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license: remove unused scripts
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kikofernandez committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 8017dc6 commit 37ebe7b
Showing 1 changed file with 30 additions and 126 deletions.
156 changes: 30 additions & 126 deletions scripts/otp_compliance.escript
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-

%% SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
%% SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Erlang/OTP and its contributors

-define(default_classified_result, "scan-result-classified.json").
-define(default_scan_result, "scan-result.json").
-define(diff_classified_result, "scan-result-diff.json").
Expand All @@ -9,27 +12,33 @@

%% These commands generate a classification of files per license.
%% This output is not shown when using `ort`.
%% Commands
%% sbom
%% otp-info: given an oss-review-toolkit (ORT) scan result and a
%% source SBOM, it populates the fields that ORT can't
%% in Unmanaged projects.
%% classify:
%% takes as input a scan of ort and returns a json file containing
%% as keys the licenses and as values the files under those licenses.
%% compliance useful for CI/CD compliance checks.
%% diff:
%% performs a diff of existing classification file against
%% other classification files. this is useful to guarantee that
%% files that had license X had not unexpectedly been reported differently.
%% detect: given a scan-result from ORT, it detects files without license
%% and writes them into disk.
%% detect:
%% given a scan-result from ORT, it detects files without license
%% and writes them into disk.
%% check: given a recent scan-result from ORT (possibly from PR), and an
%% existing file with known files without licenses (from prev. commit),
%% calculate if new files without licenses have been added to the repo.
%% check:
%% given a recent scan-result from ORT (possibly from PR), and an
%% existing file with known files without licenses (from prev. commit),
%% calculate if new files without licenses have been added to the repo.
%% explore
%% classify: takes as input a scan of ort and returns a json file containing
%% as keys the licenses and as values the files under those licenses.
%% diff: performs a diff of existing classification file against
%% other classification files. this is useful to guarantee that
%% files that had license X had not unexpectedly been reported differently.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,28 +112,13 @@ cli() ->
arguments => [ input_option(?default_classified_result),
output_option(?diff_classified_result) ],
handler => fun diff/1},

"git-author" =>
#{help => "Track author of the commit",
handler => fun git_author/1},

"detect-beam-license" =>
#{help => """
Detects the license of a beam file, and updates the scan result.
- Input file expects classified results from `classify` command.
- Base file expects output file from `no_license` command.
- Output file expects scan-result file from ORT.
arguments => [input_option(?default_classified_result),
handler => fun detect_beam_license/1}
handler => fun diff/1}
"compliance" =>
#{ help => """
Commands to enforce compliance policy towards unlicensed files.
commands =>
#{"detect" =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,36 +198,6 @@ base_file() ->
%% Commands

git_author(_) ->
File = "no_license.json",
Unlicense = decode(File),
Result = lists:map(fun (Path) ->
Command = "git log --reverse --format=format:\"%h -- %an-%as\" -- " ++ binary_to_list(Path) ++ " | head -n1",
Port = open_port({spawn, Command}, [stream, in, eof, hide, exit_status]),
[Path, get_data(Port, [])]
end, Unlicense),
ok = file:write_file("no_license_with_author.json", Result).

get_data(Port, Sofar) ->
{Port, {data, Bytes}} ->
get_data(Port, [Sofar|Bytes]);
{Port, eof} ->
Port ! {self(), close},
{Port, closed} ->
{'EXIT', Port, _} ->
after 1 -> % force context switch

%% TODO: missing step: yq -p yaml -o json ../otp/bom.spdx.yml > ../otp/bom.spdx.json
%% i.e., convert yml to json
sbom_otp(#{sbom_file := SbomFile}=Input) ->
Expand All @@ -259,6 +223,8 @@ fix_download_location(Url, #{~"packages" := [ Packages ] }=Sbom) ->
Packages1 = Packages#{~"downloadLocation" := Url },
Sbom#{~"packages" := [ Packages1 ]}.

%% re-populate licenses to .beam files from their .erl files
%% e.g., the lists.beam file should have the same license as lists.erl
#{ ~"packages" := [Package],
~"files" := Files}=Sbom) ->
Expand All @@ -267,13 +233,6 @@ fix_beam_licenses(LicensesAndCopyrights,
Files1= lists:map(
fun (SPDX) ->
%% _ = case SPDX of
%% #{~"fileName" := <<"bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/otp_internal.beam">>} ->
%% X = fix_beam_spdx_license(<<"lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl">>, LicensesAndCopyrights, SPDX),
%% io:format("~p~n~p~n", [X, LicensesAndCopyrights]);
%% _ ->
%% ok
%% end,
case SPDX of
#{~"fileName" := <<"bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/", Filename/binary>>} ->
[File, _] = binary:split(Filename, ~".beam"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,8 +272,6 @@ fix_spdx_license(#{~"licenseInfoInFiles" := [License]}=SPDX) ->
fix_spdx_license(SPDX) ->

%% Given an input file, returns a mapping of
%% #{filepath => license} for each file path towards its license.
path_to_license(Input) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,59 +330,6 @@ diff(#{input_file := InputFile, base_file := BaseFile, output_file := Output}) -
Data = sets:fold(fun(Key, Acc) -> set_difference(Key, Input, Base, Acc) end, #{}, KeySet),
file:write_file(Output, json:encode(Data)).

detect_beam_license(#{input_file := ClassifyFile,
base_file := NoLicenseFile,
output_file := _OutputFile}) ->
Input = decode(ClassifyFile),
NoLicense = decode(NoLicenseFile),

%% Create DB from filename => license
DB = maps:fold(fun (License, Files, Acc) ->
FileNames = lists:map(fun extract_module_name/1, Files),
M = maps:from_keys(FileNames, License),
maps:merge(M, Acc)
end, #{}, Input),

%% Returns {detected licenses, new unlicensed}
{DB1, _Unknown} =
lists:foldl(fun (BinName, {LicenseMap, Unlicensed})
when is_map(LicenseMap), is_list(Unlicensed) ->
Name = extract_module_name(BinName),
Name1 = lists:flatten(string:replace(Name, ".beam", ".erl")),
case maps:get(Name1, DB, badkey) of
badkey ->
{LicenseMap, [BinName | Unlicensed]};
License ->
{LicenseMap#{BinName => License}, Unlicensed}
end, {#{}, []}, NoLicense),
%% updates unlicensed list of files
%% file:write_file(NoLicenseFile, json:encode(Unknown)),
%% TODO: updates the classify files
update_classify_file(Input, DB1),
%% TODO: updates the scan files
%% io:format("Result: ~p~nCount: ~p~n", [{length(maps:keys(DB1)), maps:keys(DB1)}, length(Unknown)]),

-spec update_classify_file(JSON :: map(), #{Path :: binary() => License :: binary()}) -> ok.
update_classify_file(Json, DB) ->
NewMap = maps:fold(fun (Path, License, Acc) ->
case maps:get(License, Acc, badkey) of
badkey ->
Acc#{License => [Path]};
Value ->
Acc#{License := [Path | Value]}
end, #{}, DB),
Result = maps:merge_with(fun (_Key, Val1, Val2) ->
Val1 ++ Val2
end, Json, NewMap),

extract_module_name(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
S = binary_to_list(Bin),
string:reverse(hd(string:split(string:reverse(S), "/"))).

detect_no_license(#{input_file := InputFile,
output_file := OutputFile,
exclude := ApplyExcludes}) ->
Expand Down

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