PH4 - First Release
Past due by 8 months
0% complete
Activities for community engagement:
- Add link in the projects area and link/card on the home page in the scientific platforms section on the LIneA institutional website
- Publish announcement on LIneA's website
- Offer short course for training new users after launch
- Publish announcement on DES Slack Workspace
- Publish announcement on LSSTC Slack Workspace
- Pu…
Activities for community engagement:
- Add link in the projects area and link/card on the home page in the scientific platforms section on the LIneA institutional website
- Publish announcement on LIneA's website
- Offer short course for training new users after launch
- Publish announcement on DES Slack Workspace
- Publish announcement on LSSTC Slack Workspace
- Publish announcement on the LSST Community forum
Atividades para envolvimento da comunidade
- Adicionar link na área de projetos e link/card na home page da seção plataformas científicas do site institucional do LIneA
- Publicar anúncio no site da LIneA
- Oferecer minicurso para treinar novos usuários após o lançamento
- Publicar anúncio no DES Slack Workspace
- Publicar anúncio no LSSTC Slack Workspace
- Publicar anúncio no fórum da comunidade LSST