A personal bot for Discord, written with love and fun.
Originally a fork of RoboDanny with some edits.
You can invite the bot using the button on the bot profile, or calling the join command.
Make sure your server meets the following conditions, or the bot will leave automatically. This is because I am not going to verify with Discord and this limits my bot to 100 servers. I would like the bot to reach as many legitimate communities as possible.
- At least 10 human members
- This bot generally has no use for servers with a smaller member count.
- At least as many humans as bots
- Adding a lot of bots to a server just wastes resources, and making 'bot collection' servers is generally frowned upon. No server should need more bots than humans.
However, I can make exceptions for this on a case by case basis. Ask me in the support server.
I don't support running instances of my bot, sorry. Setup instructions will not be given. If you can figure it out yourself, go nuts.