fork from telldus/telldus with sensor support
Usage: ./ [ options ]
-[lsnfdbvh] [ --list ] [ --help ]
[ --sensor sensor ]
[ --on device ] [ --off device ] [ --bell device ]
[ --dimlevel level --dim device ]
[ --up device --down device ]
--list (-l short option)
List currently configured devices and sensors.
--sensor sensor (-s short option)
Display information from the specified sensor.
--on device (-n short option)
Turns on device. 'device' must be an integer of the device-id
Device-id and name is outputed with the --list option
--off device (-f short option)
Turns off device. 'device' must be an integer of the device-id
Device-id and name is outputed with the --list option
--dim device (-d short option)
Dims device. 'device' must be an integer of the device-id
Device-id and name is outputed with the --list option
Note: The dimlevel parameter must be set before using this option.
--dimlevel level (-v short option)
Set dim level. 'level' should an integer, 0-255.
Note: This parameter must be set before using dim.
--bell device (-b short option)
Sends bell command to devices supporting this. 'device' must
be an integer of the device-id
Device-id and name is outputed with the --list option
--up device
Sends up command to devices supporting this. 'device' must
be an integer of the device-id
Device-id and name is outputed with the --list option
--down device
Sends down command to devices supporting this. 'device' must
be an integer of the device-id
Device-id and name is outputed with the --list option
--help (-h short option)
Shows this screen.
Report bugs to <[email protected]>