WARNING: This is a non-binary-compatible release (due to #3256).
- Fix GeoTrellisRasterSources to properly pass time though all the internal functions #3226
- Move GDAL overview strategy logger to debug level #3230
- Fix S3RDDLayerReader partitioning #3231
- GDALRasterSource works inconsistenly with BitCellType and ByteCellType #3232
- rasterizeWithValue accepts only topologically valid polygons #3236
- Rasterizer.rasterize should be consistent with rasterizeWithValue #3238
- GeoTrellisRasterSource should return None on empty reads #3240
- ArrayTile equals method always returns true if first elements are NaN #3242
- Fixed resource issue with JpegDecompressor that was causing a "too many open files in the system" exception on many parallel reads of JPEG compressed GeoTiffs. #3249
- Fix MosaicRasterSource, GDALRasterSource and GeoTiffResampleRasterSource behavior #3252
- HttpRangeReader should live outside of the Spark package #3254
- HttpRangeReader moved to
#3256 - Consistently construct GridExtents with