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Seamless integration of Algolia Search into your Symfony project.


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Algolia Search API Client for Symfony

Algolia Search is a hosted full-text, numerical, and faceted search engine capable of delivering realtime results from the first keystroke.

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This bundle provides an easy way to integrate Algolia Search into your Symfony application (using Doctrine). It allows you to index your data, keep it in sync, and search through it.

API Documentation

You can find the full reference on Algolia's website.

  1. Getting Started

  2. Configuration

  3. Indexing

  4. Customizing

  5. Search

  6. Managing settings

  7. Advanced

  8. Extending

  9. Troubleshooting

Getting Started


This bundle provides an easy way to integrate Algolia Search into your Symfony application (using Doctrine). It allows you to index your data, keep it in sync, and search through it.


This documentation refers to the Algolia/SearchBundle 3.0 and later. It's compatible with Symfony 3.4 LTS and Symfony 4.0 (and later).

If your app is running Symfony prior to Symfony 3.4, please use v2. You can find the documentation in the README. Version 2.x is not actively maintained but will receive updates if necessary.


To upgrade your project to the newest version of the bundle, please refer to the Upgrade Guide.

What's new

v3 has introduced a number of great new features, like the use of Symfony Serializer; but the main reason behind this new version was to improve the developer experience.

  • Simple: You can get started with only 5 lines of YAML
  • Extensible: It lets you easily replace services by implementing Interfaces
  • Standard: It leverages Normalizers to convert entities for indexing
  • Dev-friendly: It lets you disable HTTP calls easily (while running tests, for example)
  • Future-ready: It lets you unsubscribe from doctrine events easily to use a messaging/queue system.

This bundle is Search Engine-agnostic. It means that you can use it with any other engine, not just Algolia.


Require the dependency (with Composer)

composer require algolia/search-bundle

Register the bundle

The bundle should be registered automatically, otherwise follow this step.

With Symfony 4.x

Add Algolia to config/bundles.php:

return [
    Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    // ... Other bundles ...
    Algolia\SearchBundle\AlgoliaSearchBundle::class => ['all' => true],

With Symfony 3.4

Add Algolia to your app/Kernel.php:

$bundles = array(
    new Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle(),
    // ... Other bundles ...
    new Algolia\SearchBundle\AlgoliaSearchBundle(),

Algolia credentials

You will also need to provide the Algolia App ID and Admin API key. By default, they are loaded from environment variables ALGOLIA_APP_ID and ALGOLIA_API_KEY.

If you use .env config file, you can set them there.


If you don't use environment variables, you can set them in your parameters.yml.

    env(ALGOLIA_API_KEY): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Injecting services

Most of the time, you will be using the IndexManager object to either:

  • Check configuration
  • Index data
  • Search

Symfony 4

Symfony 4 ships with a lighter container where only some much-needed core services are registered. If your controller will be responsible for some search-related task, you need to inject it via the contructor. Good news, by simply type-hinting the variable, Symfony will handle everything for you, thanks to auto-wiring.

namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Algolia\SearchBundle\IndexManagerInterface;

class ExampleController extends Controller

    protected $indexManager;

    public function __construct(IndexManagerInterface $indexingManager)
        $this->indexManager = $indexingManager;

Notice that you type-hint an interface, not an actual implementation. This will be very handy if you ever need to implement your own IndexManager.

Symfony 3

Symfony 3 still uses a container holding all public services, and services are public by default. This way, you can easily get the search.index_manager from the container.

Although, it's not considered a best practice by Symfony anymore, and in order to get ready for Symfony 4, I'd recommend using the previously shown method.

// In a Container-Aware class
$indexManager = $this->getContainer()->get('search.index_manager');

// In a Controller class
$indexManager = $this->get('search.index_manager');


Create algolia_search.yaml

Configuration typically lives in the config/packages/algolia_search.yaml file for a Symfony 4 application.

This is how you define what entity you want to index and some other technical details like a prefix or the number of results.

Note: The documentation uses the Symfony/demo app as an example; we are working with posts and comments.

