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A type-safe set of functions for working with vec2-like objects and arrays.


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What's this?

This is a small JS library containing some utility functions for working with vector 2 (like) objects an arrays. The functions are sometimes not pure in the sense that they will modify the vector you provide to them. This allows the reuse of vector object instances and compatibility between different vector class types.


npm i -S vec2-fn

API Docs

API docs can be found here

ES usage:

// Import star
import * as vec2 from "vec2-fn";
vec2.equal({ x: 0, y: 0 }, vec2.ZERO);

// Import named
import { equal, ZERO } from "vec2-fn";
equal({ x: 0, y: 0 }, ZERO);

Node usage:

// Import all
const vec2 = require("vec2-fn");
vec2.equal({ x: 0, y: 0 }, vec2.ZERO);

// Assign named
const { equal, ZERO } = require("vec2-fn");
equal({ x: 0, y: 0 }, ZERO);

Static usage:

Old school method

<script src="./bin/vec2.js"></script>
	vec2.equal({ x: 0, y: 0 }, vec2.ZERO);

For static usage, ambient type definitions can optionally be referenced here node_modules/vec2-fn/bin/vec2.d.ts.

Table of contents


Type aliases



Type aliases


Ƭ Vec2Array<T>: T

Vec2-like array object.

Type parameters

Name Type Default
T number[] [number, number]

Defined in: types/vec2-array.ts:2


Ƭ Vec2Param: Vec2 | Vec2Array

A Vec2 array or object.

Defined in: types/vec2-param.ts:5


Ƭ Vec2Readonly: Readonly<Vec2>

Readonly Vec2

Defined in: types/vec2-readonly.ts:4



Const APPROX_THRESHOLD: 1e-8= 0.00000001

Approximate threshold for approx comparison

Defined in: constants/approx-threshold.ts:2


Const MINUS_ONE: Vec2Readonly

Constant readonly Vec2 with both values equalling -1

Defined in: constants/minus-one.ts:4


Const ONE: Vec2Readonly

Constant readonly Vec2 with both values equalling 1

Defined in: constants/one.ts:4


Const PRECISION: 11= 11

The number of decimal places calculations are made to.

Defined in: constants/precision.ts:2


Const VEC2_DOWN: Vec2Readonly

Normalized Vec2 pointing down

Defined in: constants/vec2-down.ts:4


Const VEC2_DOWN_LEFT: Vec2Readonly

Normalized Vec2 pointing down-left

Defined in: constants/vec2-down-left.ts:5


Const VEC2_DOWN_RIGHT: Vec2Readonly

Normalized Vec2 pointing down-right

Defined in: constants/vec2-down-right.ts:5


Const VEC2_LEFT: Vec2Readonly

Normalized Vec2 pointing left

Defined in: constants/vec2-left.ts:4


Const VEC2_RIGHT: Vec2Readonly

Normalized Vec2 pointing right

Defined in: constants/vec2-right.ts:4


Const VEC2_UP: Vec2Readonly

Normalized Vec2 pointing up

Defined in: constants/vec2-up.ts:4


Const VEC2_UP_LEFT: Vec2Readonly

Normalized Vec2 pointing up-left

Defined in: constants/vec2-up-left.ts:5


Const VEC2_UP_RIGHT: Vec2Readonly

Normalized Vec2 pointing up-right

Defined in: constants/vec2-up-right.ts:5


Const ZERO: Vec2Readonly

Constant readonly Vec2 with both values equalling 0

Defined in: constants/zero.ts:4



abs<T>(target: T): T

Calculate vec2 absolute value.


abs({ x: -1, y: -1 }); // -> { x: 0, y: 0 }

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T Target vector.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target vector.

Defined in: fn/abs.ts:19

abs<D>(target: Vec2Param, dest?: D): D

Calculate vec2 absolute value.


abs({ x: -1, y: -1 }); // -> { x: 0, y: 0 }

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param Target vector.
dest? D Destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination object.

Defined in: fn/abs.ts:34


add<T>(target: T, value: Vec2Param | number): T

Add vectors together.


add({ x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }); // -> { x: 0, y: 0 }

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T Target vector.
value Vec2Param | number The vector to add.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target object.

Defined in: fn/add.ts:17

add<D>(target: Vec2Param, value: Vec2Param | number, dest: D): D

Add vectors together.


let result = { x: 0, y: 0 };

add({ x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }, result); // -> { x: 0, y: 0 }

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param Target vector.
value Vec2Param | number The vector to add.
dest D Destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination object.

Defined in: fn/add.ts:34


angleTo(to: Vec2Param, from?: Vec2Param): number

Calculate angle.


Name Type Description
to Vec2Param Vector to calculate to.
from Vec2Param Vector to calculate from. Defaults to ZERO.

Returns: number

  • Number angle result.

