Luke Beasley, Shahen Mirzoyan, Maxime Tchibozo, Akshay Pakhle
Guidelines :
Data Sources: 1. 2.
Predict values of the cumulative number of confirmed cases, recovered cases and deaths for May 1, 2020.
Submission format for Track 1:
Upload three .csv files (for the three target numbers, same format as in, e.g.,, with a column labeled 5/1/20 with positive integer predicted values. Teams will be given a folder to upload files.
Link to the team’s repo with code generating aforementioned files
Evaluation for Track 1:
Sum, over all entries that are ≥100 on Friday, April 24, 2020, 11:59 p.m. EDT, of the squared difference between log(prediction) and log(truth).
Allowed data and methods for Track 1:
Any legal data and methods are allowed, as long as the code is provided.