The idea of this repository is to store scripts to run lsdb/import-hipscat with Slurm in the LIneA environment.
- Clone the repository and access the directory:
git clone
cd slurm_lsdb
- Create environment (using Conda):
conda create -n hipscat python=3.10
conda activate hipscat
pip install --no-cache-dir hipscat-import
pip install --no-cache-dir ray
ulimit -s 50000
- Create configuration file (example used to import DP0 into the LIneA environment - dp0.yml):
cat dp0.yml
# Hipscat config to DP0
# The idea of yaml is to provide configuration parameters for hipscat.
# Each key must be a valid argument to the ImportArguments class.
id_column: objectId
ra_column: ra
dec_column: dec
input_path: /lustre/t0/scratch/users/singulani/hipscat/inputs_dp0
input_format: parquet
output_catalog_name: DP0
output_path: /lustre/t0/scratch/users/singulani/hipscat_gen/cats
dask_tmp: /lustre/t0/scratch/users/singulani/hipscat_gen/tmp
dask_n_workers: 5
overwrite: true
resume: true
sbatch submit.sbatch dp0.yml
sbatch submit-ray-cluster.sbatch dp0.yml