I am a software engineer, 3D designer, computer graphics engineer and game designer studying at the University of California, Berkeley.
You can find a list of my projects on my website at koizura.me.
Here are some cool things I've made:
- Berkeley Dining Hall Menu Discord Bot
- 7,000+ usages across 15+ Discord servers. You can invite the bot to your server here!
- Shootout.io
- A fast-paced online multiplayer top-down shooter game made for the web. Play it with your friends here!
- OpenGL-Raytracing
- GPU-driven raytracing with reflections and phong materials written in OpenGL and C++. Inspired by "Raytracing in a Weekend" by Peter Shirley, modified for parallel processing on the GPU. You can find the repo here.
- Procedural Terrain Raymarcher
- Fully procedural terrain with animated trees, water, clouds, water reflections, vignette, color post processing, shadows, phong shading, anti-aliasing, and fog. Developed as final project for CS184 - Computer Graphics at UC Berkeley. Final report can be found here.