I'm Full Stack Software Engineer. Passionate about designing & creating apps (web or mobile) that help solving day to day problems. I focus on building quality & user friendly apps. I also like teaching & sharing my knowledge by speech or blog posts. Proficient at React Js, Redux, Flutter, React Native & Node Express
Here are a few things I've picked up along my learning journey.
- 👨🏻💻 Typescript
- 🗃 Docker
- 🕹 React Js | Redux | Redux Toolkit | Hooks
- 📱 Flutter | React Native
- 🛢️ MongoDB | PostgreSQL | MySQL
- 📦 REST APIs - Node Express | Python Flask
- ☁️ Firebase Authentication | Cloud Functions | Firestore | Hosting
Git | Github
- 🌐 Bootstrap | HTML | CSS
- 📟 Raspberry PI | Arduino
Below are some of my most recent projects
- Full Stack React Redux Firebase Project
- Udacity ND : My Reads - React Js & React Router Fundamentals
- Udacity ND : Would You Rather - Polling React Redux Project
- Udacity ND : FlashCards React Native App
- Udacity ND : UdaciFitness React Native App
- World Time Flutter App
- Learning Blockchain Fundamentals - Js
Few other interesting ones with OpenCV, Flask, Hapi Js, Node Express could also be found.
- LinkedIn - Krupesh Anadkat
- Medium - Blog Posts
or hit my mailbox on mail