This project is a middle man API server that allows RESTfull API calls to be used to communicate with ERP.
All controllers extend BaseAPIController.
BaseAPIController has a method called defaultExecution
. This method allows for new end points to be quickly added with minimal effort as it handles:
- Checking the cache.
- Validation (with the help of a Validation class).
- Communicating with ERP (with the help of a Model class).
- Saving ERP's response to cache.
- Displaying response to user.
Brief logic overview:
- Ensure the JSON Web Token is present and valid.
- Check the cache, if anyone has made a similar call recently, return the cached data.
- Run a validation check.
- Convert response to an array.
- Save converted response to cache.
- Display converted response to user.
| Namespace | Purpose |
| App\Validation | Assist with validation |
| App\Traits | Contain small repetative logic |
| App\Services | Wrapper around other classes |
| App\Models\Kerridge | Instructions for fine tuning API end points | |
| App\Exceptions | custom exceptions |
Titan is built upon the CodeIgnitier4 framework.