Exports Issues from a specified repository to a CSV file.
Prints out the bug stats for: number of bugs, number of to fix, number of pending story, number of enhancement :5 Uses basic authentication (Github username + password) to retrieve Issues from a repository that username has access to. **INSTUCTIONS to get the list of bugs title and number:** 1.pip install requests 2.replace GITHUB_USER with your username 3.replace GITHUB_PASSWORD with your auth token (settings -> personal access tokens) 4.run as "python export_issues.py" 5.type --help for information about the parametersINSTUCTIONS to get the bug stats:
1.pip install requests 2.replace GITHUB_USER with your username 3.replace GITHUB_PASSWORD with your auth token (settings -> personal access tokens) 4.run as "python bugstats.py"