Easy and fast setup of a dev environment with Apache, PHP & MySQL
This was done because I always struggled with setting up a usable development environment for my websites fast.
This environment consists of two separate containers:
- Webserver (Apache with PHP)
- Apache: alpine
- Ports: HTTP -> 80 / HTTPS -> 443
- PHP: 7.1
- MySQL Server (shipped with a fresh test database)
- MySQL: 5.7
- Port: standard 3306
- Test Database Name: test
- ROOT: root
- ROOT-Password: dev
- User: dev
- User-Password: dev
You need to install Docker first:
For a new dev environment just make a copy of this repository and proceed.
- Start Docker
- Run "up.bat" to start the dev environment
- Open your browser and navigate to "localhost" for further instructions
- Run "down.bat" to stop the dev environment
Your web and database data are stored persistent in the "www" and "dbdata" directory.
Website: https://kombas.de