Nicely styled projects folders list with icon and option to open admin link if you are using CMS.
I created this project as I could not find simple, modern and responsive project lister for localhost and server. That's why I created my own. What I also found is that I'm typing "/wp-admin/" a lot. That is covered with included "Login" link for each project in the projects list.
Project include 2 folders:
- One with login (for server) and one without login screen (for localhost)
- SCSS File with mobile and desktop brakepoint
- Generated CSS file
- CSS in index.php is pointed to github cdn.
You can change it in index.php file on lines 7 and 32.
Just paste index.php info localhost or server root
In style.scss I created 2 variables that you should change.
$pri: #0070e0; $base: #1b4269;
style.scss file you may find under assets folder. Entire theme is done with 2 colors and opacities. If you want to achive dark theme apply dark color to the body.