this script work when you run Nginx webserver i didn't test it on Apache, but i think things should work too, even if i don't guarantee and i hope you are running IaaS probably on a VPS This Script written in Python3
you have to get the access.log file at /var/log/nginx/ and make a copy to a txt file
$ cp /var/log/nginx/access.log /var/log/nginx/access.txt
transfer the access.txt file to your local computer
$ scp username@remotehostIP:/var/log/nginx/access.txt /toThe/some/Localdirectory/youWish
now Clone this git Repository, and change directory to KtimezDevOpsTools
$ git clone && cd KtimezDevOpsTools
run the script using python3 [location where you put access.txt file]
$ python3 /toThe/some/Localdirectory/youWish/access.txt
now you will have to wait, until it's done, the big the access.txt file, the more it'll take time. then when it's done, look into KtimezDevOpsTools directory, you will find another new file called "IPs_and_times_TheyHit.txt" that's it