The simplest version

    - name: posts
      class: App\Entity\Post

    - name: comments
      class: App\Entity\Comment

A more complete example

  nbResults: 8                  # Retrieve less results on search (default: 20)
  prefix: %env(SEARCH_PREFIX)%  # Use a prefix for index names based en env var
  doctrineSubscribedEvents: []  # disable doctrine events (turn off realtime sync)
    - name: posts
      class: App\Entity\Post
      enable_serializer_groups: true

    - name: comments
      class: App\Entity\Comment

Indexing data

First, we need to define which entities should be indexed in Algolia. Each entry under the indices config key must contain at least the 2 following attributes:

  • name is the canonical name of the index in Algolia
  • class is the full name of the entity to index


    - name: posts
      class: App\Entity\Post


Before sending your data to Algolia, each entity will be converted to an array using the Symfony built-in serializer. This option lets you define what attribute you want to index using the annotation @Groups({"searchable"}).

Read more about how entities are serialized here.


    - name: posts
      class: App\Entity\Post
      enable_serializer_groups: true

Checkout the indexing documentation to learn how to send data to Algolia.


By default, calls to algolia to index or remove data are batched per 500 items. You can easily modify the batch size in your configuration.

  batchSize: 250

The import command also follow this parameter to retrieve data via Doctrine. If you are running out of memory while importing your data, use a smaller batchSize value.

Per environment setup

Usually, you need different configurations per environment, at least to avoid touching prod data while developing.

Bypass calls to Algolia

While working locally you might want to bypass all calls to Algolia and this bundle has introduced new ways to do so.

  1. You can unsubscribe from Doctrine events to avoid calls on data update.
  2. You can use the NullEngine to mute all calls.


The first thing to do is to set a prefix per environment. There are 2 ways of to do that: either you create 2 config files or you rely on environment variables.

Env variables

In your config file, you set the prefix to the environment variable.

  prefix: %env(SEARCH_PREFIX)%

Then you define your prefix in your .env or your Apache/Nginx configuration. Symfony makes it easy to concatenate environment variables in the .env file.

Assuming APP_ENV is an environment variable:


Override configuration per environment

Or you can create a config file inside the dev directory and override the config.

# config/packages/algolia_search.yaml
  prefix: app_prod_
# config/packages/dev/algolia_search.yaml
  prefix: app_dev_



Once you configured what entities you want to index in Algolia, you are ready to send data.

In the following section, we consider this Post entity and the following configuration.

    - name: posts
      class: App\Entity\Post
    - name: comments
      class: App\Entity\Comment

Indexing manually


Once your indices config is ready, you can use the built-in console command to batch import all existing data.

# Import all indices
php bin/console search:import

# Choose what indices to reindex by passing the index name
php bin/console search:import --indices=posts,comments

Before re-indexing everything, you may want to clear the index first, see how to remove data.


To index any entities in your code, you will need to use the IndexManager service. You need to pass it the objects to index and their ObjectManager. Objects can be a single entity, an array of entities or even an array of different entities as long as they are using the same ObjectManager.

$indexManager->index($post, $entityManager);

$indexManager->index($posts, $entityManager);

$indexManager->index($postsAndComments, $entityManager);

Removing manually


You may want to completely clear your indices (before reindexing for example), you can use the search:clear command.

# Import all indices
php bin/console search:clear

# Choose what indices to reindex by passing the index name
php bin/console search:clear --indices=posts,comments


The same way you index data, you can use the remove method to delete entries from the Algolia index.

$indexManager->remove($post, $entityManager);

$indexManager->remove($posts, $entityManager);

$indexManager->remove($postsAndComments, $entityManager);

Indexing automatically via Doctrine Events

By default, the bundle listens to the following Doctrine events: postPersist, postUpdate, preRemove. Every time data are inserted, updated or deleted via Doctrine, your Algolia index will stay in sync.

You can easily modify which events the bundle subscribes to via the doctrineSubscribedEvents config key.

You can unsubscribe from all events by passing an empty array. This can become very handy if you are working with a queue (like RabbitMQ) or if you don't want to call Algolia in your dev environment.

# Only insert new data (no update, no deletion)
  doctrineSubscribedEvents: ['postPersist']

# Unsubscribe from all events
  doctrineSubscribedEvents: []

Indexing conditionally

Most of the time, there are some of your items that you don't want to index. For instance, you may want to only index a post if it's published.

