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Update to the new Function interface and update some byte->bool indexing
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bamos committed Sep 9, 2019
1 parent bb156fe commit 315d5f9
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332 changes: 164 additions & 168 deletions qpth/
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Expand Up @@ -15,176 +15,172 @@ class QPSolvers(Enum):

class QPFunction(Function):
def __init__(self, eps=1e-12, verbose=0, notImprovedLim=3,
def QPFunction(eps=1e-12, verbose=0, notImprovedLim=3,
maxIter=20, solver=QPSolvers.PDIPM_BATCHED,
self.eps = eps
self.verbose = verbose
self.notImprovedLim = notImprovedLim
self.maxIter = maxIter
self.solver = solver
self.check_Q_spd = check_Q_spd

def forward(self, Q_, p_, G_, h_, A_, b_):
"""Solve a batch of QPs.
This function solves a batch of QPs, each optimizing over
`nz` variables and having `nineq` inequality constraints
and `neq` equality constraints.
The optimization problem for each instance in the batch
(dropping indexing from the notation) is of the form
\hat z = argmin_z 1/2 z^T Q z + p^T z
subject to Gz <= h
Az = b
where Q \in S^{nz,nz},
S^{nz,nz} is the set of all positive semi-definite matrices,
p \in R^{nz}
G \in R^{nineq,nz}
h \in R^{nineq}
A \in R^{neq,nz}
b \in R^{neq}
These parameters should all be passed to this function as
Variable- or Parameter-wrapped Tensors.
(See torch.autograd.Variable and torch.nn.parameter.Parameter)
If you want to solve a batch of QPs where `nz`, `nineq` and `neq`
are the same, but some of the contents differ across the
minibatch, you can pass in tensors in the standard way
where the first dimension indicates the batch example.
This can be done with some or all of the coefficients.
You do not need to add an extra dimension to coefficients
that will not change across all of the minibatch examples.
This function is able to infer such cases.
If you don't want to use any equality or inequality constraints,
you can set the appropriate values to:
e = Variable(torch.Tensor())
Q: A (nBatch, nz, nz) or (nz, nz) Tensor.
p: A (nBatch, nz) or (nz) Tensor.
G: A (nBatch, nineq, nz) or (nineq, nz) Tensor.
h: A (nBatch, nineq) or (nineq) Tensor.
A: A (nBatch, neq, nz) or (neq, nz) Tensor.
b: A (nBatch, neq) or (neq) Tensor.
Returns: \hat z: a (nBatch, nz) Tensor.
nBatch = extract_nBatch(Q_, p_, G_, h_, A_, b_)
Q, _ = expandParam(Q_, nBatch, 3)
p, _ = expandParam(p_, nBatch, 2)
G, _ = expandParam(G_, nBatch, 3)
h, _ = expandParam(h_, nBatch, 2)
A, _ = expandParam(A_, nBatch, 3)
b, _ = expandParam(b_, nBatch, 2)

if self.check_Q_spd:
for i in range(nBatch):
e, _ = torch.eig(Q[i])
if not torch.all(e[:,0] > 0):
raise RuntimeError('Q is not SPD.')

_, nineq, nz = G.size()
neq = A.size(1) if A.nelement() > 0 else 0
assert(neq > 0 or nineq > 0)
self.neq, self.nineq, = neq, nineq, nz

if self.solver == QPSolvers.PDIPM_BATCHED:
self.Q_LU, self.S_LU, self.R = pdipm_b.pre_factor_kkt(Q, G, A)
zhats, self.nus, self.lams, self.slacks = pdipm_b.forward(
Q, p, G, h, A, b, self.Q_LU, self.S_LU, self.R,
self.eps, self.verbose, self.notImprovedLim, self.maxIter)
elif self.solver == QPSolvers.CVXPY:
vals = torch.Tensor(nBatch).type_as(Q)
zhats = torch.Tensor(nBatch,
lams = torch.Tensor(nBatch, self.nineq).type_as(Q)
nus = torch.Tensor(nBatch, self.neq).type_as(Q) \
if self.neq > 0 else torch.Tensor()
slacks = torch.Tensor(nBatch, self.nineq).type_as(Q)
for i in range(nBatch):
Ai, bi = (A[i], b[i]) if neq > 0 else (None, None)
vals[i], zhati, nui, lami, si = solvers.cvxpy.forward_single_np(
*[x.cpu().numpy() if x is not None else None
for x in (Q[i], p[i], G[i], h[i], Ai, bi)])
# if zhati[0] is None:
# import IPython, sys; IPython.embed(); sys.exit(-1)
zhats[i] = torch.Tensor(zhati)
lams[i] = torch.Tensor(lami)
slacks[i] = torch.Tensor(si)
if neq > 0:
nus[i] = torch.Tensor(nui)

self.vals = vals
self.lams = lams
self.nus = nus
self.slacks = slacks
assert False

self.save_for_backward(zhats, Q_, p_, G_, h_, A_, b_)
return zhats

def backward(self, dl_dzhat):
zhats, Q, p, G, h, A, b = self.saved_tensors
nBatch = extract_nBatch(Q, p, G, h, A, b)
Q, Q_e = expandParam(Q, nBatch, 3)
p, p_e = expandParam(p, nBatch, 2)
G, G_e = expandParam(G, nBatch, 3)
h, h_e = expandParam(h, nBatch, 2)
A, A_e = expandParam(A, nBatch, 3)
b, b_e = expandParam(b, nBatch, 2)

