Source code for implementation part of the master thesis.
Files located in cgal dir are modified versions of original CGAL header files, so make sure to replace them.
In order to run executable file (ds1_example.exe for now) in environments without Visual Studio 2013 and CGAL and Boost libraries installed, following DLL files are included in the package:
- boost_chrono_vc120-mt-1_57.dll
- boost_system_vc120-mt-1_57.dll
- boost_thread_vc120-mt-1_57.dll
- CGAL-vc120-mt-4.5.dll
Use cmake-gui. For source dir specify the projects's path and for build dir use whatever directory you wish. Make sure there's a cmake entry CGAL_DIR with value pathToCGAL/build.
Open solution file, located in build directory, with Visual Studio. To build executables, use build command, e.g. build *.cpp . In Build->Configuration manager check that Release mode is used and not Debug and uncheck ALL_BUILD line. Also, set the project as startup project.