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Laravel Adobe Connect!

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Laravel Adobe Connect provides a convenient way for Laravel applications to communicate with adobe connect API. This package is originally inspired by brunogasparetto's package but had some changes to provide more flexibility for developers while using this package!


You can install this package through packagist via the following command.

composer require soheilrt/laravel-adobe-connect-client

Minimum Requirements

  • PHP 7.2
  • PHP-CURL Extention
  • Adobe Connect API V9.4.5
  • Laravel 5.8

Quick Start

  1. Install the package via composer
composer require soheilrt/laravel-adobe-connect-client
  1. Set your adobe info inside .env file
ADOBE_CONNECT_HOST #your account host URL address with http:// OR https:// prefix
ADOBE_CONNECT_USER_NAME #your adobe connect account username
ADOBE_CONNECT_PASSWORD #your adobe connect account password

And you're all set :-).

You can also run following command to make sure everything work just fine

use Soheilrt\AdobeConnectClient\Facades\Client;
$commonInfo =Client::commonInfo();


All of the commands inside this package runs via the Client class.

All available commands are listed below:

Command parameters Returns Descriptions
AclFieldUpdate int $aclId
string $fieldId
mixed $value
bool Updates the passed in field-id for the specified acl-id.see
CommonInfo string $domain = ' ' CommonInfo Fetch basic information about the current user and the Adobe Connect account, including the value of the BREEZESESSION cookie. see
GroupMembershipUpdate int $groupId
int $principalId
bool $isMember
bool Add or remove one or more principals to or from a group. see
ListRecordings int $folderId SCORecord[] Provides a list of recordings (FLV and MP4) from a specified folder. see
Login string $login
string $password
bool Login in the Service.
Logout - bool Logout the service.
MeetingFeatureUpdate int $accountId
string $featureId
bool $enable
bool Enable or disable features in a meeting, say to configure compliance settings. For example, tweak features of the various pods, disable recordings of meetings, and so on. see
PermissionInfoFromPrincipal int $aclId
int $principalId
Permission Get the Principal's permission in a SCO, Principal or Account. see
PermissionUpdate Arrayable $permission bool How to programmatically provide users access to or remove access from various Adobe Connect sessions. see
PermissionsInfo int $aclId
Arrayable $filter=null
Arrayable $sorter=null
Principal[] Find information about what permissions a principal has on a SCO, an account, or on a principal. Also, fetches the group and child information of the principal. see
PrincipalCreate Arrayable $principal Principal Create a Principal. see
PrincipalDelete int $principalId bool Using Administrator permissions, delete one or more users or groups (principals). see
PrincipalInfo int $principalId Principal Provides information about one principal, either a user or a group. see
PrincipalList int $groupId=0
Arrayable $filter=null
Arrayable $sorter=null
Principal[] Provides a complete list of users and groups, including primary groups. see
PrincipalUpdate Arrayable $principal bool update an existing principal (a user or group), using the same account as the user making the API call. see
RecordingPasscode int $scoId
string $passcode
bool Set the passcode on a Recording and turned into public.
ScoContents int $scoId
Arrayable $filter=null
Arrayable $sorter=null
SCO[] Returns a list of SCOs within another SCO. The enclosing SCO can be a folder, meeting, or curriculum. see
ScoCreate Arrayable $sco SCO Create a SCO. see
ScoDelete int $scoId bool Deletes a SCO. see
ScoInfo int $scoId SCO Fetch detailed information about any content, meeting, or sessions (SCO) in Adobe Connect. see
ScoMove int $scoId
int $folderId
bool Moves a SCO from one folder to another. see
ScoShortcuts Arrayable $filter=null
Arrayable $sorter=null
SCO[] Provides information about the folders relevant to the current user. These include a folder for the user’s current meetings, a folder for the user’s content, as well as folders above them in the navigation hierarchy. see
ScoUpdate Arrayable $sco bool Update a SCO. NOTE: This action requires sco-id. if there is no sco-id provided when calling this action, it'll throw an InvalidException. see
ScoUpload int $folderId
string $resourceName
SplFileInfo` $file `int
UserUpdatePassword int $userId
string $newPassword
string $oldPassword=''
bool Changes a user’s password. see


There might be times that you want to filter(Sort) your data or results, you can do that via Filter and Sort Classes

Filtering Results

Here is an Example of how you can use Filter Class for commands that accepts Filtering

     * @param  \Soheilrt\AdobeConnectClient\Client\Client  $client
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return array
    public function exampleScoContents(\Soheilrt\AdobeConnectClient\Client\Client $client): array 
        $folderId = 12345;

        $filter = Soheilrt\AdobeConnectClient\Client\Filter::instance()
            ->like('name', 'Test')
            ->dateAfter('dateBegin', new \DateTimeImmutable());

        return $client->scoContents($folderId, $filter);

Sorting Results

Here is an example of how you can sort your query result on queries that accept Sorting

use Soheilrt\AdobeConnectClient\Client\Client;
use Soheilrt\AdobeConnectClient\Client\Filter;
use Soheilrt\AdobeConnectClient\Client\Sorter;

class ExampleClass
     * @param  Client  $client
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return array 
    public function exampleMethod(Client $client): array 
        $folderId = 12345;

        $filter = Filter::instance()
            ->like('name', 'Test')
            ->dateAfter('dateBegin', new DateTimeImmutable());

        $sorter = Sorter::instance()

        return $client->scoContents($folderId, $filter, $sorter);



You may sometimes want to change data on the fly! In this case you can do that with Accessor and mutators. You only need to extend base entity class (e.g: SCO Entity) and add your Accessor or Mutator to extended class and set your entity as primary entity inside package config file.

Here you can see an example of accessor which change description to uppercase on the fly!

#An Example of accessor 
Class ExtendedSco extends \Soheilrt\AdobeConnectClient\Facades\SCO
    public function getDescription()
        return strtoupper($this->attributes['description']);

and here is an example for mutator which manipulate data on the fly while trying to set properties inside entities.

class ExtendedSco extends \Soheilrt\AdobeConnectClient\Facades\SCO
    public function setDescription($value)

Note: Entities Accessors Does Not support any arguments and Mutator are only support one arguments which accepts the data that user wants to set to the entity!

Publishing Configs

You may also want to publish config files to customize this package based on your needs.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=adobe-connect

Mass assigment

Sometimes you want to assign mass of information to your entity. Here we made that possible with fill method just list eloquent models!

use \Soheilrt\AdobeConnectClient\Client\Entities\SCO;
    'name'=>'new name'

Casting to array

If you ever want access to entities data at once, you can call toArray() command to access the whole entity data at the once.

Session Cache

By Default, we cache user session to prevent extra loggin request on every command but you can disable this feature if you prefer to manage your sessions manually

Note: we do not perform automatical login request if you disbale session cache and you should perform it manually.


we provided facades for entities in case you may someday change default entities to your custom entities and if you've used facades to accessing/instatiating instaces, you don't need to change anything inside your code because it'll handeled by adobe connect service provider and inject provided entity from config file.


  • Add Queue Support for Client Commands


Laravel Adobe Connect Client







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