)
(* ([∗ list] y1;y2 ∈ region_addrs a b;region_addrs_zeroes a b, y1 ↦ₐ[p] y2) *)
(* -∗ [∗ list] a0 ∈ region_addrs a b, a0 ↦ₐ[p] (inl 0%Z). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros "Hlist". *)
(* rewrite /region_addrs /region_addrs_zeroes. *)
(* iApply region_addrs_zeroes_trans_aux; auto. *)
(* Qed. *)

(* Lemma region_addrs_zeroes_alloc E W (a b : Addr) p : *)
(* p ≠ O → *)
(* Forall (λ a0 : Addr, (a0 ∉ dom (gset Addr) (std W))) (region_addrs a b) → *)
(* ([∗ list] y1;y2 ∈ region_addrs a b;region_addrs_zeroes a b, y1 ↦ₐ[p] y2) *)
(* ∗ region W ∗ sts_full_world W *)
(* ={E}=∗ ([∗ list] a0 ∈ region_addrs a b, read_write_cond a0 p interp) *)
(* ∗ region (std_update_temp_multiple W (region_addrs a b)) *)
(* ∗ sts_full_world (std_update_temp_multiple W (region_addrs a b)). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* iIntros (Hne Hforall) "[Hlist [Hr Hsts] ]". *)
(* iDestruct (region_addrs_zeroes_trans with "Hlist") as "Hlist". *)
(* rewrite /region_addrs. rewrite /region_addrs in Hforall. *)
(* iMod (region_addrs_zeroes_alloc_aux with "[$Hlist] [$Hr] [$Hsts]") as "H"; auto. *)
(* rewrite /region_size. zify_addr; eauto; lia. *)
(* Qed. *)

(* ------------------------------ OPENING A REGION ----------------------------------- *)
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