In your configuration, you can specify when a post should be indexed via the index_if key. Because we rely on the PropertyAccess component you can pass a method name, a class property name or even a nested key in an property array.

The property must evaluate to true to index the entity and false to bypass indexing. If you're updating an entity via doctrine and this property evaluates to false, the entity will be removed.

Example with a method or a property

    - name: posts
      class: App\Entity\Post
      index_if: isPublished

In this case, isPublished could be a method or a class property.

With a method:

class Post
    public function isPublished()
        return !is_null($this->published_at);

With a property:

class Post
    public $isPublished = true;

Example with an array

    - name: posts
      class: App\Entity\Post
      index_if: config.indexable

In this case, the bundle will read this value.

class Post
    public $config = ['indexable' => false];



By default all entities are converted to an array with the built-in Symfony Normalizers (GetSetMethodNormalizer, DateTimeNormalizer, ObjectNormalizer...) which should be enough for simple use cases, but we encourage you to write your own Normalizer to have more control over what you send to Algolia or to simply avoid circular references.

Symfony will use the first Normalizer in the array to support your entity or format. You can change the order in your service declaration.

Note: Note that the normalizer is called with searchableArray format.

You have many choices on how to customize your records:

Using annotations

Probably the easiest way to choose which attribute to index is to use annotation. If you used the bundle before version 3, it's very similar. This feature relies on the built-in ObjectNormalizer and its group feature.

Example based on a simplified version of this Post entity:


namespace App\Entity;

use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;

class Post
    // ... Attributes and other methods ...

     * @Groups({"searchable"})
    public function getTitle(): ?string
        return $this->title;

     * @Groups({"searchable"})
    public function getSlug(): ?string
        return $this->slug;

     * @Groups({"searchable"})
    public function getCommentCount(): ?int
        return count($this->comments);

Using normalize()

Another quick and easy way is to implement a dedicated method that will return the entity as an array. This feature relies on the CustomNormalizer that ships with the serializer component.

Implement the Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizableInterface interface and write your normalize method.

Example based on a simplified version of this Post entity:


namespace App\Entity;

use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizableInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface;

class Post implements NormalizableInterface
    public function normalize(NormalizerInterface $serializer, $format = null, array $context = array()): array
        return [
            'title' => $this->getTitle(),
            'content' => $this->getContent(),
            'comment_count' => $this->getComments()->count(),
            'tags' => array_unique(array_map(function ($tag) {
              return $tag->getName();
            }, $this->getTags()->toArray())),

            // Reuse the $serializer
            'author' => $serializer->normalize($this->getAuthor(), $format, $context),
            'published_at' => $serializer->normalize($this->getPublishedAt(), $format, $context),

Handle multiple formats

In case you are already using this method for something else, like encoding entities into JSON for instance, you may want to use a different format for both use cases. You can rely on the format to return different arrays.

public function normalize(NormalizerInterface $serializer, $format = null, array $context = array()): array
    if (\Algolia\SearchBundle\Searchable::NORMALIZATION_FORMAT == $format) {
        return [
            'title' => $this->getTitle(),
            'content' => $this->getContent(),
            'author' => $this->getAuthor()->getFullName(),

    // Or if it's not for search
    return ['title' => $this->getTitle()];

Using a custom Normalizer

You can create a custom normalizer for any entity. The following snippet shows a simple CommentNormalizer. Normalizer must implement Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface interface.

// src/Serializer/Normalizer/UserNormalizer.php (SF4)
// or src/AppBundle/Serializer/Normalizer/UserNormalizer.php (SF3)

namespace App\Serializer\Normalizer;

use App\Entity\User;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface;

class UserNormalizer implements NormalizerInterface
     * Normalize a user into a set of arrays/scalars.
    public function normalize($object, $format = null, array $context = array())
        return [
            'id'       => $object->getId(),
            'username' => $object->getUsername(),

    public function supportsNormalization($data, $format = null)
        return $data instanceof User;

        // Or if you want to use it only for indexing
        // return $data instanceof User && Searchable::NORMALIZATION_FORMAT == $format;

Then we need to tag our normalizer to add it to the default serializer. In your service declaration, add the following.


        class: App\Serializer\Normalizer\UserNormalizer
        tag: serializer.normalizer
        public: false # false by default in Symfony4


    <service id="user_normalizer" class="App\Serializer\Normalizer\UserNormalizer" public="false">
        <tag name="serializer.normalizer" />

The beauty is that, by following the above example, the Author of the Post will be converted with this normalizer.

