Makes working with caching easier.
Via npm:
$ npm install caching
var Caching = require('caching');
var cache = new Caching('redis'); /* use 'memory' or 'redis' */
var ttl = 60 * 1000; // 1minute;
cache('twitter-users', ttl, function(passalong) {
getMostActiveTwitterUser(function(err, userName) {
fetchTwitterFollowers(userName, passalong); // passalong replaces function(err, userList) {}
}, function(err, userList) {
var Caching = require('caching');
var cache = new Caching('redis'); /* use 'memory' or 'redis' */
setInterval(function() {
cache('key', 10000 /*ttl in ms*/, function(passalong) {
// This will only run once, all following requests will use cached data.
setTimeout(function() {
passalong(null, 'Cached result');
}, 1000);
}, function(err, results) {
// This callback will be reused each call
}, 100);
- Memory
- Redis
cache(key, ttl, runIfNothingInCache, useReturnedCachedResults);
Key, 'myKey'
Time To Live in ms, 60*30*1000
Callback that will run if results aren't already in cache store.
function(passalong) {
setTimeout(function() {
passalong(null, 'mape', 'frontend developer', 'sweden');
}, 1000);
Callback that is called every time the method runs.
function(err, name, position, location) {