Defined in: fn/angle-to.ts:14


approx(v1: Vec2Param, v2: Vec2Param, threshold?: number): boolean

Calculate whether two vectors are approximately equal.


Name Type Description
v1 Vec2Param First vector for comparison.
v2 Vec2Param Second vector for comparison.
threshold number -

Returns: boolean

  • Whether the vectors are approximately equal or not.

Defined in: fn/approx.ts:15


ceil<T>(target: T): T

Ceil the values of a vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T The target vector.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target vector.

Defined in: fn/ceil.ts:12

ceil<D>(target: Vec2Param, dest: D): D

Ceil the values of a vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param The target vector.
dest D Destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination vector.

Defined in: fn/ceil.ts:20


clamp<T>(target: T, vMin: Vec2Param | number, vMax: Vec2Param | number): T

Clamp a vector by min and max limits.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T Target object.
vMin Vec2Param | number Minimum vector.
vMax Vec2Param | number Maximum vector.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target object.

Defined in: fn/clamp.ts:14

clamp<D>(target: Vec2Param, vMin: Vec2Param | number, vMax: Vec2Param | number, dest: D): D

Clamp a vector by min and max limits.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param Target object.
vMin Vec2Param | number Minimum vector.
vMax Vec2Param | number Maximum vector.
dest D Destination object to store the values.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination object.

Defined in: fn/clamp.ts:24


copy<D>(target: Vec2Param, dest: D): D

Copy one vectors values to another.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param Target to be copied from.
dest D The destination object.

Returns: D

  • The destination object reference.

Defined in: fn/copy.ts:13


distance(from: Vec2Param, to: Vec2Param): number

Get the distance between two vectors.


Name Type Description
from Vec2Param From vector.
to Vec2Param To vector.

Returns: number

  • Number distance result.

Defined in: fn/distance.ts:11


distanceSq(from: Vec2Param, to: Vec2Param): number

Get the squared distance between two vectors.


Name Type Description
from Vec2Param From vector.
to Vec2Param To vector.

Returns: number

  • Number distance squared result.

Defined in: fn/distance-sq.ts:13


divide<T>(target: T, value: Vec2Param | number): T

Divide two vectors.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T Target vector.
value Vec2Param | number The vector to divide by.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target object.

Defined in: fn/divide.ts:11

divide<D>(target: Vec2Param, value: Vec2Param | number, dest: D): D

Divide two vectors.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param Target vector.
value Vec2Param | number The vector to divide by.
dest D Destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination object.

Defined in: fn/divide.ts:20


dot(v1: Vec2Param, v2: Vec2Param): number

Calculate the dot product of two vectors.


Name Type Description
v1 Vec2Param Vector 1.
v2 Vec2Param = Vector 2.

Returns: number

  • Number result of the dot product.

Defined in: fn/dot.ts:13


dotPerp(v1: Vec2Param, v2: Vec2Param): number

Calculate the perpendicular dot product of two vectors.


Name Type Description
v1 Vec2Param Vector 1.
v2 Vec2Param = Vector 2.

Returns: number

  • Number result of the perpendicular dot product.

Defined in: fn/dot-perp.ts:13


equal(target: Vec2Param, value: Vec2Param | number): boolean

Check whether two vectors are exactly equal to system precision.


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param Target vector.
value Vec2Param | number Value vector.

Returns: boolean

  • Boolean result of whether the vectors are equal.

Defined in: fn/equal.ts:13


floor<T>(target: T): T

Floor the values of a vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T The target vector.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target vector.

Defined in: fn/floor.ts:12

floor<D>(target: Vec2Param, dest: D): D

Floor the values of a vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param The target vector.
dest D Destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination vector.

Defined in: fn/floor.ts:20


isOne(target: Vec2Param): boolean

Check whether a vector is exactly equal to one (1,1).


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param Target vector.

Returns: boolean

  • Boolean result of whether the vector is equal to one.

Defined in: fn/is-one.ts:11


isVec2LikeArray<T>(value: T): value is T extends [number, number] ? T : never

Check whether a value is a vec2-like array.

Type parameters

Name Type
T unknown


Name Type Description
value T Input value to check.

Returns: value is T extends [number, number] ? T : never

  • Boolean result of whether the input is a vec2-like array.

Defined in: fn/is-vec2-array.ts:9


isVec2LikeObject<T>(value: T): value is T extends Vec2 ? T : never

Check whether a value is a vec2-like object.

Type parameters

Name Type
T unknown


Name Type Description
value T Input value to check.

Returns: value is T extends Vec2 ? T : never

  • Boolean result of whether the input is a vec2-like object.

Defined in: fn/is-vec2-object.ts:12


isZero(vec1: Vec2Param): boolean

Check whether a vector is exactly equal to zero (0,0).


Name Type
vec1 Vec2Param

Returns: boolean

  • Boolean result of whether the vector is equal to zero.