Ordering Normalizers

Because Symfony will use the first normalizer that supports your entity or format, you will want to pay close attention to the order.

The ObjectNormalizer is registered with a priority of -1000 and should always be last. All normalizers registered by default in Symfony are between -900 and -1000 and the CustomNormalizer is registered at -800.

All your normalizers should be above -800. Default priority is 0.

If this doesn't suit you, the priority can be changed in your service definition.


        class: Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DateTimeNormalizer
        name: serializer.normalizer
        priority: -100


    <service id="serializer.normalizer.datetime" class="Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DateTimeNormalizer">
        <!-- Run before serializer.normalizer.object -->
        <tag name="serializer.normalizer" priority="-100" />


Simple Search

In this example we'll search for posts. The search method will query Algolia to get matching results and then will create a doctrine collection. The data are pulled from the database (that's why you need to pass the Doctrine Manager).

Notice that I use $this->indexManager here because your IndexManager must be injected in your class. Read how to inject the IndexManager here.

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManagerForClass(Post::class);

$posts = $this->indexManager->search('query', Post::class, $em);

Raw search

If you want to get the raw results from Algolia, use the rawSearch method. This is the method you'll need to use if you want to retrieve the highlighted snippets or ranking information for instance.

$posts = $this->indexManager->rawSearch('query', Post::class);


To get a specific page, define the page (and nbResults if you want).

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManagerForClass(Post::class);

$posts = $this->indexManager->search('query', Post::class, $em, 2);
// Or
$posts = $this->indexManager->search('query', Post::class, $em, 2, 100);


$posts = $this->indexManager->count('query', Post::class);

Advanced search

Search-related methods have take a $parameters array as the last arguments. You can pass any search parameters (in the Algolia sense).

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManagerForClass(Post::class);

$posts = $this->indexManager->search('query', Post::class, $em, 0, 10, ['filters' => 'comment_count>10']);
// Or
$posts = $this->indexManager->rawSearch('query', Post::class, 0, 10, ['filters' => 'comment_count>10']);

Note that search will only take IDs and use doctrine to create a collection of entities so you can only pass parameters to modify what to search, not to modify the type of response.

If you want to modify the attributes to retrieve or retrieve data like facets, facets_stats, _rankingInfo you will need to use the rawSearch method.

$results = $this->indexManager->rawSearch('query', Post::class, 0, 10, [
  'facets' => ['*'], // Retrieve all facets
  'getRankingInfo' => true,
$results = $this->indexManager->rawSearch('query', Post::class, 0, 10, [
  'facets' => ['tags', 'year'],
  'attributesToRetrieve' => ['title', 'author_name'],
' => true,

Managing settings

Backup and restore settings

This bundle has a simple approach to settings management, everything is centralized in json files. Each engine must provide a SettingsManager class that can backup settings from the engine and push them back.

The bundle offers 2 commands to easily backup and restore settings

php bin/console search:settings:backup --indices:posts,comments
php bin/console search:settings:push --indices:posts,comments

The --indices option take a comma-separated list of index names (without prefix, as defined in configuration). If no options are passed all indices will be processed.

Settings directory

Depending on your version of Symfony, the settings will be saved in different locations:

  • Symfony4: /config/settings/algolia_search/
  • Symfony3: /app/Resources/SearchBundle/settings/

The settings directory can also be set in the configuration if you have a non-standard setup or if you wish to save them elsewhere. The project directory will automatically be prepended.

    settingsDirectory: app/search-settings/


Using Algolia Client

In some cases, you may want to access the Algolia client directly to perform advanced operations (like manage API keys, manage indices and such).

By default, the AlgoliaSearch\Client is not public in the container, but you can easily expose it. In the service file of your project, config/serices.yaml in a typical Symfony4 app, you can alias it and make it public with the following code:

        alias: algolia_client
        public: true

Or in XML

    <service id="algolia.client" alias="algolia_client" public="true" />


Here is an example of how to use the client after your registered it publicly.

class TestController extends Controller

    protected $indexManager;

    public function __construct(IndexManagerInterface $indexingManager)
        $this->indexManager = $indexingManager;

    public function testAction()
        $algoliaClient = $this->get('algolia.client');

        $index = $algoliaClient->initIndex(



Other engines

Everything related to Algolia is contained in the AlgoliaEngine class, hence it's easy to use the bundle with another search engine. It also allows you to write your own engine if you want to do things differently.