# neq, nineq, nz = self.neq, self.nineq,
neq, nineq = self.neq, self.nineq

if self.solver == QPSolvers.CVXPY:
self.Q_LU, self.S_LU, self.R = pdipm_b.pre_factor_kkt(Q, G, A)

# Clamp here to avoid issues coming up when the slacks are too small.
# TODO: A better fix would be to get lams and slacks from the
# solver that don't have this issue.
d = torch.clamp(self.lams, min=1e-8) / torch.clamp(self.slacks, min=1e-8)

pdipm_b.factor_kkt(self.S_LU, self.R, d)
dx, _, dlam, dnu = pdipm_b.solve_kkt(
self.Q_LU, d, G, A, self.S_LU,
dl_dzhat, torch.zeros(nBatch, nineq).type_as(G),
torch.zeros(nBatch, nineq).type_as(G),
torch.zeros(nBatch, neq).type_as(G) if neq > 0 else torch.Tensor())

dps = dx
dGs = bger(dlam, zhats) + bger(self.lams, dx)
if G_e:
dGs = dGs.mean(0)
dhs = -dlam
if h_e:
dhs = dhs.mean(0)
if neq > 0:
dAs = bger(dnu, zhats) + bger(self.nus, dx)
dbs = -dnu
if A_e:
dAs = dAs.mean(0)
if b_e:
dbs = dbs.mean(0)
dAs, dbs = None, None
dQs = 0.5 * (bger(dx, zhats) + bger(zhats, dx))
if Q_e:
dQs = dQs.mean(0)
if p_e:
dps = dps.mean(0)

grads = (dQs, dps, dGs, dhs, dAs, dbs)

return grads
class QPFunctionFn(Function):
def forward(ctx, Q_, p_, G_, h_, A_, b_):
"""Solve a batch of QPs.
This function solves a batch of QPs, each optimizing over
`nz` variables and having `nineq` inequality constraints
and `neq` equality constraints.
The optimization problem for each instance in the batch
(dropping indexing from the notation) is of the form
\hat z = argmin_z 1/2 z^T Q z + p^T z
subject to Gz <= h
Az = b
where Q \in S^{nz,nz},
S^{nz,nz} is the set of all positive semi-definite matrices,
p \in R^{nz}
G \in R^{nineq,nz}
h \in R^{nineq}
A \in R^{neq,nz}
b \in R^{neq}
These parameters should all be passed to this function as
Variable- or Parameter-wrapped Tensors.
(See torch.autograd.Variable and torch.nn.parameter.Parameter)
If you want to solve a batch of QPs where `nz`, `nineq` and `neq`
are the same, but some of the contents differ across the
minibatch, you can pass in tensors in the standard way
where the first dimension indicates the batch example.
This can be done with some or all of the coefficients.
You do not need to add an extra dimension to coefficients
that will not change across all of the minibatch examples.
This function is able to infer such cases.
If you don't want to use any equality or inequality constraints,
you can set the appropriate values to:
e = Variable(torch.Tensor())
Q: A (nBatch, nz, nz) or (nz, nz) Tensor.
p: A (nBatch, nz) or (nz) Tensor.
G: A (nBatch, nineq, nz) or (nineq, nz) Tensor.
h: A (nBatch, nineq) or (nineq) Tensor.
A: A (nBatch, neq, nz) or (neq, nz) Tensor.
b: A (nBatch, neq) or (neq) Tensor.
Returns: \hat z: a (nBatch, nz) Tensor.
nBatch = extract_nBatch(Q_, p_, G_, h_, A_, b_)
Q, _ = expandParam(Q_, nBatch, 3)
p, _ = expandParam(p_, nBatch, 2)
G, _ = expandParam(G_, nBatch, 3)
h, _ = expandParam(h_, nBatch, 2)
A, _ = expandParam(A_, nBatch, 3)
b, _ = expandParam(b_, nBatch, 2)

if check_Q_spd:
for i in range(nBatch):
e, _ = torch.eig(Q[i])
if not torch.all(e[:,0] > 0):
raise RuntimeError('Q is not SPD.')