Defined in: fn/is-zero.ts:11


length(vec: Vec2Param): number

Get the length of a vector.


Name Type Description
vec Vec2Param The input vector.

Returns: number

  • The number result of the vector length.

Defined in: fn/length.ts:10


lengthSq(vec: Vec2Param): number

Get the squared length of a vector.


Name Type Description
vec Vec2Param The input vector.

Returns: number

  • The number result of the squared vector length.

Defined in: fn/length-sq.ts:12


lerp<T, V>(target: T, value: V, k: number): T

Linear interpolate two vectors.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param
V Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T Vector A.
value V Vector B.
k number The amount to interpolate by.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target object.

Defined in: fn/lerp.ts:15

lerp<D>(target: Vec2Param, value: Vec2Param, k: number, dest: D): D

Linear interpolate two vectors.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param Vector A.
value Vec2Param Vector B.
k number The amount to interpolate by.
dest D Destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination object.

Defined in: fn/lerp.ts:25


max<D>(dest: D, ...values: (Vec2Param | number)[]): D

Returns the max x and y of a set of vectors.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
dest D -
...values (Vec2Param | number)[] -

Returns: D

Defined in: fn/max.ts:13


min<D>(dest: D, ...values: (Vec2Param | number)[]): D

Returns the min x and y of a set of vectors.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
dest D -
...values (Vec2Param | number)[] -

Returns: D

Defined in: fn/min.ts:13


multiply<T>(target: T, value: Vec2Param | number): T

Multiply two vectors.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T The target vector.
value Vec2Param | number The vector to multiply by.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target object.

Defined in: fn/multiply.ts:11

multiply<D>(target: Vec2Param, value: Vec2Param | number, dest: D): D

Multiply two vectors.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param The target vector.
value Vec2Param | number The vector to multiply by.
dest D Destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination object.

Defined in: fn/multiply.ts:20


negate<T>(target: T): T

Negate a vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T The target vector.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target vector.

Defined in: fn/negate.ts:12

negate<D>(target: Vec2Param, dest: D): D

Negate a vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param The target vector.
dest D Destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination vector.

Defined in: fn/negate.ts:20


normalize<T>(target: T): T

Normalize a vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T Target can be vec object or array.

Returns: T

  • The modified target object.

Defined in: fn/normalize.ts:13

normalize<D>(target: Vec2Param, dest?: D): D

Normalize a vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param Target can be vec object or array.
dest? D destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the destination object.

Defined in: fn/normalize.ts:21


rotate<T>(target: T, angle: number): T

Rotate a vector around zero point.

readonly - A reference to the modified target vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T The target vector.
angle number The amount of rotation to apply in radians.

Returns: T

Defined in: fn/rotate.ts:14

rotate<D>(target: Vec2Param, angle: number, dest?: D): D

Rotate a vector around zero point.

readonly - A reference to the modified destination vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param The target vector.
angle number The amount of rotation to apply in radians.
dest? D Optional destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

Defined in: fn/rotate.ts:23


round<T>(target: T): T

Round the values of a vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T The target vector.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target vector.

Defined in: fn/round.ts:12

round<D>(target: Vec2Param, dest: D): D

Round the values of a vector.

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param The target vector.
dest D Destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination vector.

Defined in: fn/round.ts:20


subtract<T>(target: T, value: Vec2Param | number): T

Subtract one vector from another.


subtract({ x: 1, y: 1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }); // -> { x: 0, y: 0 }

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T The target vector.
value Vec2Param | number The vector to subtract.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the modified target vector.

Defined in: fn/subtract.ts:17

subtract<D>(target: Vec2Param, value: Vec2Param | number, dest?: D): D

Subtract one vector from another.


let result = { x: 0, y: 0 };
subtract({ x: 1, y: 1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }, result); // -> { x: 0, y: 0 }

Type parameters

Name Type
D Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target Vec2Param The target vector.
value Vec2Param | number The vector to subtract.
dest? D Destination object to store the result.

Returns: D

  • A reference to the modified destination vector.

Defined in: fn/subtract.ts:33


toArray(target: Vec2): Vec2Array

Convert a vec2-like object to an array.


Name Type
target Vec2

Returns: Vec2Array

  • Newly created array.

Defined in: fn/to-array.ts:12


toObject(target: Vec2Array): Vec2

Convert a vec2-like array to an object.


Name Type
target Vec2Array

Returns: Vec2

  • Newly created Vec2 object.

Defined in: fn/to-object.ts:12


zero<T>(target: T): T

Set vector to zero.

Type parameters

Name Type
T Vec2Param


Name Type Description
target T Target Vec2-like object the values will be written to.

Returns: T

  • A reference to the object the result was written to.

Defined in: fn/zero.ts:12


A type-safe set of functions for working with vec2-like objects and arrays.