Using another Engine

Considering that you have this AnotherEngine class implementing the EngineInterface, and you want to use it, you can override the service search.engine definition in your config/services.yaml this way:

        class: Algolia\SearchBundle\Engine\AnotherEngine

Or in XML

    <service id="search.engine" class="Algolia\SearchBundle\Engine\AnotherEngine" />

About the NullEngine

The package ships with a NullEngine. This engine implements the EngineInterface interface and returns an empty array, zero or null depending on the methods. This is a great way to make sure everything works, without having to call Algolia.

You can use it for your tests but also in a dev environment.

About the AlgoliaSyncEngine

In Algolia, all indexing operations are asynchronous. The API will return a taskID and you can check if this task is completed or not, via another API endpoint.

For test purposes, we use the AlgoliaSyncEngine. It will always wait for task to be completed before returning. This engine is only auto-loaded during the tests. If you use it in your project, you can copy it into your app and modify the search.engine service definition.


Extending Engine and SettingsManager

One of the best thing about the v3 of the Algolia/SearchBundle is that you can extend it. It is open to unlimited possibilities.

There are 2 main reasons you might need to extend this package:

  • You have specific needs with Algolia
  • You want to use another search engine

Warning: To help you get started, we recommend using our skeleton project.

Create your own engine

Write new CustomEngine class

The first mandatory step to extend the bundle is to write your own Engine. It requires you to implement the EngineInterface.

If you need inspiration, the bundle ships with AlgoliaEngine and NullEngine. In the tests, you will also find an AlgoliaSyncEngine.

// src/Engine/CustomEngine

namespace App\Engine;

use Algolia\SearchBundle\Engine\EngineInterface;

class CustomEngine implements EngineInterface

    public function add($searchableEntities)
        // TODO: Implement add() method.

    public function update($searchableEntities)
        // TODO: Implement update() method.

    public function remove($searchableEntities)
        // TODO: Implement remove() method.

    public function clear($indexName)
        // TODO: Implement clear() method.

    public function delete($indexName)
        // TODO: Implement delete() method.

    public function search($query, $indexName, $page = 0, $nbResults = null, array $parameters = [])
        // TODO: Implement search() method.

    public function searchIds($query, $indexName, $page = 0, $nbResults = null, array $parameters = [])
        // TODO: Implement searchIds() method.

    public function count($query, $indexName)
        // TODO: Implement count() method.

Override the service definition

The engine is injected in the IndexManager simply by changing the service definition of search.engine. It will use your brand new class.

    class: App\Engine\CustomEngine
    public: true

Create your own settings manager

You may need to change the way settings are handled. In this case, you can define your own search.settings_manager.

If you are using the console command, the $params argument is a list of index plus all other arguments passed to the command.

// src/Engine/CustomEngine

namespace App\Engine;

use Algolia\SearchBundle\Settings\SettingsManagerInterface;

class CustomSettingsManager implements EngineInterface

    public function backup(array $params)
        // TODO: Implement backup() method.

    public function push(array $params)
        // TODO: Implement push() method.

### Override the service definition

The engine is injected in the `IndexManager` simply by changing the service definition
of `search.engine`. It will use your brand new class.

    class: App\Engine\CustomSettingsManager
    public: true


No serializer service found

If you aren't using the symfony/framework-bundle or the symfony/serializer component you may not have any service called serializer. The serializer component is a requirement to this bundle but the configuration is part of the framework-bundle.

You can enable the serializer in your app/config/services.yml file:

  serializer: { enabled: true }

It's recommended to let the framework-bundle register it rather than doing your own configuration, unless you know what you're doing.

The group annotation was not taken into account

Make sure the serializer annotation is enabled in your configuration. You can enable it in your app/config/services.yml file:

  serializer: { enabled: true, enable_annotations: true }


Seamless integration of Algolia Search into your Symfony project.







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