Quick summary: Docker images of the award-winning cancer detection algorithms for chest CT images are at http://rebrand.ly/chestct. Below is a quick instruction on accessing the docker images.
Version: 1.0.0
Dependencies: Ubuntu (>=14.04) and NVIDIA GPU driver
To access the dockers:
- Step 1. Install nvidia-docker (https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker)
- Step 2. Download the chest CT image data (stage1.7z and stage1_labels.csv; https://www.kaggle.com/c/data-science-bowl-2017) and put them under /mnt/data.
- Step 3.
docker pull dsb2017/dsb<solution_number>
For example,docker pull dsb2017/dsb01
- Step 4.
nvidia-docker run -it --shm-size <Depending on the size of the memory> --rm dsb2017/dsb <solution_number> bash
For example,nvidia-docker run -it --shm-size 12G --rm dsb2017/dsb01 bash
- Contact:
Kun-Hsing Yu <Kun-Hsing_Yu AT hms dot harvard DOT edu>;