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stevedonovan edited this page Feb 17, 2013 · 1 revision

This is a small Python-style list class in Moonscript.

We want to wrap existing tables as lists, so this class uses the patch hack to allow the constructor to return a new self.

class List
  new: (t) =>   
    if t then return t

  append: table.insert
  join: table.concat

  map: (f,...) => List [f x,... for x in *self]
  -- apply a function on a list in-place
  apply: (f,...) =>
    for i = 1,#@ do @[i] = f @[i],...

  clone: => @slice 1

  slice: (i1,i2=#@) =>
    -- workaround for MS slice bug
    if i2 < 0 then i2 = #@ + i2 + 1
    List [x for x in *self[i1,i2]]

  extend: (other) =>
    i = #self + 1
    for o in *other
        self[i] = o
        i += 1

  partition: (pred,...) =>
    res = {}
    for x in *@
        k = pred x,...
        if not res[k] then res[k] = List!
        res[k]\append x
  lpartition: (n,npred,...) =>
      res = List[List{} for i = 1,n]
      for x in *@
        k = npred x,...
        if k >= 1 and k <= n
            res[k]\append x
  __concat: (l1,l2) ->
        List.clone(l1)\extend l2

  __tostring: =>
    tmp = @slice(1,10)\apply tostring
    if #@ > 10 then tmp\append '...'

-- hack to modify class so its constructor may return a new self    
patch = (klass) -> getmetatable(klass).__call = (cls,...) ->
    self = setmetatable {}, cls.__base
    newself = cls.__init self, ...
    if newself
        self = setmetatable newself, cls.__base

patch List

return List
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