_, nineq, nz = G.size()
neq = A.size(1) if A.nelement() > 0 else 0
assert(neq > 0 or nineq > 0)
ctx.neq, ctx.nineq, = neq, nineq, nz

if solver == QPSolvers.PDIPM_BATCHED:
ctx.Q_LU, ctx.S_LU, ctx.R = pdipm_b.pre_factor_kkt(Q, G, A)
zhats, ctx.nus, ctx.lams, ctx.slacks = pdipm_b.forward(
Q, p, G, h, A, b, ctx.Q_LU, ctx.S_LU, ctx.R,
eps, verbose, notImprovedLim, maxIter)
elif solver == QPSolvers.CVXPY:
vals = torch.Tensor(nBatch).type_as(Q)
zhats = torch.Tensor(nBatch,
lams = torch.Tensor(nBatch, ctx.nineq).type_as(Q)
nus = torch.Tensor(nBatch, ctx.neq).type_as(Q) \
if ctx.neq > 0 else torch.Tensor()
slacks = torch.Tensor(nBatch, ctx.nineq).type_as(Q)
for i in range(nBatch):
Ai, bi = (A[i], b[i]) if neq > 0 else (None, None)
vals[i], zhati, nui, lami, si = solvers.cvxpy.forward_single_np(
*[x.cpu().numpy() if x is not None else None
for x in (Q[i], p[i], G[i], h[i], Ai, bi)])
# if zhati[0] is None:
# import IPython, sys; IPython.embed(); sys.exit(-1)
zhats[i] = torch.Tensor(zhati)
lams[i] = torch.Tensor(lami)
slacks[i] = torch.Tensor(si)
if neq > 0:
nus[i] = torch.Tensor(nui)

ctx.vals = vals
ctx.lams = lams
ctx.nus = nus
ctx.slacks = slacks
assert False

ctx.save_for_backward(zhats, Q_, p_, G_, h_, A_, b_)
return zhats

def backward(ctx, dl_dzhat):
zhats, Q, p, G, h, A, b = ctx.saved_tensors
nBatch = extract_nBatch(Q, p, G, h, A, b)
Q, Q_e = expandParam(Q, nBatch, 3)
p, p_e = expandParam(p, nBatch, 2)
G, G_e = expandParam(G, nBatch, 3)
h, h_e = expandParam(h, nBatch, 2)
A, A_e = expandParam(A, nBatch, 3)
b, b_e = expandParam(b, nBatch, 2)

# neq, nineq, nz = ctx.neq, ctx.nineq,
neq, nineq = ctx.neq, ctx.nineq

if solver == QPSolvers.CVXPY:
ctx.Q_LU, ctx.S_LU, ctx.R = pdipm_b.pre_factor_kkt(Q, G, A)

# Clamp here to avoid issues coming up when the slacks are too small.
# TODO: A better fix would be to get lams and slacks from the
# solver that don't have this issue.
d = torch.clamp(ctx.lams, min=1e-8) / torch.clamp(ctx.slacks, min=1e-8)

pdipm_b.factor_kkt(ctx.S_LU, ctx.R, d)
dx, _, dlam, dnu = pdipm_b.solve_kkt(
ctx.Q_LU, d, G, A, ctx.S_LU,
dl_dzhat, torch.zeros(nBatch, nineq).type_as(G),
torch.zeros(nBatch, nineq).type_as(G),
torch.zeros(nBatch, neq).type_as(G) if neq > 0 else torch.Tensor())

dps = dx
dGs = bger(dlam, zhats) + bger(ctx.lams, dx)
if G_e:
dGs = dGs.mean(0)
dhs = -dlam
if h_e:
dhs = dhs.mean(0)
if neq > 0:
dAs = bger(dnu, zhats) + bger(ctx.nus, dx)
dbs = -dnu
if A_e:
dAs = dAs.mean(0)
if b_e:
dbs = dbs.mean(0)
dAs, dbs = None, None
dQs = 0.5 * (bger(dx, zhats) + bger(zhats, dx))
if Q_e:
dQs = dQs.mean(0)
if p_e:
dps = dps.mean(0)

grads = (dQs, dps, dGs, dhs, dAs, dbs)

return grads
return QPFunctionFn.apply

class SpQPFunction(Function):
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion qpth/solvers/pdipm/
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Expand Up @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ def factor_kkt(S_LU, R, d):
if factor_kkt_eye is None or factor_kkt_eye.size() != d.size():
# print('Updating batchedEye size.')
factor_kkt_eye = torch.eye(nineq).repeat(
nBatch, 1, 1).type_as(R).byte()
nBatch, 1, 1).type_as(R).bool()
T = R.clone()
T[factor_kkt_eye] += (1. / d).squeeze().view(-1)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion qpth/
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Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def get_sizes(G, A=None):
def bdiag(d):
nBatch, sz = d.size()
D = torch.zeros(nBatch, sz, sz).type_as(d)
I = torch.eye(sz).repeat(nBatch, 1, 1).type_as(d).byte()
I = torch.eye(sz).repeat(nBatch, 1, 1).type_as(d).bool()
D[I] = d.squeeze().view(-1)
return D

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import numpy.testing as npt
from numpy.testing import decorators
from numpy.testing import dec

import numdifftools as nd
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ def test_ir_kkt_solver():
npt.assert_allclose(dy.numpy(), dy_.numpy(), rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL)

not torch.cuda.is_available() or not hasattr(torch, 'spbqrfactsolve'))
def test_sparse_forward():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ def cast(m):
xhats_qpf.cpu().numpy(), rtol=RTOL, atol=ATOL)

not torch.cuda.is_available() or not hasattr(torch, 'spbqrfactsolve'))
def test_sparse_backward():
Expand Down

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