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getopt for go

This is a getopt implementation for go with the following feature set:

  • proper short- and long-opt support
  • automatically create help and usage text
  • set options via environment variables
  • config file support



Usage example

The following examle is included in the example folder, in order to run it, install go-getopt, cd example and do a


and try out different calls (make will give instructions)

Source code

package main

import (
  getopt ""

func main() {
  optionDefinition := getopt.Options{
    {"debug|d|DEBUG",            "debug mode",             getopt.Optional | getopt.Flag,                 false},
    {"config|c",                 "config file",            getopt.IsConfigFile | getopt.ExampleIsDefault, "./config_sample.conf"},
    {"ports|p|PORTS",            "ports",                  getopt.Optional | getopt.ExampleIsDefault,     []int64{3000, 3001, 3002}},
    {"sports|s|SECONDARY_PORTS", "secondary ports",        getopt.Optional | getopt.NoLongOpt,            []int{5000, 5001, 5002}},
    {"instances||INSTANCES",     "instances",              getopt.Required,                               4}
    {"keys||KEYS",               "keys",                   getopt.Required,                               []{"foo", "bar", "baz"}},
    {"logfile||LOGFILE",         "logfile",                getopt.Optional | getopt.NoEnvHelp,            "/var/log/foo.log"},
    {"file",                     "files",                  getopt.IsArg,                                  ""}
    {"directories",              "directories",            getopt.IsArg | getopt.Optional,                ""},
    {"pass through",             "pass through arguments", getopt.IsPassThrough | getopt.Optional,        ""},

  options, arguments, passThrough, e := optionDefinition.ParseCommandLine()

  if e != nil {
    description := "this is a small sample application for getopt demonstration"
    exit_code := 0
    switch {
      case e.ErrorCode == getopt.WantsUsage:
      case e.ErrorCode == getopt.WantsHelp:
        fmt.Println("**** Error: ", e.Message, "\n", optionDefinition.Help(description))
        exit_code = e.ErrorCode

  fmt.Printf("debug: %#v\n",          options["debug"].Bool)
  fmt.Printf("config: %#v\n",         options["config"].String)
  fmt.Printf("ports: %#v\n",          options["ports"].IntArray)
  fmt.Printf("secondaryports: %#v\n", options["sports"].IntArray)
  fmt.Printf("instances: %#v\n",      options["instances"].Int)
  fmt.Printf("keys: %#v\n",           options["keys"].StrArray)
  fmt.Printf("logfile: %#v\n",        options["logfile"].String)
  fmt.Printf("files: %#v\n",          options["files"].StrArray)

  fmt.Printf("arguments: %#v\n", arguments)
  fmt.Printf("passThrough: %#v\n", passThrough)

Help output

Calling the help of this programs generates the following output:

$ ./getopt-sample-app --help
Usage: getopt-sample-app [-d] -c <config> [-p <ports>] [-s <sports>] --instances=<instances> --keys=<keys> [--logfile=<logfile>] <file> [<directories>] [-- <pass through>]
this is a small sample application for getopt demonstration

    -d, --debug                       debug mode (e.g. false); setable via $DEBUG
    -c, --config=<config>             config file (default: ./config_sample.conf)
    -p, --ports=<ports>               ports (default: 3000,3001,3002); setable via $PORTS
    -s <sports>                       secondary ports (e.g. 5000,5001,5002); setable via $SECONDARY_PORTS
        --instances=<instances>       instances (e.g. 4); setable via $INSTANCES
        --keys=<keys>                 keys (e.g. foo,bar,baz); setable via $KEYS
        --logfile=<logfile>           logfile (e.g. /var/log/foo.log)
    -h, --help                        usage (-h) / detailed help text (--help)

    <file>                            files
    <directories>                     directories

Pass through arguments:
    <pass through>                    pass through arguments

play around with the program to see how it behaves with ENV variables and the different included configuration files -- there should not be any surprises.

Options struct explained

The options you pass to the Options struct have the following structure:

{"<longopt>|<shortopt>|<ENVVAR>", "<description for help text>", <options>         , <default or example value>}
  • <longopt>: the long option name that can passed to your program with --<long_opt>. Furthermore, this value will be the key under which this value is available in the options map. Long opt values need to be separated by a whitespace or an '=': --logfile /tmp/log.txt or --logfile=/tmp/log.txt. If you don't want this option to have a long-opt style, pass getopt.NoLong in the options.
  • <shortopt>: short option letter ... leave it out if you only want a long opt style for this option. Short opt values can be separated by a whitespace: -l /tmp/log.txt' or nothing: -l/tmp/log.txt'
  • <ENVVAR>: if you want to let users set this option via an environment varialbe, put the name of the env variable here. If you want long opt style + env variable but not short opt style, pass in "<longopt>||ENV_VAR"
  • the string in description will be used to create the help text
  • <options>:
    • getopt.Required: this options is required. If it is not passed in, ParseCommandLine will return an error
    • getopt.Optional: can be set
    • getopt.Flag: this option does not have a value ... it'll toggle the default value
    • getopt.NoLongOpt: don't accept longopt for this option
    • getopt.ExampleIsDefault: needs to go along with getopt.Optional -- if this option is not set, its defaut value is taken (see )
    • getopt.IsArg: this is an argument, not an option (see example above: file / directories)
    • getopt.Usage: this is the shortopt option that shows the usage text (if no options has this flag, '-h' is the default option for usage)
    • getopt.Help: this is the longopt option that shows the help text (if no options has this flag, '--help' is the default option for help)
    • getopt.IsPassThrough: pass through arguments
    • getopt.IsConfigFile: this option accepts the name of a config file
    • getopt.NoEnvHelp: don't show ENV variable help text for this option
  • <default or example value>: is a default value for optional options that have the getopt.ExampleIsDefault flag set and an example vaule for required options. Can be empty strings. For optional options, if a nil example is set, the options map won't contain an entry if this option is not passed in by a user. If set to a value different to nil, the options map will contain the default value if the user does not pass in the option. Types of the values will be saved as stated here.

Configuration File

I you want your program to have a configuration file, you can use the included config file parser. Configuration have to be of the form of bash env var definitions -- all other lines are excluded:

# this line will be ignored as it is not of the form /^[A-z0-9_.,]+=.*$/

the option for setting the config file needs to get the IsConfigFile flag (see example)

The ParseCommandLine method

The ParseCommandLine method returns four values:

  • options: a map with the parsed options; access an option by doing options["<longopt>"].<type> where type is one of the following (depending on the example value you passed in for the respective option:
    • Bool of type bool
    • String of type string
    • Int of type int64
    • StrArray of type []string
    • IntArray of type []int64
  • arguments: arguments the command received of type []string
  • passThrough: pass through arguments of type []stringthat were passed after the delimiting --, helpful if you want to pass through parameters for a sub command
  • err: error of type *GetOptError, is nil if no error occured


getopt implementation in go (flags-alternative closer to gnu getopt)







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