Releases: kurator-dev/kurator
Kurator v0.6.0
What's New
Unified Application Rollout
As a modern cloud-native application platform, facilitating application deployment models is a highly demanded feature. In this release, kurator supported Canary deployment, A/B Testing and Blue/Green Deployment across clusters within a fleet. This is significant for users to manage their application rolling out policy in a single entrypoint.
Move here to take a look at proposal.
And to get a quick start on kurator unified application rollout, please transite to our official user guide.
CI/CD Pipeline
The current landscape of CI/CD in cloud-native development often presents a steep learning curve due to the complexity of tools like Tekton. Users must have in-depth knowledge of various configurations and components to set up a functional pipeline.
In this release, we implemented super simplified CI/CD pipeline management aimed at providing a user-friendly interface, thereby accelerating application development and deployment workflows in cloud-native projects.
To get a good understanding of this feature, please move here to take a look at the proposal.
And if you want to quickly setup your own CI/CD pipeline, please view our official doc to get a detailed guidance.
What's Changed
- add example of storage-doc by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #421
- workflows: add release image workflows by @Xieql in #425
- bump version to 1.0-dev by @hzxuzhonghu in #427
- bugfix: make sure ns exsit when create velero secret by @Xieql in #426
- doc: update kubectl command mistake by @Xieql in #430
- workflows: remove 'v' prefix from tag in release image script by @Xieql in #433
- doc: fix migrate page weight by @Xieql in #437
- Add fossa github action by @hzxuzhonghu in #441
- Update fossa.yaml by @hzxuzhonghu in #443
- add api push key dual to github constraints by @hzxuzhonghu in #445
- add security team by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #438
- site: add community page with existing config by @Xieql in #447
- Added provision for joining the security team by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #449
- site: add search function by @Xieql in #446
- site: add feedback in each doc page by @Xieql in #450
- add security readme by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #453
- site:fix mail naming mistake by @Xieql in #455
- site: add blog page by @Xieql in #454
- fix link broken by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #461
- add security policy of Kurator by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #459
- Security Release Process by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #458
- update kubernetes version of rook by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #466
- Replaced go-scp package by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #464
- doc: add 0.2.0 release blog to site by @Xieql in #462
- doc: add 0.4 release blog to site by @Xieql in #471
- doc: add 0.5.0 release blog to site by @Xieql in #472
- doc: add 0.3.0 release blog to site by @Xieql in #470
- doc: add kurator or kubespray blog to site by @Xieql in #473
- doc: remove unused file in cluster operator doc by @Xieql in #474
- delete in pkg/generic by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #469
- change storage api to avoid relying on rook by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #480
- rename fleetCluster to FleetCluster to make it public by @Xieql in #485
- Adding Security Policies to the Repository by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #488
- Bump k8s dependency to 1.27.8 by @hzxuzhonghu in #486
- Removed useless packages from go.mod. by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #483
- License lint by @hzxuzhonghu in #490
- rename FleetCluster to KubeConfigSecretRef by @Xieql in #484
- Fixed function name error by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #495
- proposal: pipeline by @Xieql in #476
- refactor: make buildFleetClusters public by @Xieql in #492
- pipeline: add renderRBAC func by @Xieql in #494
- doc: add backup api reference by @Xieql in #502
- add a community membership guidelines by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #500
- proposal:rollout design by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #489
- add crd:allowDangerousTypes=true in by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #507
- refactor: add getruntimeclient func by @Xieql in #504
- pipeline: Init pipeline api by @Xieql in #478
- complete rollout api by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #505
- ci: make gen-code work properly by @zirain in #509
- Modify description details of rollout proposal by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #508
- refactor fleet-manager folder by @Xieql in #503
- update readme for fix markdown lint by @Xieql in #512
- init fleet api to install flagger and testloader by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #519
- Make some fleet manager private functions public. by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #524
- kurator cli: update install cli doc by @Xieql in #525
- add rollout status in app api by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #520
- init fleet plugin install flagger and public testloader by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #523
- add tekton scheme to runtimeclient by @Xieql in #527
- Change
in ApplicationSyncStatus toRolloutStatus
by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #530 - update fleet-manager rbac.yaml by @Xieql in #531
- site: make doc menu more compact by @Xieql in #448
- add flaggerapi and appsv1 to ctrlRuntimeClient scheme by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #532
- add membership request issue template by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #501
- pipeline api: add volumClaimTemplate by @Xieql in #513
- pipeline: update pipeline proposal cli design by @Xieql in #533
- pipeline: complete pipeline list cli by @Xieql in #534
- pipeline: update render rbac and remove manifest file by @Xieql in #511
- pipeline: add api describtion about new predefined task by @Xieql in #539
- pipeline: complete pipeline logs cli by @Xieql in #537
- pipeline: add render custom task func by @Xieql in #541
- change the RolloutTimeoutSeconds to be of type *int32 by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #551
- complete rollout policy controller render by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #529
- pipeline: add render trigger func by @Xieql in #547
- pipeline: add render predefined task func by @Xieql in #545
- pipeline: update the api field json by @Xieql in #552
- pipeline: add render pipeline func by @Xieql in #548
- fix bug where function
only install in the control plant by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #555 - doc: add practical operation guild for pipeline by @Xieql in #554
- add a distributors application issue template by @LiZhenCheng9527 in #497
- doc: add pipeline api reference by @Xieql in
Kurator v0.6.0-rc.1
Kurator v0.6.0-rc.1 pre-release!
