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Repository that demonstrates the deployment of three node Vault clusters in three AWS regions using Terraform and Cloud-init

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Simple PoC project that creates three Vault clusters in three different AWS regions.

Vault Logo

What is it :

This project creates three node Vault environment joined in a Raft (integrated storage) cluster in three different AWS regions.

Simple diagram :


Prerequisites :

  • Having AWS account with the necessary permissions.
  • Terraform v0.13.2 or higher

Usage :

  • Clone the repository : git clone
  • Change into its directory : cd 3xVault.
  • Create terraform.tfvars file, example of how it should look like can be found below.
  • Put your Vault enterprise license in a file named license_vault.txt in the root directory of this project.
  • Initialize Terraform providers : terraform init.
  • Execute Terraform plan and apply: terraform plan and terraform apply, the IPs of all Vault nodes are printed as Terraform outputs.
  • Each node located in a1 AZ is the active node for the particular cluster. The VAULT_TOKEN env variable is automatically populated for the active node of each cluster.

How to enable Vault replication :

  • The directory private_keys in the root directory of this repository contains three private keys, each key is designated for particular region as its name suggests.

  • Use the private-us-east-1.key key to connect to the us-east-1 region (or other region that is configured by terraform.tfvars) :

    ssh -i private_keys/private-us-east-1.key ubuntu@IP_ADDRESS_ACTIVE_NODE`
  • Enable PR(ap-south-1 region) and DR(eu-central-1 region) replication in primary mode (the Vault token is pre-configured) :

    vault write -f sys/replication/performance/primary/enable 
    vault write -f sys/replication/dr/primary/enable
  • Generate secondary tokens for PR(ap-south-1 region) and DR(eu-central-1 region) replications :

    • For PR(ap-south-1 region) :

      vault write -format=json sys/replication/performance/primary/secondary-token id=pr_secondary_asia | jq -r .wrap_info.token      

      The output should look like :

    • For DR(eu-central-1 region) :

      vault write -format=json sys/replication/dr/primary/secondary-token id=dr_secondary_europe | jq -r .wrap_info.token

      The output should look like :


      Take a note of the generated tokens, they are good for 30 minutes.

  • Enable PR replication on the secondary side in ap-south region :

    • Login to the node with :

      ssh -i private_keys/private-ap-south-1.key ubuntu@IP_OF_AP_VAULT_NODE
    • Enable PR :

      vault write sys/replication/performance/secondary/enable token=eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NvciI6IiIsImFkZHIiOiJodHRwczovLzE5Mi4xNjguMC41OjgyMDAiLCJleHAiOjE2MDMxMTYyNjAsImlhdCI6MTYwMzExNDQ2MCwianRpIjoicy55OWtXUHRZTVJtMU9lczRQaEdjcnk4MkIiLCJuYmYiOjE2MDMxMTQ0NTUsInR5cGUiOiJ3cmFwcGluZyJ9.ANmspVajd3a3acxxxKSwjQNsTxms4zlM4Acbc-4F0Qh3T0ofoEwVu7KFN68OTJ2OxDAQ7d4LI_LOQbV1oG2Y8alBAWrGWyv3OPUQftA0h5yrTzer4ZLVqIwdik9cjzooJhkKtsQibWGioY48vxiaVpDIQWxGzwoCvFM2tOi8FD91BNYu
    • Verify that the PR replication is in stream-wals state

      vault read -format=json sys/replication/performance/status | jq -r .data.state
  • Enable DR replication on the secondary side in eu-central region :

    • Login to the node with :

      ssh -i private_keys/private-eu-central-1.key ubuntu@IP_OF_EU_VAULT_NODE
    • Enable DR :

      vault write sys/replication/dr/secondary/enable token=eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NvciI6IiIsImFkZHIiOiJodHRwczovLzE5Mi4xNjguMC41OjgyMDAiLCJleHAiOjE2MDMxMTYyMjUsImlhdCI6MTYwMzExNDQyNSwianRpIjoicy5QWW55WmxoUnBONDlRMk5oaTB2RWQwVUciLCJuYmYiOjE2MDMxMTQ0MjAsInR5cGUiOiJ3cmFwcGluZyJ9.APs-iC01TgceBg9FGFaaZncK65b21j_xJMXWX8uXjlUj0QeiYEkT2n89HISbwSvc51yY7pYl8q2mkl1nF7u6-zXbAHvo_uLdYi3p2_LOynLN31hEFtdhgPgIECoSATBboe3OgdQ0yaWbpK7DoDcY4-k4b_Ueg_FU9nJMgzz1qsp0RWT3
    • Verify that the DR replication is in stream-wals state :

      vault read -format=json sys/replication/dr/status | jq -r .data.state


  • Install host keys
  • Use cloud-init to setup Hashicorp DEB repo
  • Install Vault from the DEB repo
  • Implement TLS for Vault
  • Provision Vault
  • Add Vault Ent license
  • Create Raft storage
  • Use cloud-init for exchanging CAs
  • Fix SystemD issue - Vault does not start
  • Create role for instance profile of EC2
  • Utilize the instance profile for KMS
  • Utilize the instance profile for AWS auth
  • Provide replication instructions
  • Output IPs of the nodes
  • Create LB
  • Isolate the instances and provide Bastion host for accessing them
  • Create configuration object (custom object) for top-level
  • Add public DNS to the host keys of the local TF machine
  • Readme should include instructions on the licensing
  • Review the raft protocol configuration when new version of Vault comes out
  • Use cloud auto-join feature
  • Do smarter check when licensing
  • Improve VPC peering - Add routes to the existing route tables and adjust timeouts when destroying
  • Install TF and do some config with TF Vault provider. For example, enable aws auth, aws secrets engine and configure S3 Raft auto snapshot
  • Create usage GIF with peek
  • Provide ability to enable Raft auto-snapshot feature
  • Provide configurable Vault version for each cluster

Example terraform.tfvars :

clusters = {
  "us" = { region = "us-east-2", vpc_cidr = "", vault_version = "1.10.3-1+ent" },
  "ap" = { region = "ap-south-1", vpc_cidr = "", vault_version = "1.10.1-1+ent" },
  "eu" = { region = "eu-west-1", vpc_cidr = "", vault_version = "1.10.1-1+ent" }

# For all versions of "vault-enterprise" package, run "apt list -a vault-enterprise" after installing the Hashicorp repo

Example of enabling S3 auto snapshot (backup) :

vault write sys/storage/raft/snapshot-auto/config/vault_backup_bucket \
storage_type="aws-s3" \
aws_s3_bucket="raft-snapshot-bucket-<region-here>-<current-env-id>" \
aws_s3_region="<region-here>" \
interval="1m" \

For every cluster there is a dedicated S3 bucket to keep the Raft snapshots. Before using the above-mentioned command replace the <region-here> string with the region of the cluster, for example us-east-2 and <current-env-id> string with the current-env-id TF output, for example touched-cicada, which corresponds to the current deployment. You can use the terraform output command to retrieve current-env-id value.

Example SSH commands :

ssh -i ./private_keys/private-ap-south-1.key ubuntu@IP_VAULT_INSTANCE_AP_REGION
ssh -i ./private_keys/private-eu-west-1.key ubuntu@IP_VAULT_INSTANCE_EU_REGION
ssh -i ./private_keys/private-us-east-2.key ubuntu@IP_VAULT_INSTANCE_US_REGION

Contributing :

License :


Repository that demonstrates the deployment of three node Vault clusters in three AWS regions using Terraform and Cloud-init






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  • HCL 94.0%
  • Shell 6.0%