In this chapter we are going to discuss how to use Vita
containers. Currently, Vita
supports 4 container types:
* vt_str_t // similar to std::string
* vt_vec_t // similar to std::vector or std::array
* vt_plist_t // an array of pointers
* vt_span_t // an viewable-only array
Every container is an alias of VitaBaseArrayType
- Using
strings - Dynamic arrays with
- Imitating 2d arrays with
- A list of pointers with
- Using
has a lot of string functions available to the user. vt_str_starts_with, vt_str_split, vt_str_strip
just to name a few. To read more about available functions, check out the vt_str_t header file. It also handles '\0'
internally, so you don't need to worry about it.
#include "vita/container/str.h"
// create static string (viewable, non-modifiable, pointer-length pair)
const vt_str_t str = vt_str_create_static("hello, world!");
// creates a dynamic string and sets its value to "hello, world!"
vt_str_t *str = vt_str_create("hello, world!", alloctr); // if alloctr == NULL, uses plain calloc/free
// the same as above, but in 2 steps:
vt_str_t *str = vt_str_create_len(10, alloctr); // 1. creates a string with length 10
vt_str_set(str, "hello, world!"); // 2. sets its value to "hello, world!"
// almost the same as above
vt_str_t *str = vt_str_create_capacity(32); // 1. creates an empty string with length of 0 and capacity of 32
vt_str_append(str, "hello, world!"); // 2. appends "hello, world!"
vt_str_appendf(str, "%s!", "hello, world"); // 3. appends "hello, world!"
// create a copy
vt_str_t *str_copy = vt_str_dup(str);
/* taking memory ownership from custom allocated block of data
if alloctr == NULL, assumes plain calloc/free were used to allocate this data,
otherwise give it the allocator that was used.
vt_str_t *str_heap_alloced = vt_str_take_ownership(my_strdup("hello, world"), alloctr);
// get string info
const size_t sLen = vt_str_len(str);
const size_t sCap = vt_str_capacity(str);
const size_t freeSpace = vt_str_has_space(str);
const bool isEmpty = vt_str_is_empty(str);
// accessing the raw string pointer
const char *z = vt_str_z(str); // !!! don't free it
// free memory
// comparing strings
assert(vt_str_equals_z(vt_str_z(str), "hello, world"));
// checking if string is a numeric value
const size_t max_check_len = 256;
assert(vt_str_is_numeric_z("123", max_check_len) == true);
assert(vt_str_is_numeric_z("99.3", max_check_len) == true);
assert(vt_str_is_numeric_z("15,7", max_check_len) == false);
assert(vt_str_is_numeric_z("this is a str 123", max_check_len) == false);
// ditto
vt_str_t num = vt_str_create_static("2024");
assert(vt_str_is_numeric(&num) == true);
// basic operations
vt_str_reserve(str, 100); // reserve 100 chars
vt_str_shrink(str); // shrink to length
vt_str_clear(str); // sets length = 0 and [0] = '\0'
vt_str_insert(str, "Oranges", 0); // inserts at position
vt_str_remove(str, 4, 3); // removes 3 chars starting from 4th index
// check substring
assert(vt_str_can_find(str, "world") == true);
// advanced operations
vt_str_remove_first(str, "world"); // removes the first encountered substring
vt_str_remove_last(str, "world"); // removes the last encountered substring
vt_str_remove_all(str, "."); // removes every substrings in a string
vt_str_remove_c(str, ",!."); // removes every char '.' ',' '!' in a string
vt_str_strip(" hello, world\n "); // strips leading and tailing whitespace and control symbols
vt_str_strip_punct(",. \n hello, world!"); // strips leading and tailing punctuation marks + whitespace and control symbols
There are many more advanced functions available like vt_str_starts_with, vt_str_vt_index_of
and vt_str_to_uppercase
. For more details, please refer to str.h or test_str.c files.
