- reboot | poweroff
- su - | sudo | sudo su
- Navigation : cd | pwd | mv -i | cp -i | rm -i | mkdir -i | rmdir -i | ln
- ls | cat | tac | grep | sort | uniq | xargs | exec | wc | head | tail | more | less | find | cut
- awk | sed | touch | echo | paste
- cmp | comm | diff | sdiff | tee | split | nl
- User Management : id | who | whoami | useradd | usermod | userdel | passwd | groups | chage | chmod | chown | umask | stat
- Process Management : ps | jobs | bg | lsof | kill | killall | systemctl
- Disk Management : du | df | fdisk | parted | blkid | lsblk | lsusb | lsscsi | mount | findmnt
- top | htop | free | iostat | vmstat | netstat | mpstat
- systemctl --failed | systemd-analyze
- Network Management : nmcli | ip | ifconfig | nmtui | ping | dhclient | ss | traceroute | tracepath | nslookup | dig | route | mtr | arp | tcpdump | netstat | ssh | telnet | scp | curl | wget | nc
- hostname | hostnamectl | uname | env |
- Text file format converters : dos2unix | unix2dos
- Package Management: rpm | yum | dnf
- dmidecode | lscpu | lspci
- history
- date | time
- Archive Management : tar | gzip | bzip2
- vi | vim | nano
- Absolute and Relative Path (/)
- ~
- . and ..
- ./ (to execute command) | sh
- Advanced Linux Commands
- Find & exec & xargs
- bash-completion utility
- su #Switching users
- sudo #Executing commands as another user. Group = [wheel | sudo]
- sudo su
- newgrp #Switching user groups
- Users Management
- Creating Users | Modifying User Accounts (Add | Remove user from group) | Reset Users (Default Setting) | Deleting Users
- Locking and Unlocking User Accounts | Expiring User Accounts | User Password Management | Changing User Shell | Viewing User Information | Permission & Access Control Lists (ACLs) | Managing User Quotas | User Account Policies
- Group Management
- Creating Groups | Modifying Groups Accounts (Add | Remove user from group) | Deleting Groups
- check OS version #cat /etc/*release
- check the kernel version #uname -a
- #hostnamectl
- kernel parameters cat /proc/cmdline
➡️[system hardware ]
- Memory
- Disk I/O
- Network
- Process
- System Performance
- File System and Disk
- Kernel and System Tracing
- Performance Profiling
- Benchmarking
➡️SystemD - Website
➡️ Network
➡️ FirewallD
➡️ log
- Date & Time
- Activity
- Errors, warnings, and critical alerts
- Service and application failures
- Security-related incidents (failed logins, suspicious user activity)
- Performance bottlenecks or memory/disk-related problems
- Unusual network activity (e.g., port scans, blocked IPs)
- Hardware malfunctions (disk, CPU, RAM)
Parsing Log Files
- Tools for Parsing Logs; There are several command-line tools and programming languages that can help with log parsing:
- grep: For searching text in logs.
- awk: For pattern scanning and processing.
- sed: For stream editing and transformations.
- cut: For extracting specific fields.
- logwatch: For summarizing log file information.
- Python with libraries like pandas, json, and re: For advanced parsing.
- Regex (Regular Expressions)
- Tools for Parsing Logs; There are several command-line tools and programming languages that can help with log parsing:
➡️ Vi
➡️ Ports Number
- Recent Change (Narrow Down the Issue)
- Symptom | Error Massage
- Log File (Error Pattern | Timing) - Parsing Log Files
- Configuration Validation
- Dump file
- Compare / Replicate / Simulate a problem with a working system that running the same distribution and version
- Check to see whether the problem is reproducible
- Common troubleshooting
- Symptom, Diagnosis, Solution
- Document findings, actions, and outcomes
- bash-completion
- Subscription
- Insights
- Satellite
- Ansible
- Linux load balancing
- network interface card (NIC) bonding
- services to HTTP and TCP-based services
- Integrating Linux user authentication with Windows Active Directory (AD) using the System Security Services Daemon (SSSD)
- SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management)
- Configure NFS Shares
- Basic Web Server - Apache
- https://www.certdepot.net
- https://www.tecmint.com
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org
- https://www.javatpoint.com
- https://linuxjourney.com
- https://www.open-scap.org/
- https://www.cisecurity.org/cis-benchmarks
- https://www.cyberciti.biz/
- https://killercoda.com
- https://linuxsecurity.com/
- https://firecracker-microvm.github.io/
- https://www.redhat.com/en/interactive-labs
- Industry Standard (General)
- CIS Benchmark (Center for Internet Security)
- STIG Standard (Security Technical Implementation Guide)
- Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
- SELinux
- Hardening (Securing systems by applying configurations, controls, and best practices that minimize potential vulnerabilities)
- Vulnerability Scanning and Patching
- Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) Viewer
- Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) Compliance Checker
- Baseline, Guide and Best Practice
- Risk Compliance
- Authentication: Identity and access management (IAM) & Privileged Access Management (PAM)
- Centralized Authentication (LDAP, Active Directory)
- Decentralized Authentication (local user accounts)
- Linux Audit Framework
- AuditD
➡️ Socratic Linux Administration
➡️ CheatSheet