Just some code that I am developing as I learn Python. It includes:
- Basic Class
- OOP: Class inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, abstraction
- edx_Course: loops, strings, lists, dictionaries, input/output, and tuples
- NumPy and SciPy: plotting, arrays etc
- TutorialsPoint tutorials: threads, data structures,
- Basic Scipy and Numpy - as introduced in TutorialsPoint
- Unit Testing
Dev is on Windows 10 using the Python 3.8 Console from Microsoft Windows Store.
- now is on linux VM
- https://www.holbertonschool.com/coding-concept-what-is-object-oriented-programming
- https://pythonschool.net/category/oop.html
- How I installed numpy: "sudo apt-get install python3-numpy "
- currently running everything through "python3 script.py*"