#include "vita/container/vec.h"
// create/destroy a vector instance
vt_vec_t *vec = vt_vec_create(10, sizeof(int32_t), alloctr); // if alloctr == NULL, uses plain calloc/free
// get vector info
const size_t vLen = vt_vec_len(vec);
const size_t vCap = vt_vec_capacity(vec);
const size_t hasSpace = vt_vec_has_space(vec);
const bool isEmpty = vt_vec_is_empty(vec);
// push data
const int32_t var = 33;
vt_vec_push_back(vec, &var);
vt_vec_push_backi32(vec, 33); // vt_vec_xxxT: T = i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64, f, d, r
// ditto
vt_vec_push_front(vec, &var); // push at the begining
vt_vec_push_fronti32(vec, 33); // ditto
// set data
vt_vec_set(vec, &var, 0); // assign vector[0] = var
vt_vec_seti32(vec, 33, 0); // ditto
// get data
const int32_t myVal = *(int32_t*)vt_vec_get(vec, 0);
const int32_t myVal = vt_vec_geti32(vec, 0);
// remove data
const int32_t index = vt_vec_can_find(vec, &myVal);
const int32_t index = vt_vec_can_findi32(vec, 33);
if (index >= 0) { // index is -1 if element not found
vt_vec_remove(vec, index, VT_REMOVE_STRATEGY_FAST);
* VitaRemoveStrategy => rs
* VT_REMOVE_STRATEGY_FAST => order does not matter
// pop value
const int32_t popVal = *(int32_t*)vt_vec_pop_get(vec);
const int32_t popVal = vt_vec_pop_geti32(vec);
// set length to 0
// foreach looping
vt_vec_apply(vec, func); // func(void *ptr, size_t index)
For more details, please refer to vec.h or test_vec.c files.
// rows and columns
const size_t r = 5;
const size_t c = 5;
vt_vec_t *vec2d = vt_vec_create(r*c, sizeof(int32_t), alloctr); // if alloctr == NULL, uses plain calloc/free
// right now it acts as a dynamic vector with capacity = r*c, we need to set its length = r*c
assert(vt_vec_len(vec2d) == 0);
assert(vt_vec_capacity(vec2d) == r*c);
// set vec2d length = r*c
vt_vec_resize(vec2d, r*c);
assert(vt_vec_len(vec2d) == r*c);
assert(vt_vec_capacity(vec2d) == r*c);
assert(vt_vec_has_space(vec2d) == 0);
// fill with 1s to create an Identity matrix
vt_vec_seti32(vec2d, 1, vt_index_2d_to_1d(0, 0, w));
vt_vec_seti32(vec2d, 1, vt_index_2d_to_1d(1, 1, w));
vt_vec_seti32(vec2d, 1, vt_index_2d_to_1d(2, 2, w));
vt_vec_seti32(vec2d, 1, vt_index_2d_to_1d(3, 3, w));
vt_vec_seti32(vec2d, 1, vt_index_2d_to_1d(4, 4, w));
// check values along the diagonal of the Identity matrix
assert(vt_vec_geti32(vec2d, 0) == 1);
assert(vt_vec_geti32(vec2d, 6) == 1);
assert(vt_vec_geti32(vec2d, 12) == 1);
assert(vt_vec_geti32(vec2d, 18) == 1);
assert(vt_vec_geti32(vec2d, 24) == 1);
// free resources
For more details, please refer to vec.h or test_vec.c files.
#include "vita/container/plist.h"
// create/destroy a pointer list instance
vt_plist_t *p = vt_plist_create(5, alloctr); // if alloctr == NULL, uses plain calloc/free
vt_plist_destroy(p); // !!! does not free its elements, only the the `vt_plist_t` structure itself
char *h = strdup("hello");
char *w = strdup("world");
// add/remove data
vt_plist_push_back(p, h);
vt_plist_push_back(p, w);
vt_plist_remove(p, 0, VT_REMOVE_STRATEGY_FAST);
assert(vt_plist_len(p) == 1);
assert(vt_plist_capacity(p) == 5);
assert(vt_plist_has_space(p) == 4);
assert(vt_plist_is_empty(p) == false);
// basic operations
vt_plist_reserve(p, 5);
// iteration: you can use for loop or sliders (available for `vt_str_t` and `vt_vec_t` as well)
char *z = NULL;
while ((z = vt_plist_slide_front(p)) != NULL) {
printf("%s\n", z);
// you may want to reset the slider when breaking from the loop, otherwise its automatic
For more details, please refer to plist.h or test_plist.c files.
// create vec
vt_vec_t *v = vt_vec_create(10, sizeof(int32_t), NULL);
// init vec: 1, 2, ..., 9
VT_FOREACH(i, 0, vt_vec_capacity(v)) vt_vec_push_backi32(v, i);
// create span from vec
vt_span_t vec_view = vt_span_from_to(vt_array_head(v), 2, 5, vt_array_elsize(v));
assert(vt_span_len(vec_view) == 3);
assert(vt_span_geti32(vec_view, 0) == 2);
assert(vt_span_geti32(vec_view, 1) == 3);
assert(vt_span_geti32(vec_view, 2) == 4);
// destroy vec
// reset; vec is invalid now
vec_view = (vt_span_t){};
For more details, please refer to span.h or test_span.c files.