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Elysia React Router and Remix

Use React Router v7 or Remix with Elysia with HMR support! Closes a long-standing elysia plugin request elysiajs/elysia#12

Usage with React Router

In development mode it uses vite under the hood, and in production serves the build directory and performs SSR requests.

import { Elysia } from "elysia";
import { reactRouter } from "elysia-react-router";

new Elysia()
    .use(await reactRouter())
    .get("/some", "Hello, world!")
    .listen(3000, console.log);

Quick start

bun create react-router@latest --template kravetsone/elysia-react-router/example


Key Type Default Description
mode? "development" | "production" process.env.NODE_ENV || "development" In development mode it starts vite, and in production it just serves static and performs SSR requests.
basename? string "/" The base path for the application. This should match the basename in your vite config.
buildDirectory? string "build" The directory where the application is built. This should match the buildDirectory directory in your vite config.
serverBuildFile? string "index.js" The server output filename. This should match the serverBuildFile filename in your vite config.
vite? InlineConfig Configure vite server in development mode.
static? StaticOptions Configure static plugin options in production mode
getLoadContext? (context: Context) => AppLoadContext | Promise A function that returns the value to use as context in route loader and action functions.

getLoadContext usage

In Elysia:

new Elysia()
        await reactRouter({
            getLoadContext: () => ({ hotPostName: "some post name" }),
    .listen(port, console.log);

declare module "react-router" {
    interface AppLoadContext {
        hotPostName?: string;

In React Router:

import { useLoaderData } from "react-router";
import type { Route } from "./+types/posts._index";

export const loader = async ({ context }: Route.LoaderArgs) => {
    return {
        posts: [
                slug: "my-first-post",
                title: "My First Post",
                slug: "90s-mixtape",
                title: "A Mixtape I Made Just For You",

export default function Posts() {
    const { posts, hotPostName } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();

    return (
            <p>🔥🔥 {hotPostName} 🔥🔥</p>
                { => (
                    <li key={post.slug}>

Using with Remix

The remix function is deprecated and will be reworked in future versions. Please use reactRouter for better compatibility and features. [More info on remix vs react-router v7] (

The remix function has the same options and types as reactRouter. Example usage:


bun i elysia-remix@latest @remix-run/node@latest
import { Elysia } from "elysia";
import { remix } from "elysia-remix";

new Elysia()
    .use(await remix())
    .get("/some", "Hello, world!")
    .listen(3000, console.log);


The Remix functionality will be reworked in future versions, as Remix plans to release a new reworked version of the framework with new ideas under the old name Remix.


import { remix } from "elysia-remix";
import { reactRouter } from "elysia-remix/react-router";
import { reactRouter } from "elysia-react-router";
import { remix } from "elysia-react-router/remix";