This is a pet project based on Yandex-Practice course. The main idea is to create back-end services for online cinema. The project includes:
- Admin panel
- Transfering data from initial SQLite database
- ETL from Postgres to Elastic Search
- Endpoints for reading data fast, from Elastic search
Prefered way with docker compose
Start wth moving example sample.env
to .env
docker-compose up -d --build
To to add some data go to airflow worker container and
cd /srv/app/
from etl.sqlite_to_postgres import main
After that you can observe data in admin panel
The admin panel can be found at
. Default creadentials can be found in .env. Feel free to check admin
, 123qwe
The air flow webserver at
. Default credentials are airflow
, airflow
The OpenApi can be found at
To run ETL from Postgres to Elsatic search trigger graph
For local development and typing support it's reccomended to install all packages for all images as follows:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt \
-r etc/compose/admin_panel/requirements.txt \
-r etc/compose/airflow/requirements.txt \
-r etc/compose/movies_api/requirements.txt
Install hoks with flake8, isort and black to maintain codestyle
pre-commit install
There is dedicated sample.docker-compose.override.yml
file to separate production from development.
For the ease of development there is an opption to mount directories with code and edit code inside container.
To enable it jsut
cp sample.docker-compose.override.yml docker-compose.override.yml
docekr-compose up -d
And you changes will appear in containers
Go to airflow-worker
container and
cd /srv/app/
Go to api container and run
cd /app/tests/api
pytest src