Draco-7_12_0 Released
Draco-7_12_0, build date 2021 Oct 06, build type: Release, DBC: 0, DRACO_DIAGNOSTICS: 0
CCS-2 Draco Team: Kelly G. Thompson, Kent G. Budge, Matt A. Cleveland, Ryan T. Wollaeger,
Ben R. Ryan, Alex R. Long, Kendra P. Long, James S. Warsa, Jae H. Chang, Andrew T. Till,
and David A. Dixon.
Prior Contributors: Gabriel M. Rockefeller, Allan B. Wollaber, Tim Kelley, Rob B. Lowrie,
Paul W. Talbot, Katherine J. Wang, Seth D. Cook, Ondrej Certik, Peter Ahrens,
Massimiliano Rosa, Todd J. Urbatsch, Daniel Holladay, Jeff D. Densmore, Howard Pritchard,
Jeff Furnish, John McGhee, Kris C. Garrett, Mike Buksas, Nick Myers, Paul Henning,
Randy Roberts, Seth Johnson, Todd Adams, Tom Evans, and Lori Pritchett-Sheats.
Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Triad National Security, LLC. (C19028, LA-CC-16-016),
Released under a 3-Clause BSD License.
Summary of changes:
- 185 files changed, added or removed in 76 commits.
- Add preliminary Kernel Density Estimator framework.
- Add 3D orthogonal and random Voronoi options to mesh generators.
- Add ability to generate x3d files from draco mesh objects
- Begin using fprettify format checker for F90 code
- Provide autopep8 git hook for python format checking
- Add a copyright date checker script
- Several environment changes/additions (darwin-skylake, basic env for ATS-4, nvcc+xl on Darwin P9)
Corrected Defects
- #1140 Fix bad logic that prevented -fp-model=precise from being used.
- #1131 Limit number of threads spawned for tstOMP and tstatomics
- #1126 Force lapack use when xlc++.
- #1125 Fix overlapping theta boundary in spherical KDE reconstructions
- #1122 Use -g instead of -G in standard CUDA flags
- #1117 make origin and target write size match in the mpi_put call
- #1108 Provide a couple of fixes for XL on power9
- #1103 Vor2d mesh faces fix
- #1099 Fix build warnings reported by gcc on rzansel.
- #1087 Use FMA in Planck integration
- #1083 Fix broken Appveyor CI
New Features
- #1137 Adopt LAP SE 1.8 for default develop env on CTS-1 and ATS-1
- #1136 Draco timer update
- #1135 Add CUDA flags to draco_info report
- #1134 Begin supporting nvcc+xl on darwin P9.
- #1133 Provide skylake-based env on Darwin.
- #1130 Expand scope of proxy-on/off.
- #1129 Update the doxygen build_system.dcc file.
- #1123 Simplify spherical quick_index and kde reconstruction
- #1120 Begin using environment lapse/1.8.0-xl on ATS-2.
- #1114 Add option to generate arbitrary rectangular (prism) regions.
- #1112 Add region output, with all the cells, to x3d_generator.py.
- #1109 Make basic CDI functions constexpr
- #1106 Enhance opstream by allowing output to a specified ostream.
- #1105 Provide git-hook that updates copyright block automagically.
- #1104 Provide basic environment for ATS-4.
- #1102 Update URLs to point to re-git.
- #1100 Add autopep8 git hook
- #1098 Add random Voronoi mesh to mesh generators
- #1097 Switch F90 format checker to fprettify.
- #1094 Add error message when CSK data file is not found
- #1093 Add logic for setting DRACO_ROUNDOFF_MODE for FMA CPP macro.
- #1091 Add 3D orthogonal structure mesh type for mesh generators.
- 1090 Add preliminary framework for generating X3D (and eventually RTT) mesh files.
- #1081 Add and calculate coordinate container for off-rank neighbor nodes.
- Issue #1110 Add warning flags for g++