It is a project made with ReactJS to see the statistics of cryptocurrencies and their value at all times.
This repo is created for the Hacktoberfest 2022. The project is designed for all types of programmers, no matter what level. You can make changes in the UI-UX/readme or also create graphs or play with the cryptocurrency api.
You may feel like what is there for you. So I thought this Hacktoberfest would be Perfect time in which you can contribute to this Repo and I'll Merge your PR's. But I need Genuine Ideas and Innovative way we can make this Happen. I Feel we have the Power to pull this off
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- React - Coingecko APIFork this Repo
cripto@nita:~$ npm install
cripto@nita:~$ npm start
Open in http://localhost:3000
- PRs beyond our open issues are welcome but make sure your contributions are meaningful and beneficial to other users otherwise your PR may be closed and marked as ‘invalid’.
- Issues before PRs. If you plan to make a contribution, please make sure there is an issue for it. You can either find an existing issue or open a new issue if none exists.
- You are welcome to make your first contribution to this repo.