Kurator v0.6.0-rc.0
Kurator v0.6.0-rc.0 pre-release!
Kurator v0.5.0
What's New
Unified Backup, Restore, and Migration
Introduced a unified solution for backup, restore, and migration of applications and their related cluster resources across multiple clusters within a fleet.
This approach addresses the challenges of managing these tasks across various environments, ensuring clarity and consistency for users.
This feature is based on Velero
See unified backup proposal for more details.
Fleet Backup Plugin: #378;
Unified Backup, Restore, and Migration: #377, #393; -
Fleet Backup Plugin: #381;
Backup Controller: #394 #406;
Restore Controller #407;
Migrate Controller #408; -
What is Unified Backup, Restore, and Migration with Fleet. #405;
How to manager Fleet Backup Plugin. #391;
How to use Unified Backup with Kurator. #414;
How to use Unified Restore with Kurator. #419;
How to use Unified Migrate with Kurator. #420
Unified distributed storage for kurator
Introduced distributed cloud native storage capabilities. Made users able to implement a unified distributed storage in multiple clusters.
This feature is based on Rook
See Storage proposal for more details.
- Complete API design Unified Distributed Storage API implementation #403
- Complete functional development and UT test Implementing rook installation using the fleet plugin. #413
- Improve the use of documentation Distributed storage documentation #416
Other Notable Changes
Bug Fixes and Cleanups:
Implemented several refinements and cleanups, including the removal of redundant unused statements, method refactoring, error handling, and more. This includes, but is not limited to, #349 #361 #368 #371 #388 #389 #390 #398 #399
Doc Update
Added helm repo installation doc #348
Added a note on non-scripted creation of clusters #418
Several documentation refinements for enhanced readability, including updates with images and examples. #357 #352 #362
Features & Enhancements
Implemented validating webhook for attachedcluster #344;
Custommachine #356
Application: #359
Unit test for CustomClusterController #373
Application: implement cluster selector #353 #354
New Contributors
@LiZhenCheng9527 made their first contribution in #368
Kurator v0.5.0-rc.0
Kurator v0.5.0-rc.0 pre-release!
Kurator v0.4.0
We are pleased to announce Kurator v0.4.0 release! This is the third release of this year.
What's New
Application Distribution
Introduced a new module application manager
in fleet manager
, which aims to deliver application/config across fleet
via GitOps way. Application manager is built upon FluxCD and Fleet
. It provides a more flexible and simple way to automate application deploying and syncing with a single declarative API Application.
See Unified Application Distribution with Kurator for more details.
Multi Cluster Monitoring
Added metric plugins into fleet manager
to provide unified observability across fleet
. Metric plugins can deploy monitoring components grafana, thanos, and prometheus automatically for a fleet in IaC(infrastructure as code) way. And thus, fleet manager can provide highly available multi-cluster monitoring capability.
See Enable Multi Cluster Monitoring with Fleet for more details.
Consistent Security Policy
Added policy manager into fleet manager
to provide consistent security protection across fleet
. Policy manager is built on kyverno and can automatically deploy policy engine to all the clusters of the fleet. In addition, policy manager support setting pod security policy for fleet scope.
See Enable Policy Management with Fleet for more details.
Attached Cluster
Introduced a new Cluster type AttachedCluster
. AttachedCluster
can be used to define a kubernetes cluster which was provisioned by any tool and located in any place.
With AttachedCluster
, the fleet manager can extend its management capability towards real distributed cloud.
See Manage AttachedCluster for more details.
Other Notable Changes
Cluster Operator Enhancement
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
Kurator v0.4.0-rc.0
Kurator v0.4.0-rc.0 pre-release!
Kurator v0.3.0
We are pleased to announce Kurator v0.3.0 release!
What's New
Cluster Operator Enhancement
- Added a new CRD
on top of cluster api, with this you only need to declare one API object to manage lifecycle of kubernetes cluster instead of multi objects previsouly on v0.2 release. - Added support for kubernetes cluster upgrade.
- Added support for kubernetes cluster scaling up and down.
- Added support for high available kubernetes cluster set up on premises.
Fleet Manager
Introduced a new component fleet manager
, aims to manage a group of clusters consistently. The clusters group is called fleet
.A fleet is a groups of physical clusters, and we provides a entry to the fleet once it is created. And also we support cluster registration to a fleet.
Other Notable Changes
API Changes
- Added a new abstraction of cluster definition called
- Added
to consistently manage a group of physical clusters
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
Kurator v0.2.0
Major Changes
- support transparent observability with pixer
- Added a new component cluster-operator, which is to provide a cloud-native way of managing Kubernetes cluster. Cluster-operator can easily manage kubernetes cluster lifecycle on various envs, including public cloud, hybrid cloud, and on-premises. For more details, refer to cluster operator architecture
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
Kurator v0.1.0
What's New
- Supported karmada installation and member cluster join
- Supported multi-cluster traffic management with multi-cluster istio model
- Provided edge-cloud, edge-edge synergy with kubeedge
- Provided cloud native batch system volcano in distributed cloud
- Unified multi-cluster infrastructure monitoring with prometheus federation
- Provided GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes with ArgoCD
New Contributors
Full Changelog: