‘Learn.out’ is a website, which is developed to simplify the task of faculty as well as the student. The website contains three roles: Admin, Faculty & Student. The role of the admin is to create the user (i.e. faculty and students), upload results of students, and handle all the issues/queries faced by either of the users. The role of faculty is to upload video lectures that are best suited for a particular topic, assign tasks to the students (like submission/assignments), upload necessary resources for reference (like books, ppts, theory questions, examples along with university papers) and add important announcements. Finally, the role of a student is to watch video lectures, submit task, etc.
The aim of this project is to develop a web application that will contain two part, one is Learning and other is Submission. Learning module consists of notes, books, ppts, theory questions, examples along with university papers. Faculty assigns assignment to the students whose submission need to be done in Submission module.
Our main purpose is to convert hard copy submission into soft copy submission and the video lectures on any platform that student find boring is put to an end by having faculty to upload the video that they find it better for the particular topic.
- Collect data of all semester (i.e. Notes, Books, Question Bank etc.)
- Create website
- Integrate it with Database
- Add functionalities
This web application can be used by any student/ faculty. By using this web application, student don't have to bother about the lecture notes, PPT's or Books of the subject as all required things are there on our web application. Also, by having soft copy submission we can have unique submission of each student by checking plagiarism.