Releases: leonhfr/orca
Releases · leonhfr/orca
- 944298b feat: backward pawns heuristic
- d533955 feat: better transposition table interfaces
- e9942ea feat: faster piece lookup
- 80de1e4 feat: fix move p2, piece uses boolean arithmetic
- 6099755 feat: king heuristics computes open and half open files
- 869d308 feat: king squares on board
- 13e9b4d feat: late move reductions
- 42adf58 feat: move ordering with see
- 9e64064 feat: nodes count on search information
- bdd3f45 feat: null move pruning
- 8da555e feat: piece property
- c5fe446 feat: principal variation search
- 9519a83 feat: principal variation search
- a9e287d feat: recover principal variation from transposition table
- 05ea188 feat: rook placement bonuses
- 5a98adf feat: search functions do not collect principal variation
- 3873ee9 feat: static exchange evaluation
- 8fe090a feat: switch to principal variation search
- abba214 feat: tapered king safety evaluation
- b42e742 feat: trapped piece heuristic and evaluation
- fd52f22 feat: use zero window search in pv search
- 214a239 feat: zero window search
- 0c2e8ae feat: zero window search
- 68b7397 fix: nodes count
- e4f81d8 fix: uci prints score when zero
- 8d3fcb9 fix: unmake moves before returning the error in search functions
- 0a053b1 fix: zero window search
- b2df923 Initial commit
- 16d85b7 feat: Color, PieceType, Piece types
- bd950e8 feat: FEN parsing functions
- b7e4c3e feat: Go scaffolding
- d9d69a5 feat: Magic type & magics generation
- 18cbd44 feat: MakeMove checks for legal moves
- c43beca feat: Move, MoveTag types & UCI move parsing
- 44596ff feat: Piece constants
- eb6ad0a feat: Position type
- 187d822 feat: PseudoMoves
- 6d79ec1 feat: Square, File, Rank types
- c9ac6b3 feat: Zobrist Hash
- ec02444 feat: add ci
- 1f1e85c feat: add godot linter
- bce7abf feat: alpha beta search function
- e16a3ad feat: array pawn transposition table
- 6b6964c feat: array transposition table
- 145827b feat: better movegen
- 4bb73dc feat: better zobrist
- ca2e6f8 feat: bitboard arrays
- 4ecb73f feat: bitboard type
- 975322b feat: board type
- 58c8fec feat: board.String
- 9ec952a feat: board.makeMove
- 3a6679f feat: check for king in check before entering quiescence search
- 84a0744 feat: check search extension
- cfa3527 feat: check stalemate draw
- 92e2d82 feat: check tag move
- 40e5c8e feat: commands and parser
- 5147a5a feat: cumulative nodes counter
- 863351e feat: do not generate all promo moves
- 8097581 feat: do not recompute hash on unmake move
- 30aed3b feat: doubled and isolated pawn properties
- 5815b10 feat: enable govet linter
- b0594be feat: engine interface
- cac318d feat: faster movegen
- faf781b feat: faster piecemap and evaluation
- c120b76 feat: fix array lengths
- 3e438ed feat: fix cached search benchmarks
- e4229b0 feat: fix check bug
- 60b1090 feat: fix linter version
- 224647d feat: fix linter version prefix
- d6ccf5f feat: fix move order in outputs
- 8b553f5 feat: fix pawn structure transpotion
- 02acfc9 feat: fix pawn zobrist hash for captures
- 3c837ea feat: fix perft
- 5fb3e0e feat: fix promo in opening book lookup
- 501a5fe feat: fix use of transposition table
- 0b50793 feat: fix zobrist hashing
- c4e1736 feat: go, stop, quit commands
- 0688989 feat: goreleaser
- d4e9d74 feat: goreleaser gh action
- 6229a54 feat: ignore benchmark files
- 00ff31d feat: implicit best move from table in iterative search
- 92fa04b feat: improve alpha beta function
- 50e0f52 feat: improve evaluation function
- 2c72f96 feat: improve getBitboard function
- b700f20 feat: improve pieceAt function
- 12657e2 feat: incremental zobrist hash
- 62af203 feat: init rook and bishop moves
- 5897e15 feat: init search with transposition table
- b5a9fb8 feat: killer moves
- 4eab95c feat: king piece map
- 3bd49b7 feat: king, queen, rook, bishop, knight moves
- 752d182 feat: limit cases where we check for discovered checks
- a76e714 feat: loud moves
- 8006a43 feat: main entry point
- 8eab1b0 feat: make and unmake move
- 464be54 feat: material check
- 8697114 feat: move context cancel intercept to uci package
- 52b7c1b feat: move negamax function
- b72ccab feat: move ordering instead of sorting
- bb0d295 feat: move, pawn property, square file and rank
- 9bed70a feat: negamax function
- 0dcd264 feat: nodes and time search limit
- 3f49ee1 feat: opening book
- 3c1408d feat: options and set options command and response
- 92a5c5d feat: oracle
- 153436e feat: order loud moves
- f71b55b feat: output channel value instead of pointers
- 5486356 feat: own book boolean option
- f493cb9 feat: own opening book
- 08189e5 feat: passed pawn property
- 42e15a8 feat: pawn hash
- 2da5711 feat: pawn hash only takes pawns into account
- baa32ec feat: pawn move and capture bitboards
- d0c52b4 feat: pawn moves
- 7feb756 feat: pawn piece map
- 83f388d feat: pawn shield evaluation
- f8ceb2b feat: pawn structure evaluation
- 8a30ce2 feat: pawn transposition table
- b367932 feat: perft
- 2e5518e feat: pesto evaluation function
- 0a258b7 feat: piece mobility evaluation
- f864b96 feat: pointer output channel
- 5d4e502 feat: position command
- c5c95fe feat: preallocate killer array
- c1dc821 feat: quiescence search
- db5f307 feat: ranks, files, diagonals, anti diagonals bitboards
- 8f9c18c feat: reduce memory footprint
- 1b88b9a feat: refactor search output
- 4648ef1 feat: refactor tests
- d0dcc39 feat: remove check boolean
- 6a35de0 feat: remove pre move checks
- 5c051ed feat: remove race conditions
- 746f47b feat: search engine options
- 98f3260 feat: search info struct
- 722f430 feat: search interface
- f6b6af2 feat: search principal variation before movegen
- 5707bae feat: side, castlingRights types
- d0b5927 feat: simplify alpha beta search
- 9734ec6 feat: simplify iterative search function
- cf56584 feat: simplify movegen
- 144c455 feat: simplify movegen
- 4e1799f feat: skip empty square piece lookup
- 3d9f590 feat: small improvements
- 34ff860 feat: small imrpovements
- 2697e33 feat: store check on position
- 6ebae3d feat: test coverage
- 7be7c9f feat: transposition table
- c06e49d feat: transposition table interface
- faf9903 feat: uci and debug commands
- ab128b4 feat: uci new game command
- 3331184 feat: uci new game resets the position
- 905dba4 feat: uci responses
- 32ce447 feat: uci.Run function
- 1d3ec05 feat: update linters
- 47103db feat: use transposition table
- 968f436 fix: alpha beta search transposition entry
- 1f41f34 fix: book weight moves sort
- da6a15d fix: correct integer overflow
- d882fa6 fix: transposition search condition
- c54f396 refactor: dead code
- 7d55acb refactor: heuristics
- 10aa6b9 refactor: uci controller