The user needs to sign up a valid email id , followed by creating cards where the user can upload files(images, pdf, doc) and retrieve. Anyone who have an account can access the notes and make use of it.
This app is developed especially for students, where teachers can upload the notes and the students can access them .
- Multiple Rooms - Make changes, See changes
- Create multiple rooms for different courses/subjects
- Upload media
- Upload required files to the particular rooms
- Backend Framework: Django
- Front-end Framework: Bootstrap
- Database used: Sqlite
Fork and Clone
- Fork Urja-SCL-maxo Repo
- Clone the repo to your local system.
Create a Virtual Environment for the Project
In Windows
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python venv
In Ubuntu/MacOS
python -m virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate
If you are giving a different name other than
, then please mention it in.gitigonre
first -
Install all the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Checkout to different branch
git status git pull git branch git checkout -b < your-branch-here >
Make migrations/ Create db.sqlite3
python makemigrations python migrate
Run server
python runserver
Do the changes and send a PR referencing the changes.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change in the project.